Sabbath Message 231038120

Dear Friends,

The question rises from the fact that Christ condemned the Pharisees for their traditions and their false doctrines.  God warned Judah through the prophet Daniel that the Temple would be rebuilt over Seventy Weeks of Years and then it was to be destroyed.  Christ said that it was to be destroyed and then he prophesied that in three days he would raise it up again.  He was referring to the two specific prophecies in Daniel chapter 9 of the Seventy Weeks of years and the Sign of Jonah which was to be the only sign given the Church of God and that was to last until the coming of the Messiah again and so we had better understand it and know what it means. 

The understanding of the prophecies is critical to the faith and was critical in saving the Church of God on the final week of years after the martyrdom of the Second Anointed One or Messiah of Daniel 9:25 who was James, bishop of Jerusalem and brother of Jesus Christ.  Note the KJV has been mistranslated in Daniel 9:25 to make it refer to the Messiah which it does not do. It refers to two anointed ones or messiahs.  The first is Nehemiah prince of Judah in his office as Governor and his mission with Ezra in the restoration at the Seven weeks of years at the reign of Artaxerxes II and the second is Yakob or James brother of Christ who was also a prince of Judah and head of the church who was killed at the end of the 69 weeks of years in 63/4 CE.  It was in fulfilment of this prophecy that the church knew that Jerusalem and the Temple would be destroyed in 70 CE. Thus they fled to Pella which had requested a Roman Garrison and were thus all safe (see the paper The Sign of Jonah and the History of the Reconstruction of the Temple (No. 013)).

It is the corrupt theology of the Ditheists/Binitarians and the Trinitarians that forced the mistranslation in Daniel 9:25 and the misconstructed history of the Reconstruction of the Temple to the reign of Darius I Hystaspes that forced a series of fraudulent or apocryphal texts written around the misconstruction. This was in spite of the clear text in Ezra which they are forced to ignore and misrepresent as well as the Elephantine texts translated by Ginsberg.

These problems beg the following question in relation to Judaism’s banishment from Palestine and their continued ignorance of the true texts and Calendar.  Why are the churches in the Sardis era in the Twentieth Century totally ignorant of the Temple calendar and keep Hillel with the initial exception of the Caldwell Conference and in the last instance at the end of the Twentieth and into the Twenty-first Century in the case of CCG as the two churches that kept and keep the Temple Calendar? The question is posed as:

Why does God not allow the Temple Calendar to be kept in Judaism and in any church that is Ditheist, Binitarian or Trinitarian? What is the true Bible position? What has God directed? 

The answer is surprisingly simple. To be allowed to keep the Temple Calendar one must first understand the Godhead correctly and worship the ONE TRUE GOD and know him and Jesus Christ whom He sent as Christ told us in John 17:3.  Judah failed by killing him and denied him as Messiah and then descended into error upon error from 30 CE to 70 CE over the Forty years of their trial.

You must know the One True God and Jesus Christ whom He sent to receive eternal life (Jn. 17:3).

If you are not a Biblical Unitarian worshipping One True God, then the calendar is kept from you. That was why Armstrong was forced into Hillel and these WCG trained ministers do not understand either the Godhead or the Calendar and do not have the faintest idea of the history of the Churches of God. I have even seen one of them falsify the history in translations to conceal the understanding of the Temple Calendar that they kept. 

The true Sabbath and Calendar are signs of the elect.  Thus the next question is begged as follows:

What text shows that God interferes with a false group in relation to the calendar?

Is it not Isaiah 66:23-24?

This text shows that God will enforce the Sabbaths and the New Moons and the people who do not keep them will die. That includes the ministry of the Churches of God. So we know from this text that those who do not keep the Sabbaths and the New Moons will not enter the First Resurrection and thus die and be consigned to the Second Resurrection.   

The next text at Hosea 2:11 shows that God will turn the feasts into mourning and Amos 8:10 also shows that the feasts are turned to mourning and the songs into sackcloth and lamentations.

God is not mocked by these false teachers as we see also in Micah. Their failure of doctrines and teachings are dealt with by interference in the Calendar and their rejection from the Kingdom which is the First Resurrection. They don't get it and it is impossible to deal with them.   Because they are Ditheists/ Binitarians and other forms of heretics their feasts are prevented from being kept on the right days and they thus are sent into the Second Resurrection.  They are self righteous and think and state that they are the living system but they are poor, pitiable, blind and naked.  Most of them rarely, if ever, keep the feasts of God on the right days.

We have seen one minster of the offshoots justify Hillel as the correct Calendar on the grounds that Christ did not condemn the Hillel Calendar during his ministry and so it must be correct. The level of deceit and stupidity in that claim beggars belief. Hillel did not come into existence until 358 CE over 328 years after the death of Christ. No Church of God ever kept it until Armstrong and Dugger introduced it to COG (SD) and then the RCG/WCG well after 1946.

The fact is that Hillel relies on the Babylonian system of Intercalations and dating for its regulation and time periods and that is why Judaism says that this year is the year 5776 instead of the Bible frame at 5988 from the closure of Eden.  The Bible timing is examined in the paper Outline Timetable of the Age (No. 272) and the Hillel system is examined in the papers The Calendar or the Moon: Postponements or Festivals? (No. 195) and Hillel, The Babylonian Intercalations and the Temple Calendar (No. 195C).  

The WCG offshoots would rather go into the Second Resurrection blind than admit they were wrong and correct their errors.

The Armstrong doctrine on the co-eternality of God and Christ begs the next question:

Why is it impossible for there to have been two true Gods from before the beginning of creation and time?

We are told that He who is a True God cannot die because He has immortality intrinsically in Him. Christ did not have it, nor do all the other Elohim (sons of God) in Heaven have it. Christ died and was resurrected from the dead, in order to have life, therefore Christ cannot be a true God. This is what Christ meant in John 17:3. 

There is only One True God and it is not Christ and the heretics in the WCG offshoots are punished for their heresy.

We are told that the Sardis system is dead. Christ said whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Christ also said : "Leave the dead to bury their own dead.”

It seems that the concept of being dead is of those who have not retained the Spirit of God in them. 

The answer to this question is that for monotheism to logically exist there can only be One True God and that He alone is immortal. The Armstrong system taught that Christ was one of Two True Gods that existed before the beginning of the creation and of time. This heresy had never previously been taught as official doctrine in the Churches of God in over 1900 years.

Polytheism requires other wills to exist outside of the will of God and technically that only has occurred with the fallen Host. Christ was an obedient member of the elohim and he was one of the created sons of God. The Bible is clear on that issue. The WCG claimed that Christ and God had a discussion as to who would come down and be sacrificed and become the son of the other. This heresy is unbelievable yet I have heard them say it. It is for that reason they are condemned to the Second Resurrection. 

However, that is not the only heresy they are joined to and their leaders teach without understanding the history of the calendar at all. They follow Hillel as the calendar of the church when it is beyond dispute that it did not come into existence until 358 CE over 320 years after the existence of the Church of God under Christ and the apostles. For that reason also no minister of the WCG and offshoots that does not repent of Hillel will enter the First Resurrection. They know it is heresy and they lie about it to the brethren. To repent of Hillel and understand their sin they need to understand the sin of their position on the Nature of God. 

One of our coordinators came from UCG and he said to me that he understood how much in error they had been and that he understood CCG had the correct Temple Calendar.  He was told he could not come to us until he understood the Nature of God correctly.  He was a bit puzzled and began studying.  In a short time he came back and said I only now realise the enormity of the heresy of the WCG system on the nature of God and how I and UCG have been in heresy for all these years.  God had opened his eyes and he was granted repentance.  Not many do understand.

The offshoots do not enter the kingdom of God themselves and they prevent all who follow them from knowing the truth and entering themselves.  

It is important to challenge the ministry of all the churches over the keeping of Hillel and the postponements and watch them squirm and then lie.

In the paper God's Calendar (No. 156) we see what the original Temple Calendar was according to Philo writing at the time of Christ and the apostles. Josephus was a Pharisee writing later but he could not falsify the Roman records and that is why there are contradictions in his work (see the paper Distortion of God’s Calendar in Judah (No. 195B)).

Judah is unconverted and keeps Hillel and understands very little. This begs the following questions: 

Why was Judah booted out of Israel in 70 CE, what prophecy was involved, and when will they repent and be converted?

Judah had broken the covenant and was warned by Christ about this matter and the tribe was given a time to repent, the people on the whole did not and were removed. 

Matthew 16:4 ‘An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the Sign of Jonah.’ So he left them and departed.

Imagine the apostate Judah still offering sin sacrifices after they had rejected Jesus as the Messiah. They should have all been slaughtered for their heresy. God gave them a blessing by removing them.

The Sign of Jonah is coming to an end soon and by 2027 it will all be over and the world will be in captivity under Messiah. 

Prior to the coming of Messiah the Two Witnesses will be sent to Jerusalem. These two will restore the Nexus of the Law and the Tribe of Judah will be brought to understanding by these two (Enoch and Elijah) as God has ordained in prophecy (see the paper The Witnesses (including the Two Witnesses) (No. 135)). 

The body of Judaism, including the 90% who are not Jews at all, will be sent to the Church of God for baptism and they will be made to acknowledge our authority and request baptism of the Church of the Philadelphians and to know that Christ has loved us. Those who do not will be expelled from the tribe and the land. So also will those of the Sardis and Laodicean systems that wish to repent and be accepted into the First Resurrection, be sent to us (see the paper Pillars of Philadelphia (No. 283)).

Wade Cox
Coordinator General