New Moon 01/04/44/120

Dear Friends,

This is the New Moon of the Fourth Month named Tammuz after the god for whom Israel was brought into sin at Sinai when Moses brought them out of Egypt to Sinai.  Moses was given the outline of the plan of the Law and then was sent up the mountain for the tablets and then came down after 40 days.  The sequence is covered in the paper Ascents of Moses (No. 70).  The chosen people of Israel were corrupted by false doctrine that they had taken out of Egypt and the fundamental cause of the corruption was within the priesthood itself.  As soon as Moses had ascended the mountain to speak with the Angel of the Presence they wished to construct the Golden Calf (No. 222) which was the symbol of the Moon God and the Baal system in the Middle East. It came in various forms as the Mother Goddess cult of Easter or Ishtar or as Ashtoreth, consort of Baal from the Cults in the Levant.  This New Moon we will deal with the Ascents of Moses (No. 070) and this Sabbath we will review the Golden Calf (No. 222). When Moses was sent up the mountain it was to be expected that the trouble makers under Dathan would foment rebellion but the major problem was that the Levites who were their priests and scribes and temple attendants did not keep them under control. Their idolatry and immorality were so great that the being whom God had sent as the Angel of the Presence to give Moses the Law had to tell Moses to get down because Israel had corrupted themselves. This being was the being sent to redeem Israel as the person we know as Jesus Christ. The references to this are in multiple places such as Genesis 48:15-16; Deut. 32:8; Job 33:23, Ps. 45:6-7; Heb. 1:8-9; Jn. 17:5; Acts 7 (F044ii) and 1 Cor. 10:1-4 (F046ii).   Christ put everyone who disobeyed the law and his directions to death, from breaches of the Sabbath and the Calendar to the Korahite rebellion headed by the Levites (Num. 16:1-35). 3000 Levites were put to death over the Golden Calf at the hands of Moses and Joshua and the Levites and tribes themselves.

We are now in the Last Days and we are about to face the Witnesses and the Return of the Messiah. The Churches of God were weakened over the last days by false doctrine that came in from the failure of the churches in the US.  They were given the false doctrines that were developed by the Trinitarian systems that taught that Christ came into being through formation in the womb of the virgin Mariam; thus denying the Pre-existence of Jesus Christ (No. 243).  This view was introduced by plants from the Trinitarians or Freemasons.  The Radio Church of God (RCG) later the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) was responsible for this massive false doctrine because Herbert Armstrong had no theological training and did not comprehend the doctrines nor teach them correctly. Consequently they were riddled by Dithesm (No. 076B)  and Binitarianism and Trinitarianism (No. 076). and also variations on Socinianism, Arianism and Unitarianism (No. 185), all of which were misidentified and misapplied.

Herbert Armstrong was not properly baptised and would never have been allowed to hold office in his church or any of the offshoots stemming from his organisation after its collapse. Because the offshoots are so riddled with false doctrine a move has started to get Radical Unitarianism underway in AU and the US and elsewhere.
Unless one knows what one teaches, and identifies it correctly, and defines the doctrine it is open to misidentification and misrepresentation. UCG has failed to identify its doctrines and skips between Binitarianism and Trinitarianism and Ditheism and Radical Unitarianism. Some biblical Unitarians are allowed to meander its halls but sometimes they are not allowed to remain as most are removed by the Trinitarian plants among the ministry. LCG is a bit more definitive being comprised of Ditheists and Binitarians.  None really understand what it is they teach.  I saw their ministry explaining that they were neither Ditheists or Binitarians, not offering any doctrinal position: while others of their ministry were explaining they were Binitarians. The reality is that they do not realise the origin of their Binitarianism which was in fact based or originated in the doctrines of Baal based on the sect of Attis (cf. Origins of Christmas and Easter (No. 235)).  

Wade Cox
Coordinator General