Sabbath Message 110737120

Dear Friends,

A number of years ago one of the elders of the CCG was in UCG and went to a meeting that was comprised of a panel of the senior elders of the UCG at the time.  He asked a question regarding the nature of God and the panel became so divided and heated that they could not formulate a working doctrinal position on the nature of God.  The local minister of the church said to the man who is now the CCG elder: “Well you sure created a problem with that question!” And then he shut the meeting down. 

The problem was that they had so many different doctrinal positions that no matter what they had said publicly they disagreed with each other.  They comprised Ditheists who believed that there were two true Gods from eternity; which was false doctrine invented in the WCG under Armstrongism and is explained in the paper Ditheism (No. 076B). There were Binitarians who believed that one God came from the other God as a second aspect of it, which was a pagan doctrinal position that developed logically into Trinitarianism in the Fourth Century CE. See the paper Binitarianism and Trinitarianism (No. 076) for the background.  Then see the paper Binitarian and Trinitarian Misrepresentation of The Early Theology of the Godhead (No. 127B) for the way in which Binitarianism was insinuated into Christianity from the Sun and Mystery Cults and in particular from the worship of the god Attis at Rome.  The other group was what is termed Radical Unitarians who deny the pre-existence of Christ. Their origins are explained in the paper Origins of Radical Unitarianism and Binitarianism (No. 076C). Many of these came in from Freemasonry and what appears to be forms of the JWs. Some had become full blown Trinitarians and some are simply Trinitarian plants in the churches of God from Roman Catholic orders.

It is important that we understand that these divisions are present in many of the offshoots of WCG.  None of these heretical views will inherit the kingdom of God and all who teach and uphold these errors will not be in the First Resurrection unless they repent before the witnesses deal with the world. They will go to the Second Resurrection.

It is critical that CCG understand these errors and can deal with them. 

The other major error that will deny them a place in the First Resurrection is the Hillel Calendar of modern Judaism.  It has no place in the Church of God and was never kept during the Temple period, nor was it ever kept by Christ and the Apostles, nor by any branch of the churches of God until the heretic Herbert W Armstrong introduced it to the church of God in the US and the Commonwealth, and Dugger introduced it to the COG (SD) in Nigeria from Jerusalem.

The true Calendar kept during the Temple period and in the churches of God over history is based on the conjunctions from one New Moon to the next as determined in the astronomical schools.  This calendar and its history is explained in the paper God’s Calendar (No. 156).

After the Temple was destroyed the Sadducees, who did not accept any of the traditions but went by biblical law alone, were dispersed and killed and the Pharisees took over with the fiction of the oral law and they began to corrupt the calendar as we see from the Mishnah ca 200 CE.

The first lie they introduced was the fiction of a 49 year jubilee. They then from Jamnia, after the fall of the Temple, began their system of Postponements which they did not perfect for almost a thousand years.

In 344 CE two Babylonian Rabbis brought the Babylonian Calendar with its false system of Intercalations to Chief Rabbi Hillel II.  They then began to develop the system of Postponements and added them to the calendar which formed into a roughly workable system based on the Babylonian New Year at Rosh Ha Shannah, which had been inserted in the Third Century CE to Judaism, almost as though in preparation for this heresy. The postponements were never really workable and sometimes kept the feasts in the wrong months and often forced two Passovers in the same year because of the wrong intercalations and the entire church, even those keeping the pagan Easter, refused to accept this fraud.

The errors are explained in the paper The Calendar and the Moon: Postponements or Festivals (No. 195).
The rabbis themselves admit that the system is unworkable (see the paper Why is Passover So Late in 1997?  (No. 239)). They however then state that they will have to wait for Messiah to correct it; whereas we have no such delusion.

To understand how they destroyed God’s Calendar it is important to study the paper Distortion of God’s Calendar in Judah (No. 195B).

These two errors were used to destroy not only Judah but also the Church of God in the Sardis era especially in the Twentieth Century under the WCG and its offshoots and so also these so-called Hebrew Roots Movements.

The Hillel calendar was so obviously wrong in that the festivals were postponed and the New Moons could not be kept, so they began a system of observation from the end of the Fourth Century.  That is explained in the paper Origins and Basis of the Karaite Division (No. 156C).

The Sardis era began from the Reformation and whereas the Thyatirans kept the proper calendar including the New Moons Sardis did not do so.  However when they sought to manufacture a recreation of the church they manufactured a Ditheist God as explained above and then adopted the Hillel system but rejected the Hillel formulation of a Sivan 6 Pentecost. They then manufactured the perverse fraud that the Jews retained authority of the calendar under authority for the Oracles of God (see the paper The Oracles of God (No. 184)).

The WCG was formed from credentialed officers of the Church of God (SD) under Herbert Armstrong who was actually credentialed by three branches of the COG (SD).  The demarcation church of the Sardis system had the name that it was Living but Christ declared it to be dead (Rev. 3:1). Now there has only been one COG with the name that it was living and that was the Living Church of God formed from Global Church of God and that was the demarcation point of the Sardis era.

The Laodicaean Church came from the Sardis system also and it was lukewarm and was spewed out of God’s mouth. These eras and systems are explained in the papers Role of the Fourth Commandment in the Historical Sabbath-keeping Churches of God (No. 170) and also The Pillars of Philadelphia (No.283).

In the next five years God will deal with these offshoots and two eras and destroy them completely. However, He will give them a way of repentance and if they do not take that opportunity they will be sent to the Second Resurrection.  Only those that repent will be in the First Resurrection of the Dead. It is important that we all study these elements at the Feast and learn how we must approach these people. One of the ways they can be alerted to their danger is that the Feasts this year are out by one day in Hillel and next year by one day also and by two days in the US.

Use this Feast to study these people and these problems so that we can all help our brothers and they can be brought to repentance.  God will provide the means for their repentance.  If they fail they will be destroyed and sent to the Second Resurrection.

This is our immediate responsibility.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General.