Sabbath 19/12/41/120

Dear Friends,

This week we saw the National Emergency declared in the US and it has been opposed by the Congress and the Neocons as well on the “other” side of the House. It should be obvious now to the proverbial Blind Freddy that there is only one brand in the US Congress and the President is surrounded by corruption and fools and Globalists.  The first year was ruined by the petty stupidity of his own family that saw Chris Christie’s Transition manuals destroyed and the leaks in the WH are simply treasonous. The President is surrounded by traitors.

One can only stand back amazed at the incredible gullibility of the US people as they swallow the lies of the MSM and also as AU and UK swallow the ABC AU and the BBC propaganda. There is however some light at the end of the tunnel.  The city of New York has just come to realise how much damage the Cortez woman (AOC) has done to them with the loss of the 25,000  jobs which she seems unable to realise would flow from  complete stupidity and economic ignorance. There is now a billboard in Times Square that explains the situation clearly to NYC.

Today we received an invitation by the Chifley Research Centre to go and listen to John Podesta explain the situation in the US under the Trump Administration. Only Fabian Socialists would try to pull this stunt off in AU.

In a month the Brexit will crash out of Europe and the UK will increase in prosperity.  Civil Insurrection is coming to Europe and the conflict in US will continue to increase. They are now beginning to realise that these so-called “Refugees” are really a Muslim invasion and they are about to deal with it.

Remember that this week is the end of the real Purim as we explained in Commentary on Esther Part II; Purim in the Last Days (No. F017B). The Hillel Calendar under the Kabbalists place it in the Thirteenth Month this year.  Because they invent new rules under the Hillel abomination they will have the pleasure of facing two months of it all before the New Moon of the New Year.

There is to be a reorganisation to cope with the Globalist destruction of the economy and that reorganisation will become the New World Order reconstruction after the NATO power occupies the Middle East as we explained in the paper Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C). We will then follow on to the Witnesses as we explained in Wars of the End Part II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D). The world will not listen except for the few destined to be called for the First Resurrection as we explain in the Wars of the End Part III: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E).

We also explained in Wars of the End Part IIIB: War Against Christ (No. 141F) why the world will march against Messiah at his return. Even the Churches of God are at serious risk of the Second Resurrection because of their failure to study and repent.

The good news is that we are watching the One True God take people out of the offshoots of the COGs and also from the other churches as He deems fit. This Passover we will have over 130 new churches with, it seems, well over 10,000 people to be baptised for Passover. This is the largest series of groups in a month for the beginning of the year we have ever experienced. The nearest thing to it was when Uganda was inducted and some of the large groups in Uganda were inducted over a similar time. God is dealing with people all over the world and many are not of the Sabbath systems but are being converted into the Truth (No. 168). Some are from the offshoots. Pray we are able to induct all safely and establish them correctly.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General