Sabbath 9/5/41/120

Dear Friends,

Today is the Sabbath of the 9th of the Fifth Month Ab.  The date is traditionally associated with the destruction of the Temple and of disasters in Israel.  God has traditionally used this month to inflict punishment on Israel.  The cause of the punishment is the sins of the nation and no curse causeless comes (Prov. 26:2). Lest we be wise in our own eyes and self-righteous we must all remember that many of us are afflicted because of the sins of the nation and many of God’s people are exposed to afflictions in the course of their day to day activities. It is by our stoic attitudes that we are able to be an example to all people. We must try to encourage all by our example.

Our people are being misled by those among us that would see us led into a world captivity.  The political structures in all of the world nations are attempting to enslave us in international collectives or regional economic zones as foretold by God through the prophets. They think they can control us all and prevent the end of Satan’s rule and they are able to prevent the change of the world system and the millennial rule of the Messiah, which is about to come upon us (see the Advent of the Messiah (No. 210A) and (210B) and also The Wars of the Last Days and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141B)).

It is important that we finish our tasks and get the world ready to understand what is to befall it.  We have been working on the warning to Islam as part of the general warning to the nations and that has been detailed in the Commentary on the Koran which is in the CCG site at CCG on Islam and the texts attached to the prologue at the link.

We are also about to place the entire structure on the site also commencing this Sabbath.

It is critical that we are able also to reach Islam in a significant way as they simply refuse to study or read even the Qur’an or Koran, let alone the Scriptures. Our task is to get them to study the History of the Koran and why and how it was issued.  That will prepare them in great part for the coming of the Messiah. We must encourage others to read the Summary of the Commentary of the Qur’an or Koran (QS). The ignorance of the world in relation to the history of the church and Islam is truly sad to see.

As we also said last Sabbath, we have issued the Index of Scriptures (QS2) which will make it obvious that the Prophet and the Muhammad or the Council of the Church at Mecca and Medinah were well versed in the Scriptures and the concepts of the entire Bible texts were referred to with the exception of the book of Philemon which was not relevant to the problems the church faced there.

There is no doubt that the church at Mecca and Medina were Sabbatarian Unitarians as we can see from the texts and especially Surah 19 “Mariam.”  One of the amazing things is that, even when told the truth, the critics and anti Christian hate sites refuse to examine the matters seriously. 

Let us continue now to pray to develop the message and reach the world before the Witnesses and the Messiah get here so that we are able to save as many as possible in opening their minds to the faith and get them ready for their repentance.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General