Sabbath Message 3/10/42/120

Dear Friends,

This week and the week ahead we go through the absolute insanity and lies of the  worshippers of Baal and the Mother goddess system of the Sun and Mystery Cults. What they do is against God’s Laws and is forbidden by the Bible itself in Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5, Jeremiah 10:1-9.

The false systems did not come into the Churches of God and the nations making up our people until Easter came into the apostate nations in 192 CE under the Quartodeciman Disputes (No. 277).  And the worship of the god Baal entered Christianity from Syria in 475 in the Dark Ice Age when these heretics began worshipping the Sun god Baal throughout the Middle East.

The New Year was never over Saturnalia now 25 December or on 1 January in celebration of the festivals of the god Janus among the Anglo-Saxons or the Celts until the Roman Catholics brought it into Britain in 597, when the Roman Catholics were invited in there by the French wife of Ethelbert king of the Angles.  The New Year of Britain was determined from 25 March based on the ancient equinox and determined by the New Moon determined from the Conjunction nearest 25 March. Now the equinox in the northern spring falls on 20 March at 05:49 and the New Year is March 24 in 2020. It fell on 25 March ca 10th to 8th century BCE. The New Year was always held on 25 March in Britain until 1752 when the RC system of moving it to the festival of Janus was introduced at the beginning of the 18th century in Europe but in 1752 in UK. God’s Calendar (No. 156) is clear and always has been clear to the body of Israel. The Moon and the New Year (No. 213) is clear under the Temple Calendar. The Modern Hillel Calendar has destroyed the Calendar and cut Judah and the Sardis and Laodicean systems from the Churches of God and the First Resurrection (cf.  Hillel, Babylonian Intercalations and the Temple Calendar (No. 195C)).

The festival of Baal and the Saturnalia on 25 December was always inserted under the Roman Catholics but anyone who had ever read the Bible knew that the festival was a pagan abomination in the sight of God.  Britain came under the Reformation and under judgment when the Reformation occurred.  Henry VIII saw the apostasy and abolished the pagan festival of the Saturnalia or Xmas.  Mary Tudor the Catholic reinstated the abomination when she ascended the throne. Elizabeth I left it there for political reasons and then Cromwell abolished it again under the parliament, and the Stewarts reinstated it. The Sabbatarians abolished it in the US again but it was not universal.

The three trials were given to Britain and they failed. The Scriptures give a people three chances.

God gives man three chances and then deals with them.  Behold God does all these things twice, three times with a man, to bring back his soul from the pit that he may see the light of life (Job 33:29-30).

Under three things the earth trembles under four it cannot bear up (Prov. 30:21).

God is now about to destroy the earth’s paganism and these abominations. The world has been given the final warnings under the final sequence of prophecy. These were commenced in the last days under the final warnings (cf. Warning of the Last Days (No. 044) and Origins of Christmas and Easter (No. 235)). The result will be the Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C). So also the Beast will turn against the whore and destroy it (cf. The Whore and the Beast (No. 299B)).

The Second Rectification will commence with the Witnesses (Rev. 11:3ff; (No. 135)).  The nexus of the law will be reinstated and the punishments will commence and continue until the Witnesses are dead (Wars of the End Part II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D)). With their death mankind will hold the equivalent of a Christmas and Easter party and bake cakes to Dumuzi.

Then, with the advent of the Messiah and their Resurrection, the pagan system will be stamped out completely. People will be killed unless they repent or are dead at the end of the Wars of the End: Part III: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E).

The world will fight against the Messiah and they will be punished severely (Wars of the End Part IIIB: War against Christ (No. 141E_2)). At the end of each vial they still do not repent and billions will die.

It will all be stamped out and all men will obey God or die over the thousand years of the millennial system.

Please repent and do not make it necessary for the Host to kill you.


Wade Cox
Coordinator General