New Moon Message 01/11/36/120A

Dear Friends,

Further to the Sabbath Message and the New Moon Message regarding the Wars of the End this message is also issued.

This Sabbath and New Moon we have outlined the current situation and the coming wars and those messages were sent to the Minister of Defence in AU with this further follow up. Perhaps the war will occur even as early as prior to April 2014. Kim Jong-un made his announcement telling them to prepare for war at immediate notice to a large composite unit on 25 December. South Korean intelligence is certain that North Korea will act militarily before April 2014 to cover up their problems at home. Deaths and assassinations are also possible in this situation. The Ukraine is reaching crisis also. In Asia it is just like it was in 1914 in Europe.  Add the Middle East to the mix and it will blow anytime.

Russians have issued the following article headed Gulf monarchies afraid of Iran, getting ready for big war on 24 December, with the sub-title Arab Persian Gulf kingdoms are building a 100,000-strong collective defense force to counter an alleged threat from Iran.

'In the middle of December, the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, which comprises Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Saudi Arabia, unveiled plans to establish a joint military command with headquarters in Riyadh. A Saudi general is expected to be appointed the joint troops' commander. The Gulf monarchies already have a similar though smaller rapid reaction force. Its expansion indicates that political and military cooperation between the Gulf Arab nations has entered a new level,' said Yelena Melkumyan, a Russian orientalist and professor at the Russian State Humanitarian University's Middle East Department.

'The Gulf monarchies are beefing up their joint troop contingent and are giving significantly more attention to military cooperation. On the one hand, they seem to continue doing what they were doing in the past, but on the other hand, new realities are forcing them to focus more on defense matters. They fear a growing threat from Iran. Tehran is currently in talks with Washington. It signed a preliminary nuclear agreement in Geneva. So the Gulf nations realize that things are beginning to change. In the past, they hoped for the deterring role of the United States in confrontation with Iran, but now they have to rely more on their own,' Prof. Melkumyan told the Voice of Russia.

'The Gulf nations have much in common – all of them monarchies, all Sunni-dominated and all thriving thanks to hydrocarbons. Yet, it would be wrong to think that their alliance is monolithic. There are in fact deep differences inside the bloc. However, the rise of their Shia big neighbor – Iran - has prompted them to drop petty squabbles and team up against a common threat,' said Vasily Kuznetsov, a senior research fellow at the Institute of Middle East of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

"The situation in the Persian Gulf is becoming more serious. There are two equally strong rival powers – Saudi Arabia and Iran. The Gulf Cooperation Council was specifically designed to unite the Gulf monarchies against Iran. The threat is real and it's a no-nonsense fight. But no Gulf army has any chance against the Iranian army as far as combat efficiency is concerned. No matter how well it is armed, the Iranians will still be better at war. Still, I would say that a military conflict between the Gulf nations and Iran looks pretty unlikely for a variety of reasons, above all, the highly pragmatic nature of both the Iranian and Saudi regimes. The establishment of the joint Gulf defense seems to me a political move and a positive one for the Gulf nations as it shows their ability to reach consensus, rather than a response to new realities in the security sphere."

The reporting journalist Sergey Duz also suggested that it could also be a pick at Washington which, in Riyadh's opinion, is going too far in adjusting its relations with Tehran. One needn't be a prophet to understand that Riyadh's 'independent' foreign policy ends one meter from the line of the breakup of strategic partnership with Washington. The United States is Saudi Arabia's sole security guarantor in the Middle East.
It is the Russian view that the Persian Gulf defense alliance may potentially have a negative impact on the region as it actually fuels tension between Riyadh and Tehran.  More details are at

The Russians are faced with the consequences of their alliance with Iran and the fact that they may well be plunged into full scale war with the West over this escalation and the views of the Sunni alliance against their Shia opponents in Iran and Syria.  The major cause of the problem is that the Russians and Chinese simply do not understand that their failure to deal with the Syrian crisis and their misuse of the powers of the Security Council has simply caused the Middle East to regard them as worse than useless and an actual threat to world peace and they must simply prepare to deal with Iran themselves and if necessary Russia as well.  This alliance will be 100,000 troops.  By the time this is finished it will be 200,000,000 troops and one third of the world will be dead and the further devastation will simply escalate until Christ is sent back on the death of the Two Witnesses after their 1260 days and 3.5 days in the streets (see the paper The Witnesses (including the Two Witnesses) (No. 135)). It is only then that these morons in the US that teach that Herbert Armstrong was Elijah will actually get the message that they were wrong and they are in the Second Resurrection with all the others that were wrong and taught false doctrine including that idolatry.  So also with the Talmudic Jews in Jerusalem and the Sunni and Shia Muslims that also taught false doctrine and inflicted this disaster on the world. Modern Christianity does not understand that it is they based on Sunday worshipping Trinitarianism that is the central system of Antichrist that Christ will return to destroy and wipe from the face of the earth (see the paper Doctrine of Antichrist (No. 243B)).                                                                                                                                                                                               
Wade Cox

Coordinator General