New Moon  01//2/40/120

Dear Friends,

Well this week we have seen the French election and the Second Round run off is due on 7 May 2017. It is between Macron and Le Pen.  Should Marine Le Pen win, in spite of the Globalist conspiracies and opposition  and the Socialist Globalist be exposed, then France and Britain will combine to defeat the Muslims in Europe. Merkel will then be deposed in Germany and the Germans will also combine to eliminate the Muslim scourge from Europe as Bible prophecy indicates will happen (Dan. 11:40-45).  If Macron wins then there may be civil war in France as they realise he is a Globalist and all the implications that entails. There may indeed be a civil war in either case as Le Pen herself has said.

On 8 June 2017 we will see the UK General election and the Tories will win clearly and UKIP is preparing to sabotage its own position to ensure that the Tories are not stopped from the Brexit by a UKIP vote.  This is a Solomon test.  The only ones fit to govern are the ones that would rather save the life of the Brexit baby than have it killed as Solomon saw the false mother was prepared to do (1Kgs 3:16-2:27).
After this there will be continuous elections for exits from the EU.  The tragedy is that the leaders think that they can reform a union of nation states and rejoin under different circumstances down the track as a NWO. The Bible is quite clear on what happens.  In Daniel 11:40-45 we see that Europe is attacked again and again by the Muslim king of the South and the North will be forced to fight them in the North and then occupy North Africa and the Middle East. The Northern powers will be forced to subjugate and destroy the North African systems from Morocco to Somalia and into the Southern Sudan. The entire North African port system will be destroyed until they stop facilitating Africans into Europe. Libya will be decimated until they get the message to obey or die. So also will it be  with the other North African states. All shipping from North African ports will be sunk through to Somalia and to Morocco until the Migration infestation is stopped.

Once the occupation is effected from Europe by the Northern powers the terrorist nations of Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Kuwait, Yemen and then Iran and Pakistan and Afghanistan will be crushed.  In the East it will start with North Korea. China and Russia will place themselves in harm’s way to prevent a Western occupied North Korea.  At least three nations will be obliterated after the news from the East and the North is given to the Northern Powers and then the wars of the Fifth and Sixth Trumpets will simply escalate.  Then the Northern forces will consolidate to occupy the Middle East from Gaza, which will be obliterated, and the Northern forces will encamp there through the areas of the Philistines and the government structure will occupy Jerusalem and the world will be run for forty two months from Jerusalem.   

Russia will be forced to become absorbed into the Fourth Beast and the UN is preparing China to take control of the Asian systems and eventually to control the world under the Kings of the East. The matter of Russia being merged from the Third to the Fourth Beast is contained in the paper Commentary on Daniel Chapter 7 (No. 299C).

Over the forty two months from Jerusalem, for 1260 days of that period, once the Northern powers are entrenched there, the Two Witnesses,  Enoch and Elijah, will arrive as God foretold in Scripture (Mal. 4:5; Mat. 17:11).  These two prophets deal with Judah and destroy the Kabbalists, the Karaites and the Samaritans and the rabbinical false system and the false calendar of Hillel both in Judah and in the corrupted Churches of God of the Sardis and Laodicean systems. They will all repent or be silenced forever.

After the 1260 days the Witnesses will be killed. Up until that time those of the earthly system will try to kill them and over the 1260 days they will be killed as they themselves tried to kill the Witnesses.

The Witnesses will restore the Nexus of the Law and it will no longer rain on the just and unjust. They will be extremely unpopular and the world will seek to kill them on numerous occasions.  They will be supported by the elect of God who will baptise those who repent at the last minute and the system of the Danite Ephraimites (cf Jer. 4:15-16; The Warning of the Last Days (No.044))  will instruct Judah and Islam in the ways of the Laws of God as directed by the Witnesses. The Rabbis and Imams who oppose the Witnesses will all be silenced and, as necessary, be killed and their systems destroyed systematically.   The False Prophet will remain and that system will be exposed to the Nexus of the Law as the Witnesses restore it.  The Miracles performed from both sides will confuse many people.  They will confuse even, if it were possible, the very elect. The heresies of Armstrong will confuse many of the Churches of God and cost many of them their places in the First Resurrection (cf Heaven. Hell or The First Resurrection of the Dead (No. 143A), That will be largely because of their false doctrines inherited from the Armstrong system of Ditheism/Binitarianism and the Hillel Calendar. (cf. Ditheism 076B; Binitarian and Trinitarian Misrepresentation of the Early Theology of the Godhead (No. 127B) and Hillel, Babylon Intercalations and the Temple Calendar (No. 195C)). Many of them will desire to be taught smooth things and simply shut their ears. That is happening in large numbers all over the world now. That is why they are asking for the way out because they were taught false doctrine under Armstrong and the other churches and they seek a Place of Safety (No. 194) which does not exist outside of the hand of God. It is written: the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God (1Cor. 6:9-11).  The timid or faint hearted will also be banned.  Be strong and of good faith. The timid or the cowards are sent home from the battle as it was with Gideon and so also it is with us (see the paper Gideon’s Force and the Last Days  (No. 022)). See also the Rules of War under the text of Deuteronomy 20 (No. 201).
In the Last days God has spoken of what He is to do through the prophet Zechariah. The entire area from the river of Egypt and Gaza to Northern Lebanon and to the Euphrates and the Arabian Desert will be subjugated under Israel and the Messiah.  Damascus will be levelled in the war and Gilead and the surrounds in Jordan will also be placed under Israel as a nation. The sequence is explained in Commentary on Zechariah (No. 021k).

This sequence of the subjugation and establishment of the Kingdom of God under Messiah will be resisted by all nations and most people who say they are Muslims and Christians will go out to fight against Messiah.  After their nationalist reorganisations leading up to the War and then into the 42 months of the occupation of Jerusalem and the 1260 days under the Witnesses and the four days to the First Resurrection we will see Messiah come and resurrect the elect and then the nations will react in fear.

The leaders of the entire earth will hide themselves in their war caves and dugouts in the mountains for fear of the Wrath of God. They will give all power to the Empire of the Beast under the final NWO.  These leaders will amass the armies of the earth and move to the Levant and to destroy the armies of Messiah and the elect at Har Meggidon and the new plains of the area.  They will all be destroyed and the entire final Empire of the Beast will last one hour as a prophetic time which spans a month of Prophecy.

The elect will spread out over the earth and then bring the nations into religious subjection under the laws and Calendar of God.   Everyone who resists will be killed.  Every minister of the Churches of God teaching false doctrine will be warned and then silenced by the Witnesses and then killed by the Messiah along with every other false teacher on the planet. The Messiah will kill the false prophet and destroy the Trinitarian sun system and false and Hadithic Islam on his arrival.

We will now proceed to explain the development of the wars and the arrival of the Witnesses and the 42 months of the Beast, the 1264 days of the Witnesses to Messiah and the First Resurrection and the Wars of the Last days and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141B)..

We will explain these aspects in the papers to Pentecost. Our duty is to be prepared.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General