New Moon 01/9/39/120

Dear Friends,

This is the New Moon of the Ninth Month, Kislev.  It is a Sabbath and is to be kept holy to the Lord.  The Church of God has kept the New Moons as Sabbaths over its entire existence to the Reformation. The Churches of God in the US failed to keep them except in the Church of God (Seventh Day) in the Caldwell Conference and not further until the Christian Churches of God (CCG) in its formation from the Australian Conference in 1994 and in the American, Canadian, Netherlands and South African Conferences then from 1996 onwards.

Most of the Churches of God have lapsed into complete heresy from their influences in the US and their branches. They have not kept them since the collapse of the Caldwell Conference as the last and only upright Churches of God of the Sardis system. The last operational Church of God (SD) was in the Denver and Salem Conferences and the RCG/WCG under Armstrong but none of them kept the true Temple Calendar nor the New Moons (see the paper God’s Calendar (No. 156)).  That was the end of the Sardis system and the last Sardis Churches formed as the Living Church of God in its disgraceful reorganisation from the Global system. UCG had reformed over a year before in 1995.

None of these churches have ever kept the New Moons and they are in breach of the Laws of God and if they do not repent and adopt the true Calendar of the Temple system and keep the New Moons in accordance with Isaiah 66:23f they will die in accordance with the curses associated with that text and also with Zechariah 14:16-19. In a short period of time the Two Witnesses will be here following on from the War of the Sixth Trumpet (see the paper The Witnesses (Including the Two Witnesses) (No. 135). We will be issuing the paper on the Mission of the two Witnesses over the 1260 days and their lying in the streets for 3.5 days and their Resurrection by the Messiah on the morning of the Fourth Day for the First Resurrection of the Dead (No. 143A). We will be issuing the paper as Part II in (No. 135B) in the near future. In that paper we will explain how they will deal with the Churches of God on their arrival and how the Sardis and Laodicean systems will be destroyed and sent to the Second Resurrection due to their errors and sins.

It is most important that we all understand that the WCG was not the Philadelphian system and was, with its offshoots that kept the same heretical doctrines, consigned to the Sardis system and the last of its systems to be formed, the Living Church of God, is consigned as dead and sent to the Second Resurrection. The only chance its people have is to repent and be restored to the Philadelphian system keeping the true Calendar and the New Moons and the true doctrine on the Nature of God. The Ditheism of WCG was heresy (See the paper Ditheism (No. 076B).

The errors of the Jews and the post temple offshoots are important to be understood and the ministry would rather die than admit they are in error and correct their doctrines and have their people inherit eternal life. They have the name that they are living but they are dead (Rev. 3:1 ff) and they are taken over by the Philadelphian system and they and the Jews will be made to prostrate themselves and acknowledge that Christ has loved us (Rev. 3:9; see the paper The Pillars of Philadelphia (No. 283)).

Look at how the calendar was destroyed by the Jews between 344 and 358 CE long after the fall of the Temple  with Postponements and the Hillel system (No 195); (Distortion of God’s Calendar in Judah (No. 195b); Hillel and the Babylonian Intercalations (No. 195C).  Look also at how the pagans destroyed the doctrine on the Nature of God in Binitarian and Trinitarian Misrepresentation of the Early Theology of the Godhead (No. 127B). That same system was used to destroy the theology of the COGs in the last days. Repent before it is too late.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General