Sabbath 21/4/39/120

Dear Friends,

In 2012 we dealt with the fall of the Whore to the Beast system as developed in Revelation 17.  We covered that in the Sabbath Message at

This week we saw the UK vote on whether to stay in the EU or leave and preserve its democracy and sovereignty.  We saw these cretin leaders of the Trinitarian system with its leadership at Canterbury urging Britain to remain in the EU, along with the RC bishops following Rome, to also remain in the EU.

The fact was that the workers and British manufacturers were urging a Leave vote.  The wealthy plus the spongers and public servants and migrants were urging a Remain vote, as were the selfish people living in Europe on UK pensions and also the island territories of UK.  I have been amazed at the short sighted stupidity of a people that could so easily give up their hard won freedoms and give up the future of their children by opting to remain in a German controlled antidemocratic organisation which is totally unaccountable to the nations it controls and is determined on destroying its ethnic mix by allowing total African and Middle Eastern migrants. Moreover these migrants are Muslims determined to destroy the European social structure and UK society.

The deceitful conduct of David Cameron and the Chancellor Osborne, and indeed the majority of the Westminster Parliament, was simply astounding.  If the UK does nothing else it has to clean these quislings from its midst and should start with the Tory Party and its leadership.

As I write this message news has just come in that the Daily Telegraph has reported that the Labour Party are now assuming a Leave win and they are saying Corbyn will call for Cameron’s resignation tomorrow, but they may not need to as he may well resign. The Bookies say Remain has Zero chance and the Universities and pollsters are also saying Remain has Zero chance. A former Cabinet minister has just said that PM “Cameron is toast.”

Is there a precedent for this to occur?  The answer is yes there surely is and that was in 1381.

'Biggest uprising since Peasants Revolt in 1381'

“Our chief political correspondent Christopher Hope puts the referendum into historical context.
The 2016 EU referendum is set to the biggest uprising against the people who run the UK since the Peasants Revolt in 1381.
Britain's bosses, politicians, church leaders, sports stars, bankers, economists and celebrities told the people to vote to Remain in the EU.
And (by the look of it now) the people sent back a massive V sign. Democracy indeed. “
The people can enjoy the V sign for victory just as Winton Churchill did when he made the sign at WWII.

It depends on London but it looks as though the Leave campaign has won. Congratulations to Michael Gove and Boris Johnson and most of all to Nigel Farage for their performance. Nigel was very hesitant but has become more confident. It appears that now they will have a mandate to Get Britain Out of the EU and the Vote Leave crew will have done very well.
These NWO puppets both in UK and in AU are claiming that it will be stalled and the parliament is not bound by it.  

If Westminster tries to prevent the will of the people in this revolt which is as great as the Peasants Revolt of 1381 then we have a precedent. HM QEII has the power to prorogue the Parliament and send in the Army and take control of Westminster as Cromwell did in April 1642 and dismiss it. Then a caretaker administration will be appointed and fresh elections called. Then the people will get rid of every single one of the quisling traitors in the parliament. Then we can start cleaning up the Commonwealth and the US.

We have listened to the NWO propaganda emanating from AU and the US and Canada and elsewhere trying to keep this anti-democratic Beast power operational so that the Empire of the Beast and the NWO can be implemented.

The EU will be maintained and the economic regions will be operational but their power somewhat curtailed over the people. They have 42 months after this next war about to erupt.  They will move to Jerusalem with the wars prompted by the Muslim invasion destroying vast areas of Europe and the Vatican will be destroyed and the pope leave over the bodies of his priests according to their own prophecies (see the paper The Last Pope (No. 288)).

Out of all this confusion the rise of the antichrist of the last days is still to occur.  That will be soon.  (See also The Doctrine of Antichrist (No. 243B)).

The whole world is set to give its power to the Beast to establish this Last Empire of the Ten Toes of Daniel chapter 2 immediately prior to Michael standing for our people and the arrival of the Messiah in Dan. 11:40-45 and 12:1ff.  It is through the brainwashing of the media and these political quislings among our people that is ensuring the readiness of the handover of power by our young. One cannot but feel that the sheer imbecility in our politicians is actually deliberate to ease the transition from democracy to the Empire of the Beast all over the world (see World War III Part I: The Empire of the Beast (No. 299A) and WWIII Part II: The Whore and the Beast (No. 299B))

The details of this power is examined in the paper Wars of the Last Days and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141B).

We can now prepare for the last days and the Wars of Amalek as we saw in the story of Esther (see the paper Commentary on Esther (No. 063) and Commentary on Esther Part II: Purim in the Last Days (No. 063B)). That is part of the invasions of the US and BC now.

Pray for our salvation and the return of the Messiah after the Witnesses.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General