Sabbath 3/8/34/120                                                                                                      

Dear Friends,

This week the European Union went through the tortuous charade of trying to save the Euro and the Eurozone. They came up with a blue print for the 1.4 trillion fund to reorganise the Euro financial situation.

Stocks rallied between 3 and 6.5% in the various markets with France showing the largest gains. President Sarkozy of France said openly that the admission of Greece had been a mistake based on falsified accounts and records by Greece, in order to obtain entry. The banks exposed to Greek debt were informed to take a 50% “haircut” on Greek debt. The banks were also informed to increase their financial reserves to protect them against insolvency. Critics are saying that the European Central Bank (ECB) should be issuing Euro Reserves and being directly involved in the supply of money throughout Europe. Some are saying that a minimum of 2 trillion is required to save the Euro and the Eurozone.  Britain was urging the “Big Bazooka” approach to the crisis and seemed rather pleased at the agreement. Not everyone is as enthusiastic about the solution. The EU has been “kicking the can down the road” for the last 18 months. The world economy has suffered as a result. The Australian treasurer has expressed concern at the inaction of the EU over the period. Some economists have expressed grave concern that the solution is of a similar effort that saw the failure in July 2011 to correct the matter.

The problem is that these nations have no good will and integrity in their dealings and the banks act in complete self interest. The actions of independent nation states, acting in their own self interest, further hampers the process. There is no guarantee that an insolvent Greece will not be followed by an insolvent Italy and then Spain, in a domino effect. Even France is not immune and there are some serious doubts about its ability to survive the crisis.

China is being asked to intervene and support the Euro. It has already been burned by the US crisis in 2008 and will not go alone in any action in Europe. The fact of the matter is that the Chinese never do anything for nothing and there will be a real sting in the tail of any assistance they give. It will cost Europe dearly and the rational economists are saying this openly.

What is really happening and what is the real agenda?

The fact is that the Euro is not intended to survive. It is simply a step in the road to One World Government under the New World Order (NWO) which is the Empire of the Beast of Revelation (see the paper WWIII Part I: The Empire of the Beast (No. 299A)).

The solution being advanced by the papacy gives us an indication of where it is headed and how the Vatican sees the outcome and how it is attempting to ride the Beast for this last world empire.

 “Financial crisis: the quick fix of the Vatican

The Vatican on Monday called for the creation of a ‘universal public authority’ and a ‘global central bank’ to regulate financial institutions in the current period of turmoil and uncertainty.

The 18-page document, entitled ‘To reform the international financial system from the perspective of a public authority to universal jurisdiction,’ should strike a chord with ‘outraged’ over the world protesting against the excesses of the current economic system.

‘The economic and financial crisis through which the country calls everyone - people like people - to conduct a thorough discernment of the principles and cultural and moral values ​​that form the basis of social life in common,’ the Council Pontifical Justice and Peace [said] in a note.

The Vatican warns against ‘idolatry of the market’ and ‘neo-liberal ideology’ that the current problems are only technical.

‘The crisis revealed the attitudes of selfishness, greed and hoarding collective goods on a large scale,’ he says, adding that the world economies were to take an ethics of solidarity between rich and poor countries.

‘If no remedy is given to various forms of injustice, the negative effects that will follow in the social, political and economic will be likely to generate a climate of growing hostility and even violence, to undermine the very foundations of democratic institutions, those that are also considered the strongest and safest,’ reads the document.

The Holy See called for the establishment of a supranational authority in global dimension and universal jurisdiction responsible for guiding policy and economic decisions.

Such authority should be taken as reference the United Nations to gain independence then.


When asked whether this document could become the manifesto of the ‘outraged’, Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said: ‘People on Wall Street have to sit and think wisely about whether their current management of global finance is in the interests of humanity and the public interest.’

‘We call on all groups and organizations to sit down and rethink the situation,’ he said at a news conference Monday.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has lost its ability to regulate the global creation of money and watch over the amount of credit risk that the system assumes, believes the Pontifical Council.

‘In economic and financial matters, the greater difficulties come from the absence of an effective set of structures that can guarantee, in addition to a system of governance, a system of government in the economy and international finance.’

The world needs ‘a minimum corpus, shared rules to manage the global financial market.’

‘We see on the bottom, to draw in perspective the need for a body performing the functions of a sort of 'World Central Bank' regulating the flow and the system of monetary exchange, like the national central banks’ , says the document.

The Pontifical Council recognizes that the establishment of both bodies will take years and will face resistance from the global players.

‘This transformation will take place at the cost of transfer, gradual and balanced within the remit of a national authority in a global and regional authorities, which is necessary at a time when the dynamics of human society and of the economy and the advances in technology, transcend borders that are in fact already eroded in the globalized world.’" ( with Reuters - 24.10.2011, 15:46).

The full text of the Note on the reform of the international financial and monetary systems in the context of global public authority released by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace can be found at:

Thus we see the Vatican advancing this One World system that is the real agenda of the Satanic system of this world. The Vatican will seek to influence and to ride it but will itself be destroyed by this Beast as we see in Revelation (see the paper WWIII Part II: The Whore and the Beast (No. 299B))

The major conflict that will emerge over this structure is a world religious conflict that will see both Trinitarian Christianity and Islam destroyed. Out of this conflict it is proposed to produce an economic hybrid and a religious system under the god of this world (2Cor. 4:4).

The serious nature of the Islamic threat in Africa is only now being realized. Al Shebaab is now ordering attacks in Kenya and right in Central Nairobi. Grenade attacks have occurred over the last few days in a bus stop and a shopping facility and a man was arrested not 200 metres from where we stayed in Nairobi. He had an AK47 and 13 grenades.
The terrorist organisation is now ordering the use of major explosives instead of grenades. The US is reacting to that threat as we see from the following news report. The US operations are from Somalia into Kenya and Uganda and elsewhere.

"US Quietly Assumes Military Posture in Africa

NAIROBI, Kenya — The United States is using special forces advisers, drones, and tens of millions of dollars in military aid in Africa to combat a growing and multifaceted security threat, while playing a less obtrusive role and focusing once again on Somalia.

The United States is also providing intelligence and training to fight militants across the continent, from Mauritania in the west along the Atlantic Ocean, to Somalia in the east along the Indian Ocean. The Pentagon is paying a lot more attention to Africa than in years past, analysts say.

‘I think the security threats emanating from Africa are being taken more seriously than they have been before, and they're more real,’ said Jennifer Cooke, the director of the Africa program at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies.” (Thursday, October 27, 2011 02:05 PM The Associated Press)

The economic conflicts are being used along with the religious conflicts to advance the New World Order and the Beast system under the god of this world. War is planned and will be precipitated by those behind the system to bring about the one world government of the Beast system of Revelation. Economic collapse is vital to that reorganisation and NWO.

All religions have to make way for it. It affects the Churches of God and for that reason Christ is sent to save the elect. We will see the conflict in Daniel chapter 12 emerge full blown and the fall of Babylon will ensue as a result. By 2027 they will all be gone and the world will be ruled by Messiah from Jerusalem with the elect.

It is to that end that we work and pray for the Kingdom of God to be established in power on this planet.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General