New Moon 01/09/43/120

Dear Friends,

We are at the New Moon of the Ninth Month Chislev.  We are facing increasing problems and dangers as was outlined in the Sabbath and New Moon back to back systems in 28/120. That message is still relevant.  The time is now getting on and we are in the final phase of the Last Days.  The paper released for this New Moon follows on from the Commentary on 1Thessalonians (F052). It is the second paper of the Commentary on 2Thessalonians (F053).

An important paper for study on this New Moon is also Commentary on Daniel – Epilogue (F027xiii). The US is in serious trouble over the electoral fraud and the utter dishonesty in its electoral system advanced by the Democrats.  Only the courts can save the US from civil unrest. In the end the entire media in the US and in the West will be destroyed by the distrust they have conspired to bring about. Even one of the principal officers of Biden is now threatening violence and the silencing of FB and social media because they are being exposed.

In this message we will look at the 1335 days dealt with in the Commentary on Daniel at chapter 12 and the Epilogue (above) and we will examine the two alternatives for the ways in which the 1335 days can play out in the role of the Intervention of God in the affairs of men and the implementation of the millennial system.  We are eagerly awaiting the Messiah and our fellow workers are all lying asleep in their graves awaiting the Resurrection. Contrary to the teaching of the Baal worshippers teaching from Rome and the US apostate systems no one has gone to heaven save Christ who came down from heaven (Jn. 3:13). All of us, including the prophets and patriarchs, save Enoch and Elijah, lying in their graves are awaiting the resurrection as we see explained in both Daniel and in 1 and 2 Thessalonians above.  Anyone who says that when they die they go to heaven is not a Christian but is a Baal worshipping antinomian infidel (cf. First Resurrection (No. 143A)). They will all be consigned to the Second Resurrection (No. 143B) ca. 1000 years later after the Millennium when we will retrain them and they will not be able to kill us anymore.  They will obey and keep the Laws of God and His system or they will die and be cast in the Lake of Fire and be cremated and be brought to mind no more.

God will decide when the time frame shall be cut short and when to intervene.  The time to intervene will be decided and the point of the intervention was set in train before the foundation of the world.  He selected two officers among men and took them forwards in time from two different points in time.  The first man was the patriarch Enoch who stood as witness against the demons and the world and he “was not” for God took him (Gen. 5:21-24). The second man was the prophet Elijah who was taken in the chariot of God in the sight of Elisha and the prophets. Elijah the Tishbite was called to witness in Israel and he shut up the heavens for three and a half years except at his word (1Kgs. 17:1- 2Kgs. 21:12).  He was given the power to call fire from heaven and killed those who would not respect him as the man of God. He also had power to destroy the 450 priests of Baal and the Baals or lords of Baal and destroy their worship in Israel including the festival of the Sun God (Jer. 10:1-9), now called Christmas in pseudo Christianity, and Easter where they baked cakes to Tammuz (cf. Origins of Christmas and Easter (No. 235)). He was also given Elisha as an assistant and he also was given the power to kill those who disrespected or opposed him. However Elisha was not taken forwards with Elijah.  That person was Enoch. God is quite clear that He will send Elijah forwards in the Last Days, as He said through the prophet Malachi (Mal. 4:5).   These powers all look forward to the Last Days when the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11:3ff were to be sent forwards in intervention (see also Daniel chapter 12 and Epilogue above).  

All these powers and conflicts point forward to the pseudo Christians and pseudo Muslims and the other false religions on the planet extant now in the Last Days of the so-called 21st century. Enoch and Elijah will commence to destroy these false religions and especially the Mother Goddess cults including Mariolatry in pseudo Christianity. They will commence to destroy all the priests of these false systems of the Sun and Mystery cults.
As we see from the chart in The Commentary on Daniel – Epilogue (F027xiii) the Witnesses arrive and that commences the Intervention of God.  That time is unknown to all, even the prophets of God, who only know the rough time frame in which they will arrive. It was completely misapprehended by the Churches of God in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.  The end phase of the Sardis system lapsed into an idolatrous relationship and they decided that the false prophet Armstrong was to be Elijah and so they had no capacity to divorce fact from fiction and were thus unable to understand the Witnesses (No. 135) and because of that they were unable to ascertain the prophet of Dan Ephraim of Jeremiah 4:15-27 and the Philadelphian system that were to precede the Witnesses (cf. Warning of the Last Days (No. 044)). They also then invented the false doctrine of the Place of Safety (No. 194) and as coercion for the doubters of the shaky crew, they invented the Fallacy of the Third Resurrection (No. 166).

The Witnesses can arrive in one of two times or seasons of the year.  They can arrive in the Feast of the Passover as we saw in the time of the occupation of Israel from the “Rolling” of the sins at Gilgal with the circumcision and the taking of Jericho as we saw in the Fall of Jericho (No. 142). Jericho symbolised the Gentile false religions that were to be destroyed in the Last Days (cf. Wars of the End Part IV: End of False Religion (No. 141F). Rahab and her family symbolised the converts into Israel that were to enter the millennial system after the Advent of the Messiah (cf. Wars of the End Part III: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E) and Wars of the End Part IIIB: War Against Christ (No. 141E_2)).  

The other alterative is that the Day of Trumpets may commence God’s Intervention with the sending of the Witnesses and then the world will be subject to the situation as examined in the Wars of the End Part II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D). In either case the 1260 days will take place dealing with the false teachers of the Sun and Mystery cults emanating from Rome and its offshoots in London, Athens, Moscow, and in Islam.  

Given these two alternatives, the “Night of Watching” on 15 Abib at the Passover is either the Watching, in expectation of the Messiah as it was at Gilgal, or the Witnesses commencing God’s Intervention of the 1335 days of Daniel Chapter 12 leading up to the Messiah.

The only thing that is certain is that these false religious systems, and their devotees that will not repent, will be destroyed and the unrepentant killed.

The Treble Harvest must take place under God’s Law at Leviticus 25:21. That will take place in order for the Sabbath and Jubilee years to take effect in 2026 and 2027 under Messiah and the world briefed in order to keep the Laws of God (L1) correctly. No antinomian heretic, or pseudo Christian, not keeping the Laws of God will enter the millennial system.  From 2025 on no nation will suffer hunger or famine except in punishment of the breach of God’s Laws and failure to keep the Temple Calendar, which is God’s Calendar (No. 156) (Isa. 66:23-24; Zech. 14:16-19). Anyone keeping the Jewish Hillel Calendar will have been put to death by 2025. That includes the offshoots of the Churches of God.

Given these finite time frames we expect the Messiah arriving at The Seventh Month Tishri 2025 at the latest with the Seventy Days of the Wars of Armageddon (30) and the Vials of the Wrath of God (40) taking place over Tishri and the Eighth Month and on up to the Full Moon of the Ninth Month ending the Reorganisation for the Treble harvest.

That means the Witnesses must arrive 1260 Days beforehand at Jerusalem. That would mean that they had to take place from the Passover of 2022.  If the Witnesses were to come at Trumpets and not Passover then they would have to come by Trumpets 2021. That would mean that the War of the Sixth Trumpet would have to come before September 2021.

Christ said that we were to pray that, once the abomination that makes desolate is on the Temple Mount and the people flee Jerusalem, was not to be in the winter or on a Sabbath (Mat. 24:20). Given these parameters, the war would have to commence from December 2020 to February 2022. The War of the Fifth Trumpet was already released by the Chinese and the Globalists at end 2019 over 2020. That plague will simply escalate now into the War of the Sixth Trumpet (Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C), Trumpets (No. 136) and The Seven Trumpets (No. 141)).

Also Christ said that we would not have finished fleeing through the cities of Israel until the Son of Man comes (Mat. 10:23). Israel is spread throughout the world now and so we will expect the troubles over the 1264 + days. 

 We can thus deduce that the conflicts will now escalate to the preparation for total war and the massive thermo nuclear conflict we know as the War of the Sixth Trumpet being initiated in Winter and perhaps even on the Sabbath and that will be a critical time. 

 After that war the NWO under the UN system will occupy the Holy Land and establish its HQ in Gaza up to Jerusalem. The sequence is explained in the War of Hamon Gog (No. 294). The northern powers will then control the forces over the Middle East and establish the last sequence of the final Holocaust which will commence 80 years from the worst phase of the Nazi Holocaust of 1941 to 1945 and lasts for another 1260 days or a time, times and half a time until the Messiah comes to stop it.  Over this time the Beast will be formed and then it will wipe out the whore over the world in preparation for the Restoration (cf. WWIII, Empire of the Beast (No. 299A) and WWIII: The Whore and the Beast (No. 299B) and Wars of the End Part V: Restoration for the Millennium (No. 141G)).

The time is up and God is not interested in whatever error and cult we belonged to over the rule of Satan; except if we were loyal and obedient; and we were baptised faithful of the patriachs and prophets and the Churches of God over the 6000 years.

We all had our chance and we made errors and we persecuted those who kept the faith and tried to keep God’s Laws (L1).  Every infidel, liar and cheat that claimed to worship God and obey Him under Christ but lied and broke His Laws will be stamped out. Every person that teaches that God's Laws are done away will be killed.  Humans only have one choice and that is to choose whether they live or die. If they choose death then they will be resurrected again at the end of the millennial system and retrained. Then they will face the second death and repent or die finally for the second and last time. The choice will always be the persons to make, but it will be God that decides the heart.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General


Daniel 12 and Revelation 11 and the 1335 days

1335 Days