New Moon Message 1/2/36/120

Dear Friends,

The current economic crisis in the Eurozone is being badly organised and is being structured so that the Eurozone banking system is forced into a central organisation that is above national governments. That is why the situation is collapsing from one crisis to the next. It is not supposed to work and a reorganisation is being forced on it.

The European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi has hit out at what he says was a poorly a managed bailout for Cyprus as protests at the crippling costs for the small Mediterranean island raged on.

Mario Draghi described as "not smart" an initial plan to impose losses on all depositors in the island's banks - large or small - which rode roughshod over previous guarantees within the European bloc on balances up to 100,000 euros.

He said the collapse of the island's bloated offshore financial sector showed the importance of a banking union among Eurozone countries to avert a similar meltdown hitting one of the currency's larger economies.

"There is no better way to prevent these crises than by shedding light on national banking systems via the sort of international oversight that would be in place" with a single supervisory mechanism, Draghi said on Thursday.

"Any delay on this front is extremely disappointing."

He said a new Eurozone authority to resolve failed banks should start its operations in 2015, rather than the existing proposal of 2018.

However, as more details emerged of the scale of the job losses for Cyprus's banking sector and the austerity budgets that loom ahead, bank workers downed tools in protest at what they fear will be the loss of hard-earned pensions. The strikes and protests on parliament come despite reassurances by President Nicos Anastasiades that every effort would be made to preserve pension funds at the two banks in the eye of the financial storm.

According to details of the bailout deal that emerged on Thursday, Cyprus must still adopt 351 million euros ($A434 million) in austerity measures in its 2013 budget before receiving the EU financial aid expected in May.

"Over 2013, the authorities will rigorously implement the 2013 budget law with additional permanent measures of at least 351 million euros (2.1 per cent of GDP)," says the memorandum of understanding, seen and reported by AFP.

It would be naive in the extreme to believe that the destruction of the Cyprus offshore zone was a “terrible mistake” of European politics made in a noble struggle with offshore companies in general or those where Russian oligarchs are laundering their money. The work by many analysts shows that this is a part of the plan for building a new world order required for the forthcoming collapse of the US debt pyramid. It may well be that Russia is involved in this process.

As most economists know, it is the US economy that defines the state of the world economy, and given the financial and political influence of America, the prospect of its development.

In the US, only 20 percent of GDP is created in the real sector, the remaining 80 is a financial speculation based on the current neoliberal model of development of nearly all countries on the planet. US unemployment is a direct result of their globalisation of the world economy based on their banking sector controls.

The US debt for years has been growing at the rate of 10 percent a year, and GDP – 2 percent. Even all newly created assets in the world economies (4 percent of global GDP per year) will be unable to repay it. The actions of the US is an example of absolute global imperialism centralising all the world’s productivity in the hands of the US banking system which is controlled by the six banks of the US Federal Reserve. Raising the debt ceiling is becoming increasingly more difficult, and is a hopeless task. Those on Wall Street are well aware of it. Soon the debt pyramid will be deliberately collapsed. The question is then to arise as to what should be done to provide the groundwork for the restoration of the financial power? Of course, for starters, all possible assets in the offshore must be collected. The Central system will go about reclaiming all assets sucked into its system.

Offshore havens are created precisely to lure capital with low or even zero tax on income from investments, and minimal oversight of monetary transactions in the market. Business procedures are simplified to levels of dishonesty and clients and investors are protected by bank secrecy and other similar regulations. This system is designed to attract capital at levels sometimes ten times higher than the local production sector. In Cyprus, for example, it was seven times higher than the local GDP, or 126 billion euros, and this money will flow (according to experts) not to the European offshore – Gibraltar, Madeira, Ireland, Andorra, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, but to the British or American ones – Delaware, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands, the Virgin Islands, and so on. This is designed to enable the Anglo-US control of capital as seen in the Federal Reserve composition which is comprised of two US banks, two UK banks and one German and one Dutch bank.

A number of observers have noted the statement of British Prime Minister David Cameron about a possible withdrawal from the EU, and the information about creating a free economic zone between the transatlantic US and EU leaked to the press at the end of the year 2012. President Obama stated that such a course of actions was contrary to US interests given their moves to control the NWO, so all is not smooth in the consolidation. It is becoming clear that this has to do with a plan to change the world order with the old global players, but new alliances, with no room for weak links in the form of “peripheral”, weak European economies. Self interested and wildcat East and Southern Europeans are mistrusted, unreliable, and will be brought to heel. In Asia, Australia is being interlinked with China and the AU banks Westpac and ANZ are being licensed as direct Rimimbi or “Yuan” exchange banks with no necessity to channel through US dollars. This bypasses the very reasons for declaring war on Iraq and Afghanistan and next Iran. This will be the Asian economic zone of the NWO.

To consolidate the NWO under the central banks, the next task is to remove the European and other offshore companies from the arena and ensure the tightening of the entire system of capital accumulation, linking it to its territory. Part of it is expected to be expropriated under the Cyprus scenario, and the rest will be used for the recovery. The US and UK have an ally in Europe which is the other arm of the Federal Reserve namely Germany and the Dutch bank. All action will be taken by them for their own self interest. The three main players in which these banks are based are actively negotiating the redistribution of financial flows. Germany, as we see from Cyprus, is openly and actively involved in the process. Germany’s position, albeit ambiguous, is more powerful, because the country has a strong real sector economy.

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, who is a “gray cardinal,” is the engine behind the process. He is at least the second most important person in the EU, if not the first, since he gives orders to the ECB President Mario Draghi to run the printing press. He is the only person who was elected by his party (CDU) in the Bundestag for ten consecutive terms. Briefly put he has forty years of experience staying in power. Observers think that his interview in November of 2011 with The New York Times implies that the actions of Germany (and maybe even the US) in Cyprus were not a tragic mistake, but a well-defined plan. In that interview Schaeuble spoke about the need to move towards a centralized Europe, as the Eurozone was not enough. We have expected that for many years and it is the next step for the NWO to establish the final Empire of the Beast. He spoke about the need to form a political union whose president would be elected directly by the people. He further said that at the time there was a limited transitional period and that nervousness in the market had to be controlled. His view was that by the end of 2012 or mid-2013, everything needed to strengthen and deepen and the political structures would be in place. The Minister concluded that a political union could only be achieved in times of a crisis.
This fact we understood for some time and the crisis is expected by mid-2013. The financial crisis now being developed is part of that sequence to force the political unification of Europe under a dictator and a bureaucracy with no national democratic process in Europe nor indeed the rest of the world on a progressive basis.

The IMF and the ECB under German economic control with a controlled UK London based banking system as part of the Federal Reserve structure is now in rigid control of Europe and its financial system. 

UK attempts to remove itself will be met by force after its people finally realise they have no choice but to fight. UK will be dismembered politically to avoid that happening. Financial turmoil is critical to the formation of that system. That was engineered to begin in 2008 to weaken the banks and national systems for the push in 2013.

The EU will shut down non compliant national services and as we saw in Cyprus people and banks began transferring funds to Germany and the UK/US offshore facilities. The same sequence will occur all over Europe and Banks and ATMs will be closed until the systems are compliant. Bank accounts will be milked as necessary. It is all planned and all deliberate.

The centralisation of European finances has been accomplished through the treason of national leaders and the dishonesty and avarice of individuals. The EU will disintegrate soon and be forced to reorganise as a single unit controlled by bureaucrats in Brussels through German direction. This will create a problem in the UK. Problem countries will be brought under control. The NWO final weapon is war and it will be used through the next few years to achieve world domination.

Russia will be part of the new process and will feel the final military compulsion. At present it is minimally involved in the US/EU controlled virtual financial speculative market. The real sector in the Russian Federation at present dominates over the speculative one but it is effectively a criminal state. One thing is obvious and that is that the Russians are not willing to give their money to save the Germans and Anglo-Saxon dominated financial systems of the EU.  The Russian government reacted to Cyprus in such a manner that indicated it is alarmed at the exposure to these offshore cells.  It will react to save itself from that exposure and war will follow. Russia’s own opportunism has resulted in the stashing of up to 80% of its finances in foreign offshore accounts.  That is enough to collapse the Russian state if it is seized and they know it. They are forced to act in order for them to be able to participate in the NWO, which only an idiot would not know is coming and planned for the next few years. Russia has to reinvest in its own infrastructure and returning the funds to Russia as was done to some extent in Cyprus is critical.  Russia is limited by its inability to benefit from strategists that are not tainted by the criminal state.  It has to control the offshore movement of funds and must restrict and tax all funds going offshore to havens or create its own. That is resisted by the US/UK banksters as they wish to control Russia through its funds access. They will attempt to control Russia through the NWO conditions they impose on it and the East after the coming crisis. The coming war will enforce controls on all national systems.

The coming financial controls will themselves form a tribulation on all nations. The international socialists saw an opportunity to harness the savings of the nations in what was a compulsory superannuation scheme in many nations. They then when elected to government attempted to seize such funds and place them into consolidated revenue and draw on the payments from consolidated revenue thus making the net expenditure from Revenue appear as non deficit budgets and transferring the future expenditures to the tax payers as further tax revenue requirements. This was done in the case of the Australian Defence Force Superannuation schemes and then the schemes were deliberately reduced in real terms by false adjustments that failed to account for general increases in inflation and consumer price indexation. It was a massive fraud inflicted in the Australian Defence Force by both political parties. Political pensions were excluded from such a scheme.

In Cyprus the staff at the Laiki bank, for example, were encouraged to invest in the bank by share purchasers as were many others. They were then discouraged from selling their shares when things looked a little precarious. In fact some management discouraged others and immediately afterwards sold their own holdings. These would be considered criminal acts in other nations and probably are in Cyprus. Their shares are now worthless and they will probably lose their jobs funds and pensions. The Cypriots are desperate and so are many EU nations from Greece to Portugal and Ireland and Spain and most of East Europe also.

It now appears that full scale civil unrest is likely in many nations. The imminent collapse of the US may well see civil unrest there and the Obama administration seems to be preparing for such an eventuality. The banks themselves will attract a great deal of hostility and the Federal Reserve may well find itself under attack and removed as a financial institution.  Indeed to save the US and the Nations from the dishonesty of the banksters the whole system has to be disbanded and nationalised and usury outlawed. All super funds could be used to establish the national banking system and the home purchase schemes and business establishment. One thing that is certain is the Christ will stamp out the current banking system on his arrival.

The current political problem is to reorganise society and restructure the world so that it functions and the banksters are removed from power and influence.

At present the NWO key banksters are supervising the wind-up of other banks and picking the carcases.  What will be left is a very serious control of world capital that will be used to enslave the world people and revolution will follow. In Cyprus Laiki Bank aka Cyprus Popular bank for example was wound up as part of the EU bailout deal. The banks debts and all savings over 100,000 euros will be dumped into a “bad bank” while savings under 100,000 euros and most of the bank’s assets will be transferred to the bank of Cyprus.  This anywhere else would constitute a criminal conspiracy but the banksters can do what they are able to enforce through the EU bureaucracy. As the Bank of Cyprus is already overstaffed the Laiki staff will be almost certainly redundant. The finance sector in Cyprus accounted for approximately 45% of the GDP. It was disproportionate.

What was worse was that the bank employees were virtually forced to borrow funds to purchase shares and invest in the bank and now they have worthless shares but still owe the new Bank of Cyrus the debt on the funds they were forced to borrow from Laiki Bank for the worthless shares in Laiki. It was revealed last week in Greek media that Laiki, the Bank of Cyprus and the Hellenic Bank forgave loans amounting to millions of euros to companies, local authorities and individual politicians.

The issue of the Laiki Bank pension funds is also a serious problem. One couple (bank manager and wife) have around 650,000 euros (£550,000 or $850,000) in their combined pension funds. Last week, following demands from the unions, President Nicos Anastasiades said that every effort would be made to safeguard this money. However, a rumour is spreading through the ex-Laiki workforce that their pension funds will be at least partially converted into shares in the Bank of Cyprus. Although this bank's short-term future is guaranteed, some foresee a possible run on the bank as strict restrictions on withdrawals and transfers are lifted. The rumours are prompting continued unrest and that will not get any better. The worry is also based on the fact that similar situations are occurring in Spain where eight banks went bust and the accounts were transferred into share capital and when their funds were consolidated in the one Spanish bank the shares were then worthless instruments of bankrupt institutions. The bankers were negligent in the handling of the system and they should all be held accountable and penalised. That is unlikely.

An example of the incompetence was in the big change that occurred when the Greek company Marfin Investment Group (MIG) took over Laiki Bank in 2006, it was reported. "They were reported to have transformed the Bank from a conservative bank to a bank that was ambitious and expanding all over the place," says Chrysafis the Laiki Bank manager. "The first thing they managed to do - they gave everybody a 2,000 euro (£1,700 or $2,500) bonus because we 'did a good job'. And we wondered: 'What did we do?'" The bonus was followed by big salary increases, he says. In the brave new world of the MIG-owned Laiki, nobody dared complain. "If you complained then you are considered to be a loser or to be a conservative or not to be part of them - so, all in all, nobody talked about it." It appears that the Greek arm loaned large amounts inadequately secured to people in Greece and the ongoing irresponsible actions of the banking fraternity in Greece as elsewhere in Europe simply collapsed the system due to the dishonest and improper use of the system and its funds. Iceland took the proper and simple solution and sent the European banks to hunt for their funds. Unfortunately the rest cannot tough it out or so they think. The collapse will continue so that the NWO can be established in the wreckage of the savings and investments of the workers of the world to the benefit of the banksters in the US and the EU. Civil unrest seems inevitable.

Pray for the intervention of God and the sending of the Witnesses and the Messiah.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General