Sabbath 5/10/43/120

Dear Friends

This Sabbath we will study Commentary on Ephesians (F049).  However, first it is important to study the paper Paul: Part I Paul and the Law (No. 271).  In that work we will see that the apostles, including Paul, kept the Law of God. It is a great tragedy that most people claiming to be Christians are in fact apostate heretics and will not enter the Kingdom of God. So also people claiming to be Muslims, that teach contrary to Scripture and teach that Sharia has replaced the Law of God, will die in their sins and not inherit the Kingdom of God (cf. Christianity and Islam in the Covenant of God (No. 096C)).

It is only when the Witnesses get here and these people are faced with the fact that they are neither Christians nor Muslims, which are one and the same thing, that they will finally realise they are Baal-worshipping Antinomian heretics and they will have to repent or die.

They will try to kill the Witnesses and finally when they succeed they will be faced with Messiah and Armageddon (No. 141E) and then they will go to War against Christ (No. 141E_2).  Rather than obey God under Christ they will die in the billions. That time is about to burst upon us. 

Please pray to tear the face off  the corruption in the US and BC in all their admin stations and set us aside as much as possible from the destruction about to burst upon us.

I was impressed by the zeal of the church on the New Moon as they kept asking questions after services for almost five hours including the service. Some in the US stuck it out until after 1AM and many Africans got up at 2AM and lasted until 8AM.  It is zeal according to knowledge. I am sure that God is pleased with the church in such hard work.

We wish us all well in the further studies and I hope to have more papers done soon.

Keep on in the righteousness of the saints.

Best wishes to all the saints.


Wade Cox
Coordinator General