Sabbath 22/4/40/120

Dear Friends,

This Sabbath we will release Surahs 9 and 10. These two are of some serious significance in that they form guidance and prophecy that was disregarded by Hadithic Islam and also the Church of God in the Last Days.

The function of Surah 9 “Repentance” and its placement following Surah 8 “Spoils” serves two purposes.  One is that it shows the responsibility of the faith in supporting the widows and orphans from the spoils along the lines of the poor-due of the third year tithe. The next is to show the function of the Calendar and the four sacred months that must be preserved.  The 12000 paganised Arabs of the Post Meccan Battle with the Bedouin at Hunayn shows the lack of Repentance and weakness in comparison to the 300 + 13 under the command of the prophet at Badr and Tubuk. It pointed to the Hadithic destruction of Islam.

Surah 9 is termed “Repentance” (At Taubah) from verse 104. It is also often called Al Bara’at the Immunity from the word beginning verse 1, thus forming the declaration of Immunity from obligation to the idolaters, which also is rendered “Repudiation” from this term. Repentance is inward looking to perfect the individual. The concept of repudiation is opposed to that of repentance of the individual. Repudiation results in the persecution of those who differ, which identifies the blood bath that is modern Islam. 

The Surah was taken to Mecca in what was hoped was the end of idolatry in Arabia.  The pagan pseudo Muslims made sure idolatry was not removed however.

Surah 10 “Yunis” or “Jonah” is a late Meccan Surah delivered in the last four years before the Hijrah (i.e. post 618 to 622 CE). It derives its name from a reference to the prophet Jonah in verse 98 referring to the repentance and salvation of Nineveh: “If only there had been a community (of those that were) destroyed of old that believed and profited by its belief as did the folk of Jonah.”

The reference to Jonah is not a throwaway line.  Messiah told us that no sign would be given the church save that of the prophet Jonah.The entire sign covers from Jonah’s warning to Nineveh and their repentance and then Messiah’s warning to Judah and their failure to repent and their destruction at the end of 40 years with the complete destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem in 70 CE and the closure of the temple in Egypt at Heliopolis by 71 CE by order of Vespasian.  The church was begun with the baptism of Christ and the selection of the Apostles in 27 CE with the mission of John the Baptist for one day’s journey and then the two years preaching of Messiah from 28 to 30 CE and then the Three days and Three nights of Messiah in the Belly of the Earth as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish.  Nineveh was given 40 days and repented.  Judah was given 40 years to 70 CE and did not repent and was destroyed. The end of the 40 Jubilees and the time frame will be complete by 2027 (see The Sign of Jonah and the History of the reconstruction of the Temple (No. 013))

This Surah is a warning to the Arabs over their future idolatry.  The rejection of the other prophets and the biblical texts was to cost them their place in the First Resurrection.   We will see in this Surah how there are messengers to be sent all over the world from Christ and theApostles and over the 40 Jubilees from his ordination of the Seventy at Judea in 28-29 CE. In this way the church sent prophets to every corner of the known world and then beyond. He also warned them of obeying the prophets of God which they ignored and invented the idolatrous shirk that Muhammad (which was in fact the council of the church of which the prophet was chairman and leader) was the (only) prophet of God in contradiction to this Surah.

The prophet is directing the comments to those who disregard the instructions in the Koran. He then goes on to address the people who are the ones not converted in Islam who disregard the Commandments of God and the Faith and Testimony of the Messiah and indeed the proper calendar of the Church of God (cf. also S9 above) as undertaken in the Temple system and under Messiah and the apostles. It was in effect a prophecy of both the Hadithic total corruption of Islam and its calendar and the later Church Calendar which came to use the Babylonian Intercalations in Hillel from the Jews that entered the Churches of God in the 20th and 21st centuries.

The Surah takes God’s direction from the Creation in the faith and the establishment of the sun and moon as regulators of God’s Calendar (No. 156) and the purpose of the Messiah as mediator between God and man by the explicit direction of God. No one else can be mediator without the express direction of God.

The Surah then goes on to explain the purpose of the calling. These verses refer to the “Wise Scripture.”  In other words the Surah is referring back to Biblical Scripture and the Laws of God.

The prophet (formerly Abu Qasim) was a baptised authorised officer of the Church of God established by Christ and the Apostles which church had been established in the early First century from 30 CE. The prophet was given the gift of prophecy as messenger to Arabia. Beforehand the Apostles and the 70 had been sent all over Parthia and India and the East including Arabia and the Middle East. The Pagans had resisted it from that time. However, we had sent officers all over the world from the 70 and then later many centuries before the church grew into the force it became at Mecca and Medina. Archbishop Meuses of Abyssinia had established the church in China from India in the Fourth century.  However, by 1850 they had become Sabellianist and thus disqualified from the First Resurrection until they repent, as is Hadithic Islam and as are the Binitarian/Ditheists and Trinitarians. (see the papers The Fate of the Twelve Apostles (No. 122B); General Distribution of the Sabbath-keeping Churches (No. 122) and Role of the Fourth Commandment in the Historical Sabbath-Keeping Churches of God (No. 170)).

The Links are at Commentary on the Koran Surah 9: Repentance (Q9) and Commentary on the Koran Surah 10: Jonah (Q10).

Wade Cox
Coordinator General