Sabbath 10/11/39/120
Dear Friends,
It is very noticeable as we progress through this dreadful crisis of the Last Days, and we see the problems escalate, and people become more aware that they are facing the wars of the end and the imminent coming of the Witnesses, and the advent of the Messiah and the Vials of the Wrath of God, that they are also totally unable to repent or comprehend what is required of them.
A number of years ago a former member of the WCG system wrote to us and said after studying our materials thoroughly and seeing we had corrected all the errors of the WCG system wrote: “You have got it all right. It is just too hard” And so he gave up, and so did many others.
Many of the WCG system were told lies by the Armstrong ministry. They knew that God had said that He would send them the prophet Elijah before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord (Mal. 4:5) and so in order to fulfil that prophecy Armstrong and these other liars invented the story that Armstrong was Elijah. Then they decided that the natives wanted reassurance and as they wished to get them to hand their funds over, and in some cases to hand their families inheritances over to them, they had to have a security blanket. They then invented two doctrines. One was to control the minions and the other doctrine to give them a security blanket. The control doctrine was the Fallacy of the Third Resurrection (No. 166) where they had God resurrect them simply to kill them and place them in the Lake of Fire. The second was the the Place of Safety (No. 194) where they were given a safe place where they would be taken to hide and await the Messiah. It was determined to be Petra by a misreading of Scripture. Fortunately all the ones who made up this gigantic lie are no longer able to articulately teach it, or are now dead.
The great tragedy is that the ministry of the WCG in the WCG offshoots and fragmented systems that clung to these fallacies still teach it but now many are having the decency to admit that they do not know where it will be or when they are going there.
The reality is that while they teach eras they have no idea what eras they are or from where they stem and do not understand what it is they have to do to qualify for the First Resurrection. They do not understand that Armstrong was the Idol Shepherd of the Scriptures and that he introduced another two major heresies into WCG and they were the doctrine of Ditheism (No. 76B) and the false doctrine of the Hillel Calendar (see the paper Hillel. Babylonian Intercalations and the Temple Calendar (No. 195C)). God’s Calendar is easily determined historically but the demons do not wish it to be followed and the Churches of God of the last days have been duped and follow Hillel. See the paper God’s Calendar (No. 156).
Only those of the WCG and offshoots, COG (SD) and SDA systems who repent will enter the kingdom of God in the First Resurrection (No. 143A). The rest will be consigned to the Second Resurrection (No. 143B).
Each one of these false systems will not enter the kingdom of God and the people they teach and deceive will likewise not enter the kingdom of God.
In addition to deceiving many thousands throughout the nations and discouraging others that they have baptised by their false doctrines and hypocrisy,they provide distractions and false doctrines to others.
The forms of elitism and tribalism they practice find ready ground among white supremacists and also African tribals and Asian tribals as well. We have had groups try to enter us for many reasons and some try to dictate the terms on which they enter. Sometimes God has called some of our people from tribes that are not as well regarded as some other tribes see themselves. Often the people who know nothing and that because of some long dead tribal ancestry or grouping think they are superior. They sometimes think that one of our ministries’ tribe is inferior to their tribe and in wanting to become part of the body of Christ wish to dictate the terms in which they are inducted or treated. God is not a respecter of persons and we simply won’t tolerate that behaviour. Also Satan wishes to infiltrate and control us and sends these types of people into us. See the paper Respect of Persons (No.221).
An example of how Satan works can be seen in Madagascar of recent days. Until a decade ago there was no genuine operating Church of God in Madagascar. God decided to establish CCG there and advance the faith. So once we had established a church the adversary began to sprout counterfeit Sabbath-keeping churches all around. Further when others began to try to join us they did not wish to do as they were instructed. They thought that they were better. One group even copied the Wednesday Crucifixion details published by CCG and claimed it as the leader’s own idea.
Unfortunately if you cannot work together God is not working with you and that is obvious to us all. Respect of Persons is not acceptable in the Body of Christ and we will not tolerate it. Nor will we tolerate defamation and false accusation. These characteristics were precisely those encouraged and taught in the Armstrong system and are the reason why they will be in the Second Resurrection unless their people repent. I was asked recently by a ex WCG minister what the Witnesses would be doing and what I was writing about. When I explained the difficulties of the period of the Witnesses and how the COGs would have difficulty accepting them and their teaching because of the Ditheism and the Hillel Calendar of the Armstrong offshoots, he could not continue the discussion as he would have had to address the two major lies of Armstrongism and they simply are not capable of doing so.
We also have problems among African tribes. The registration of the Boards in Africa are sometimes frustrated by tribal conflicts and many are simply unable to work with other tribes. We remove them from the boards and don’t register them. Thus they forfeit representation and some even take themselves out of the church.
The Church of God is the Body of Christ and only one Church has the lampstand in the last days and that is the Church of the Philadelphians and that by biblical teaching cannot be the Armstrongite WCG system and its offshoots. The offshoots are the last of the Sardis system to form and the Living Church of God has the name that it is living but it is dead as Christ told us (Rev. 3:1). They do not have any lampstand and nor do any of the other offshoots either. See the paper Pillars of Philadelphia (No. 283).
The sheer inability to work together while claiming to espouse Armstrong’s doctrines shows they do not and cannot hold together in unity.
Quite simply there can be no respect of persons, nor racism, nor contradictory doctrines according to the history of the Churches of God. The errors in doctrine are identified by Christ and the prophets and they are easily seen and identified.
If you cannot work together, regardless of tribal groups and colour of skin you are not part of us and we will not permit you among us. For that very reason we do not attract racists in South Africa and Australia and the US. They cannot endure sound doctrine.
Think about why you wish to be in the Churches of God. It is not a social club although that can be one of the benefits. You are required to work and tithe and help fund the work in other nations. Pray for our welfare and our capacity to do the work.
Stand by each other and cling to the word of God. Pray for each other and get on with what it is we are charged to do.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General