Sabbath Message 250139120

Dear Friends,

This Sabbath we are all back from the Feast and we are about to enter the New Moon of the Second month in five days time.  The Middle East is heating up even further and Russia has deployed Iskander Nuclear Ballistic Missiles in Syria.  Only Donald Trump of these US candidates even comprehends the importance of the US nuclear deterrent and they do not seem to understand that it is on our doorstep. That he refuses to rule out using it is derided by these political buffoons in the US as a problem in his thinking instead of realistic strategic options in the defence of the US allies.

There is something seriously wrong in the NWO establishment in the US and they are preparing to establish Satan in power using US power to do so.

This next month coming up is a very important period in the world of the prophetic development of the nations and the wars of the end. It was seen as an important phase in the world’s correction in the Flood and the timing of the Witnesses and the coming of the Messiah is pivotal in this last phase.  The papers that deal with these issues are The Witnesses (Including the Two Witnesses) (No. 135) and also The Advent of the Messiah Part I (No. 210A) and The Advent of the Messiah Part II (No. 210B).

In the New Moon message we will deal with the symbolism of the Second Month in history and the manner in which God has said He will deal with the world. In the second Month the devotees of Baal will establish idols and icons to him in both New York and London and God will deal with them.

We will examine the timing of these matters and the significance of the activities. This month is the First Month of the year and the responsibility of the elect is to determine the Body of Christ and to worship with it and to place the offering with it and to tithe to it. (See the papers The Body of Christ (No. 012B); and Tithing (No. 161)).

It is in the Second Month of the Year that we are to keep the Second Passover as necessary and the sequence of activities in that month will determine much of what transpires as the activities of God unfolds and especially when the Witnesses arrive to deal with the world and its idolatry.

As the Churches of God are in Sin and keeping the false and apostate Hillel Calendar their Passover is after the true Passover and falls within the time frame of the Satanic days of Sacrifice of the Sun god.  None of that will be left ignored. We have had baptised members of the faith reject the sequence of activities and claim that none of it will happen in their life time.  The fields are white and the coming is imminent and prophecy is being fulfilled and still they want none of it.

We even had one person tell us this week that the Millennium was not a literal period and was only figurative.  That was in spite of the fact that the Churches of God have taught for two thousand years that the period of the earth was six thousand years under Satan and then the Sabbath Rest of the Lord was one thousand years under Messiah as the Millennial rest of Messiah which was represented by the Weekly Sabbath as a perpetual sequence or reminder of the Plan of Salvation. The antinomians have sought to denigrate the plan for centuries and they will be dealt with shortly.  Tell Elijah and Enoch your problems when they get here and commence to deal with you.

We will continue this on the New Moon.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General