New Moon and Sabbath Message 1/11/35/120

Dear Friends,

The responsibility of each family under biblical law is to ensure that the children receive an inheritance.  That also means that the children have a responsibility to ensure that the family has an inheritance to leave them.

Over the last thirty one years the nation has seen the women encouraged into the work force and as a result the percentage of disposable income has risen and the price of housing has also risen so that in 1981 the price of a house was three and one half times annual income and now it is over six times annual income.  So what the banksters and feminists have managed to achieve is to force the females into the work force and force the children of the modern family to borrow much more funds, approximately twice as much, effectively absorbing the working income of the females and increase the house into a gadget ridden and larger than necessary status object, and the borrowing ratios have increased now to such an extent that the young are lifelong servants of the banking system.  Homelessness and rent dependency are the economic products of our “modern era.”

Housing is becoming an intergenerational affair. We are enslaving our children and we have squandered the wealth of an entire generation by forcing these objects into debt ridden parts of a society that require far more savings and interest payments that ever before.

The coming conflicts will ensure that the wealth investment in housing will be highly prone to being wiped out by accelerating conflict.  The long term medical benefit system is now also in the US accelerating the costs of care and the long term Republican system of the Tea Party has basically turned into a self-absorbed aged populace that does not see its long term obligations to the health and welfare of the populace. The social structure has doomed itself to total oblivion on those ideals.

We are on the verge of a full-scale social revolution that will ensure that the world system is completely overturned, and almost destroy itself. It is only by Christ’s return will its own people be saved.

The Theory of Obligation is the only thing that can save it and in the end the entire high end of the social system, or the top two percent, will ensure our elimination in its frantic efforts to control and direct the financial structure of the New World Order.

China is entirely corrupt and its control of information will ensure the continued slavery of its own people.

Each of us should consider our obligations to our families and societies and ensure that we are able to properly organise them both.  Australia is in the hottest spell ever recorded in Australia and people are out in blazing temperatures fighting bushfires started deliberately by arsonists all over the nation.  People are trying to work out how to deal with a mind so diseased that they would expose their own society to obliteration.  The death penalty is out of the question and so we have to suggest that these people should be made to euthanize injured wildlife.  That they should be themselves killed seems not to be considered.

Our entire system needs to be re-educated and restructured. Pray that the Messiah is sent soon.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General