Sabbath 15/08/43/120

Dear Friends,

This Sabbath we release the Commentary on 1Timothy (F054). The texts on Timothy and Titus have been attacked as not “really Pauline” as they do not conform to what the Trinitarians think should be the true position of Paul in that they are not antinomian enough and they are clearly Unitarian Subordinationist. So their true meanings have to be concealed and denigrated in order to uphold the false doctrines of the so called academics and priests who would rather impugn the integrity of the Bible text than admit that the Bible text is a consistent Unitarian text that upholds the laws of God (L1).

Very soon the Witnesses will be here and they will restore all things and restore the nexus of the law (Mal.4:5). The pseudo-academics and Trinitarian priests of the Mystery and Sun Cults will be destroyed through their own deceit and evil, and through the evil of the Beast system itself which seeks to control and destroy the world (WWIII: The Empire of the Beast (No. 299A) and WWIII Part II: The Whore and the Beast (No 299B)).

Before we go into the full Empire of the Beast and under the ministry of the Witnesses we will have to face the Wars of the End Part I: The Wars of Amalek (No. 141C). In those wars we will face the death of over one third of the planet and up to half of mankind.  Then mankind will be offered repentance under Enoch and Elijah who will be sent by God for that purpose (Wars of the End Part II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D)). Not only will they not repent under the Witnesses, they will kill them due to the false teachings, lies and deceit of the pseudo academics and the Trinitarian and other Satanic religious systems.

At the end of their 42 months the time is up. The world will kill the Witnesses but the Messiah and Host will be sent and on the morning of the Fourth day, after the Witnesses are killed and lie dead in the streets for 3.5 days, the Messiah arrives with the Loyal host. 

The entire world systems that do not take advantage of the Witnesses’ opportunity at repentance and salvation over the first two years of their witness will be denied entry to the Spiritual Temple of God and the Body of Christ and will not enter the First Resurrection (cf. Wars of the End Part III: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E)). Every false priest and pseudo academic that does not repent and commence speaking/teaching the truth and keeping the laws of God will be denied entry to the Temple of God and go through the wars of Christ and the Vials of the Wrath of God. 

Remember that the Measurement of the Temple (No. 137) began in 1987 and was to carry on over the entire Forty years to 2027.  The time for a person to retain their position in the Temple of God is long past. If you have not abandoned the Hillel Calendar or any other false system and not adopted the Temple Calendar (cf. God’s Calendar (No. 156)) by the first two years of the Witnesses then you will not enter the First Resurrection as a Spiritual Being.  If you wish to enter the millennial system as a human being then you must have abandoned Hillel and any false doctrines on Binitarianism or Trinitarianism (No. 076) or Ditheism (076B).  No one claiming to be a Jew no matter what DNA and keeping Hillel will be allowed to live into the Millennium. To live into the Millennium all must repent before it starts.  All not keeping the faith and the Temple Calendar under the Philadelphian system, under the Law of God (L1) will be required to face the Wars of the End Part IIIB: War Against Christ (No. 141E_2); and the Vials of the Wrath of God (cf. also Wars of the End Part IV: End of False Religion (No. 141F).  The Time Frame of the 1335 days of the end is covered in the text Commentary on Daniel: Epilogue (F027xiii).  Do not leave it to chance. There is a great consequence.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General