New Moon Message 1/6/36/120

Dear Friends,

This month is the Moon of Elul.  It is the Sixth Month and in this month the final preparations of the law on the final ascent of Moses is made (See paper The Ascents of Moses (No. 070).  It prepares us for the Seventh Month and the Feasts of the Day of Trumpets, Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day.

It is important that we understand the function of the Messiah in his leadership of the Host as Yahovah of Israel under the One True God. Occasionally we get people come into CCG and they read what we say and say they agree but in their own minds they reserve to themselves their own views based on the Binitarianism of the worship of the Sun and Mystery cults.  They are often influenced by Pentecostal or evangelical music and seek to elevate Christ above the hosts as was done ca 175 when the worship of the god Attis was introduced to Christianity and Christ was elevated above the Host in order to introduce the Attis or Baal worship of the Sun and Mystery cults. The greatest concentration of such confusion is in Africa and Madagascar where people seek to sing songs of Christ and to pray and worship Christ not understanding the place that he plays in the Kingdom of God and that his role as High Priest precludes his elevation above the Host either human or heavenly. It is important to understand that there is only ONE True God who is the Father of all and that is not Jesus Christ whom He sent to us (Jn. 17:3). Unless you understand that you cannot be in the First Resurrection.  You cannot be allowed to remain in CCG.  We are not an African glee club singing chants to the gods.  It is important that the African Churches understand what is required and abandon this evangelical “Jesus” singing. 

It is also important to note that this system of music and praise worship, for that is what it is, is idolatrous.  Obeisance using the word proskuneo does not mean worship it means obeisance or respect to people acting as representatives of God.  That is why the same word is used in relation to the Church of the Philadelphians when those who say they are Jews but are not will be made to proskuneo before the elect.  They will not be worshipping us. They will be honouring us because of their idolatry and our faithfulness.  That includes all these Christ worshippers who think that it is permissible to worship someone other than God. At the risk of sounding repetitive it is important that we all study the basis of this idolatry and its entry into Christianity. Look at the paper Binitarian and Trinitarian Misrepresentation of the Early Theology of the Godhead (No. 127B).

In the time of the end the Lord God of Israel will bring the cities of the Middle East low and reduce them to waste. The sequence was initially laid out in Isaiah 23 when the cities of Tyre and Sidon were dealt with and the trading empire of the Phoenicians was destroyed by the Babylonians. They went on to Cyprus and also to Tarshish as the centre of the Atlantic trade among the Celts and onwards to the Americas.  When Isaiah wrote it was the Assyrians in power but he specifically says it would not be them that did it.  God says that He would destroy them and leave them desolate also for Seventy Years. He would then restore them to cities of mirth and trade and they would continue on.  In the next chapter 24 he goes on to the time of the end and the wars of the Last Days.

Isaiah 24
[1] Behold, the LORD will lay waste the earth and make it desolate,
and he will twist its surface and scatter its inhabitants. [2] And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the slave, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress;
as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the creditor, so with the debtor.

Note that the Lord God is responsible for acting against the earth and its inhabitants. He will make it desolate because the people have acted contrary to His word and the priests are also held to blame because they are the source of the error and the problem and the masters will suffer the same fate as the slaves. The rich and poor and those that buy and sell are punished. World trade is brought to a standstill.

[3] The earth shall be utterly laid waste and utterly despoiled; for the LORD has spoken this word. [4] The earth mourns and withers, the world languishes and withers; the heavens languish together with the earth.

The problems of the earth are mirrored in the heavens when God decides to act. God then proceeds to declare why He has acted as He has through the words of the prophet. It is precisely that they have polluted the earth through the breaches of the laws of God and the failure to keep His laws and His Sabbaths. He had reclaimed the Sabbaths under the destruction of Tyre and Sidon also from chapter 23. King of Tyre is another name for Satan as we see from Scripture. God is dealing with the world system under Satan as God of this world. The earth is broken down because Satan has broken the nexus of the law in 3974 BCE at the closure of Eden and the cursing of the earth and it continues to this day.  The earth will be scorched and men die because of their guilt and they know it not. (see the papers Antinomian Attacks on the Law of God (No. 164D); and Antinomian Destruction of Christianity by Misuse of Scripture (No. 164C)

[5] The earth lies polluted under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. [6] Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are scorched, and few men are left. [7] The wine mourns, the vine languishes, all the merry-hearted sigh. [8] The mirth of the timbrels is stilled, the noise of the jubilant has ceased, the mirth of the lyre is stilled. [9] No more do they drink wine with singing; strong drink is bitter to those who drink it. [10] The city of chaos is broken down, every house is shut up so that none can enter. [11] There is an outcry in the streets for lack of wine; all joy has reached its eventide; the gladness of the earth is banished. [12] Desolation is left in the city, the gates are battered into ruins. [13] For thus it shall be in the midst of the earth among the nations, as when an olive tree is beaten, as at the gleaning when the vintage is done.

Thus earth is beaten to bring it to repentance and to re-establish the Lord God of Hosts in Glory as the object of worship on the planet and in the heavens. Those of the elect are in praise and the prophets sigh and cry for the earth and the treachery committed on it. The terror of the pit and judgment are brought upon the earth.  Those who deal treacherously and dig pits fall into them and catch themselves on their own snare getting out and that applies also to the demonic host. The earth is struck and stagger in earthquake and tremors and in heat waves and destruction of all kinds. The earth falls and will not rise until it is restored by the Yahovah Sabaioth of Israel.

[14] They lift up their voices, they sing for joy; over the majesty of the LORD they shout from the west. [15] Therefore in the east give glory to the LORD; in the coastlands of the sea, to the name of the LORD, the God of Israel. [16] From the ends of the earth we hear songs of praise, of glory to the Righteous One. But I say, "I pine away, I pine away. Woe is me! For the treacherous deal treacherously, the treacherous deal very treacherously." [17] Terror, and the pit, and the snare are upon you, O inhabitant of the earth! [18] He who flees at the sound of the terror shall fall into the pit; and he who climbs out of the pit shall be caught in the snare: For the windows of heaven are opened, and the foundations of the earth tremble. [19] The earth is utterly broken, the earth is rent asunder, the earth is violently shaken. [20] The earth staggers like a drunken man, it sways like a hut; its transgression lies heavy upon it, and it falls, and will not rise again.

It is on the Day of the Lord i.e. That Day that the Lord punishes the Fallen Host and the Kings of the Earth on the earth.  That is over a period of time (see the paper The Day of the Lord and the Last Days (No. 192))

 [21] On that day the LORD will punish the host of heaven, in heaven, and the kings of the earth, on the earth. [22] They will be gathered together as prisoners in a pit; they will be shut up in a prison, and after many days they will be punished. [23] Then the moon will be confounded, and the sun ashamed; for the LORD of hosts will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his elders he will manifest his glory.

Both groups will go to the pit.  The Kings of the Earth will die and await the Second Resurrection at the end of the Millennial reign of Christ. The Fallen Host will be confined to Tartaros for the Millennium when they will be released for the final rebellion and then their destruction and resurrection as androgynous humans at the Second Resurrection and Great White Throne Judgment.  Christ will reign as High priest worshipping The One True God from Jerusalem with his elders.  These are initially the 144,000 and also the elders of Revelation 4:4.  If you wish to be part of them you have to understand that Christ is not the One True God.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General Hear O Israel Yahovah our God, Yahovah is one. Eloah is Allah', Allah' is Eloah. We will all be Elohim.
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