New Moon Message 01/11/43/120

Dear Friends,

This New Moon we have seen the betrayal of the US people emerge full blown in the corrupt activities of the US Congress in both houses from both sides.  As well as playing out the corrupt charade they staged a riot among the Trump supporters by trucking in at least one busload of Antifa rioters and the founder of the BLM thugs was seen in the Capitol filming as a Trump supporter was shot. The MSM has displayed their globalist Marxist bias and confirmed they are part of the problem.  

Anyone who criticises the role of the Marxists and the BLM and Antifa terrorists or points out their crimes is labelled a conspiracy theorist and calls are made that they are shut down. They are denigrated.  This week a Liberal MP in Victoria correctly exposed the role of Antifa in the riots and how they were bussed into DC and they provoked the riots and stormed the Capitol.  It was all known and planned and the Democrat mayor of DC stood down the police before the riots and the police stood idly by as the riots occurred.  They were planned.  Two Globalist MPs in the same Liberal party in Victoria denounced the honest MP that exposed it all as a “Conspiracy Theorist.”  This is the standard Marxist Globalist attack. When they are discovered in a crime they denounce those who expose it as “Conspiracy Theorists.”  Just as those of us who pointed out the impossibility of the 9-11 collapses were labelled conspiracy theorists and crackpots. There are over 1500 architects and explosives experts now claiming it was a deliberate controlled demolition. So also have every-one else that exposes their criminal activities been labelled a conspiracy theorist or a “nutter” or “religious crank” or whatever accusation can be thrown at them.  The MSM are now calling for all those who support Trump or question this massive electoral fraud be labelled as “terrorists” and to be removed from the congress and/or arrested. So also those throughout the US that support him are included. They are being removed from Twitter and Facebook including the President. Those two corporations and their key officers, and the MSM have to be arrested and the corporations broken up under the anti-trust laws. Massive Orwellian censorship is now underway using the tech corporations.

They were trying to impeach President Trump on Monday 11 January 2021 and then it is to be on Wednesday 13 January if Vice President Pence does not remove the President under the 25th Amendment which is outside the intention of the Amendment in any case and unlawful.  It is in effect a coup.  The reason is so that he is no longer able to arrest the fraudsters and the criminals in the Congress before 21 January. There have been so many crimes committed and so many trillions have been stolen from the US people that the so-called “Deep State” which controls the US congress and administration is desperate to stop Trump from exposing them all. Why do you think none have been arrested?  The Clinton Foundation has not been placed on trial and the officers have not been imprisoned. Nor have Biden and his son. However the people are now awakening and they will not stop. Over half the population know it is a massive fraud and the authorities will not take action.

President Trump should, and now must declare martial law and arrest these people and place them before military tribunals and we should see them hanged. That is the main reason why they are so terrified and treasonous. The people must not stop until they are arrested and on trial. They can force the arrests and trials and use the recall process for others. President Trump is reported to have, last week, activated the Insurrection Act of 1807. Matters are now in train.

Italy has now been found to have taken part in the fraud using its Leonardo facilities and the Vatican Satellites to take part in the election fraud in the US.  That is an act of war. So also Spain, Serbia, Iran, Russia and China were reportedly involved. This is a world globalist coup and we should stop pretending it is not. The silence and lies are an utter disgrace. The Globalist purge has commenced and the democracies will fight or die. Freedom is under threat. The NWO will form as Scripture cannot be broken but the US and BC does not need to be part of it.

What will the people do? What can they do? On Friday Senator Lindsey Graham went to the airport. No one knew he was going to be there.  The people who saw him immediately began to accuse him and ridicule him for being a traitor to the people.  It is obvious that he has no future in politics and he knows it. The same with Pence, Romney, Graham, McConnell, and all the other Republicans in both the Senate and the Representatives that remained silent or supported the Democrats in this fraud. At the least they must purge the “RINOs” from the Party and the Congress. No Globalist must be allowed to remain in the Congress, or the Administration, in the US.  So also must it be in AU and UK and Canada and NZ. No person in any parliament who is a Globalist must be allowed to remain in power anywhere. Anyone who supports the Globalists or uses Globalist rhetoric must be opposed in every seat in which they exist. The ABC AU must be purged for its part in the rhetoric.

To combat it effectively, there has to be a new party formed immediately based on the Ten Commandments as per Exodus 20 and as per Exodus 18:21-25, Deut. 1:15; Numbers 11:24-26. The process of taking back power has to be commenced immediately for the Democracies to survive. All politicians on both sides of the house that supported the fraud and betrayed Trump’s efforts have to be recalled or arrested as they are involved in crimes. They must face new elections with opponents from the new Patriot etc., Party. This is not a game. It is a battle for our very survival. This is just another part of the Wars against Amalek in the Final Days.  This aspect is also covered in the papers Wars of the End Part I. Wars of Amalek (No. 141C)  and also in the paper Wars of the End Part IVb: End of the Age (No. 141F_2).

Laws against corruption have to be implemented immediately in all nations with independent commissions at all levels. Abortion, and the selling of its tissue, has to be stopped.  Known crimes have to be ordered prosecuted. The Supreme Courts in all countries and the Highest Court in each country has to be investigated and the Justices investigated.  All Globalist operators have to be removed from the administrations as well as the parliaments.  All foreign investment from China and Globalists has to be stopped forthwith. The UN has to be defunded for the Globalist stooge that it is. All central banks have to be nationalised.

Those that have been exposed and involved in the frauds and those involved from the congress and the administration have to be arrested, including those of the supposed incoming administration. The thousands of sealed indictments have to be implemented and those arrested tried under military tribunals.

The State and District Judiciary has to be investigated.  All who took funds from Zuckerberg of Facebook or others have to be recalled and disciplined, as does the administration and electoral officials. All donations to congress by any source whatsoever have to be prohibited with severe penalties.  The US Political system has been turned into one of total prostitution. Other nations are following suit.

The nations of Israel have to be run according to the Laws of God (L1) otherwise they will be sent into captivity to those of the New World Order. They will be made to serve with rigour and under harsh conditions and they will be destroyed systematically.  We will not have finished fleeing through the cities of Israel until the son of man comes (Mat. 10:23). Act now or suffer later.

CCG throughout the whole world is to pray for the resolution of this crisis in the US and the punishment of all the corrupt officials in the entire nations. Use none of the corporations supporting the Globalist fraud and censorship.

Remember also that the Churches of God will continue to be punished for their Ditheist/Binitarian heresies (076) and (076B) and also for their keeping of the Hillel Calendar, or for keeping pagan calendars. Those sinning with these aspects ensure they have no safety in the Hand of God or anywhere else for that matter. The elect have to keep God’s Calendar (No. 156) under the Fourth Commandment to survive into the Millennium let alone make the First Resurrection (No. 143A).

Pray that we are able to rectify the situation for our people and enlist the intervention of God. These conflicts will grow but our capacity to limit its effects on our people will determine or mitigate its effects on us. For years we have prayed that God tear the face off the US political and administrative corruption and at last He is doing that.

As was said above, it will happen but if we do nothing and leave it to the Messiah to come and fix it we will contribute to our own punishment (cf. also Wars of the End Part II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D)).

Wade Cox
Coordinator General