Sabbath 4/6/36/120                                                                                                             

Dear Friends                                                                                                                            

In this Sixth Month termed Elul we see the build up to the Day of Trumpets, Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles ending with the Last Great Day.

We are watching the systematic destruction of the Middle East by its own factions. Syria is being destroyed by four conflicts within its own systems. Firstly there is a struggle for the relief of the Syrian people from its own brutal minority lead government under Al Assad and the Allowite Shi’ia minority. That in itself is a reasonable political struggle for freedom of expression and commerce. On top of that is the Sectarian divisions of Sunni versus Shi’ia among the Syrians themselves. This conflict has brutalised the conflict and the regime itself is one of brutality. The destruction of Aleppo and the areas that dared to oppose the regime are being systematically razed to the ground by military bombardment. These are indefensible war crimes. The targets are women and children and civilians. What is being destroyed are the hopes and minds of children and their capacity to be rational citizens in the coming decades in Syria and the Middle East.

Turkey has itself got serious troubles due to its Islamic movement under Erdogan and the recent punishments of the former regime officials there has raised serious anger in Turkey. Turkey has also got serious problems with the Kurds on its border areas that want a Kurdish state.  This group is itself a major ancient society who were once the Kingdom of the Medes and also, in the Middle Ages, Saladin was himself a Kurd. They want freedom, both from Turkey and Iraq. Massive numbers of Syrians are now in Turkey as refugees.

In addition to the conflict within Syria the Sunni activists have crossed from Iraq into Syria and also have come from further afield from North Africa and from Afghanistan and Pakistan to promote their own brand of mindless violence and to promote the Regional Sectarian violence. The Sunni are basically being backed by the US and the Shi’ia are being backed by Russia and China and thus the West is at an impasse. Some of these Sunni activists especially associated with Al Qaeda have been so mindless and brutal that they are actually forcing the Syrian Sunni back into the Allowite camp of the regime because they have proven violent and unbalanced in their actions.

They have drawn the Shi’ite Hezbollah from Lebanon into the conflict in Syria as we have seen by recent battles. Also the actions in the Golan have seen UN withdrawals and Russia has proven instrumental in replacing them with a unit of Fijians. How stable all that will be is yet to be seen.

Syria has massive numbers of refugees in Lebanon, in Jordan as well as Turkey and other neighbouring countries and none are stable yet the refugees are being accommodated.

One is reminded of the old parable of the frog and the scorpion. The scorpion approached the creek and said to the frog take me over to the other side.  The frog said no. You will simply sting me and I will die.  The scorpion said: Why would I do that? I would then drown. The frog reluctantly agreed and when he was half way across the scorpion stung him. As the frog was stiffening and commenced to die he said: why did you do that? Now you will drown. The scorpion said: yes I know but this is the Middle East.

The conflict in Islam is insane, contrary to the teachings of the Koran, and impossible to sustain. It has nothing to do with Islam and is supported by the ravings of the Hadith as Rabbinic Judaism is supported by the ravings of the Talmud.  Both systems were set up to destroy the Laws of God and the faith.

These conflicts will continue to develop in Egypt and North Africa and also throughout the Middle East until they spread in the coming Wars of the Fifth and Sixth trumpets and the War of Hamon-Gog (No. 294).

Very soon the wars will escalate and the NATO powers will enter the Middle East. The major biochemical wars precipitated by Syria and the Shi’ia Sunni conflicts will follow on into the major conflict North into Iran and Pakistan and into the republics still under the old Soviet alliances.

Over one third of the world will die as a result of these conflicts and the NATO empirical forces, which will be then recognised as the New Empire of the Beast or New World Order (NWO), will then enter the Middle East as its centre of operations based on Jerusalem (see the paper WWIII Part I: The Empire of the Beast (No. 299A)).

It will occupy from the Mediterranean coast through Gaza and the Old Philistine kingdoms to Jerusalem.  Gaza will cease to exist as a separate state and Lebanon will be occupied including also Tyre and Sidon.  Syria will also be occupied. Jordan will not be occupied but subject to its overall rule and Egypt will also then be under the political and economic control of the Northern Force. Libya to Morocco and Ethiopia in the South will be directed in their political and economic actions for the entire period of 42 months.

Over that period the Temple mount will be cleared by fire from heaven and the conflict of the Witnesses will be watched by the whole world. After 1260 days they will finish their prophecy and will be able to be killed.  They will not be buried and lie in the streets for 3.5 days and then the Messiah will come (see the paper The Witnesses (including the Two Witnesses) (No. 135)). They and the elect will be resurrected (Heaven, Hell or the First Resurrection of the Dead (No. 143a)); and the Messiah will take over all of the lands from the Euphrates to the Red Sea and from The Mediterranean Sea to the Arabian Desert. All Moab and Ammon will be subjugated and become part of the greater Federation of Israel. Edom was defeated and absorbed in Southern Judaea under Judas Macabbeas ca 160 BCE where they are still in Judaism.

Judah will be converted over the period of the Witnesses. The entire Kabbalistic system and the Gnostic teachings of the Pharisees and the false doctrine of the Oral Law originating from Alexandrian Judaism will be removed and all non-Jews who insist on those false doctrines will be removed from Israel and sent back to their lands. See the papers Antinomian Attacks on the Law of God (No. 164D); and Antinomian Destruction of Christianity by Misuse of Scripture (No. 164C).

Christ will then begin to deal with the nations of the world. He will have completely destroyed Trinitarian Christianity at his arrival along with the False Prophet and the Antichrist. The Whore will itself be destroyed by the Beast at the instigation of Satan (see WWIII Part II: The Whore and the Beast (No. 299B)).

The entire Hadithic Islamic system in both Sunni and Shi’ia and all its lodges and sects will be destroyed. Then Christ will bring the Kings of the East down to deal with them at Megiddo. All their armies will be destroyed and the entire religious system of the earth will be replaced with the Laws of God and each nation will keep the Sabbaths and the New Moons (Isa 66:23ff), and the Feasts of God and they will send their representatives to Jerusalem every year at Tabernacles or they will die (cf. Zech. 14:16-19). There is no negotiation. They will get no rain in due season and starve and if they have irrigation it will not help them as they will suffer the plagues of Egypt and its diseases and they will die. It will be that simple. No one will plead with them. They will be given instructions and if they do not obey they will die. Their false prophets will not help them nor will their Jesus music and the howlings of Amos save them. Their repetitive prayers in their mosques will be a stench in the nostrils of the Host. The world will tear down their idols and their paganised buildings and mosques or churches to the triune god. God and Christ will run the earth according to the temple calendar based on the conjunctions. The Hillel and Samaritan Calendars will be brought to mind no more (see also the Hebrew and Islamic Calendar Reconciled (No. 053)).

This is all Scripture and Scripture cannot be broken (Jn. 10:34-36). We will all then set about rebuilding the nations from the total destruction brought about by their wilful disobedience. Pray we are all accounted worthy to escape and to take our place in the First Resurrection and the Millennial system of Messiah in the service of God. We will occupy The Middle East for 1000 years from Jerusalem and then judge the whole world in the Second Resurrection of the Dead and the Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B).

Wade Cox
Coordinator General