Sabbath 11/6/43/120

Dear Friends,

Today is to prepare for the Feast of Tabernacles which occurs in the Seventh Month.  It was in this Sixth month that Moses ended his ascents to Mount Sinai to meet with the being that was to become Christ and to record the Laws of God (L1).  The Six Ascents and descents are all recorded and discussed in the paper Ascents of Moses (No. 070).  

This year we are faced with the weaponised virus released in Wuhan China and we have significant restriction for the Feast and our meetings.  We will attempt to have as many online meetings as possible so that we are able to overcome the isolation and we are able to have as much time together as possible over the feast.

We will do our best to have as many new papers also to provide online studies of new materials so that we are
given encouraging studies. The US system will attempt to have as many services as possible organised and also with the French work.

So while we are isolated and no matter how tightly locked down we are, we are able to have online services with each of the local areas and tie some nations together who are very isolated. Email Donovan at the Online facilities in Wisconsin and the if you wish to take part.

Remember, we are all heading towards the coming of the Witnesses and the Messiah and it is all very close to the Intervention of God now. Be encouraged and encourage one another. Do the best we can to remain free of the virus and quarantine efficiently.  It is worthwhile noting that not one of us anywhere in the world in all our numbers has to date contracted the virus. Although at the time of recording we were advised that one family in India has contracted the virus. Protect one another so that we remain healthy and safe.

Prepare for the Feast and the Holy Days so that we are able to enjoy the feast and to eat the fat and drink the sweet as Nehemiah encouraged us in the Restoration (Neh. 8:10).

There are many of us praying for one another and we have every reason to be encouraged.  I had to address some hard topics recently but I do not want any of us to be discouraged. The future ahead of us is very bright and we now look forward to a magnificent future especially our children who will go into the Millennium under the Messiah and the Elect. There will be no wars and plenty such that we will never hunger or thirst and always be assured of health and safety.

Keep the faith and pray for and encourage one another.

 Wade Cox
Coordinator General