Sabbath 26/2/34/120

Dear Friends,

This week was the Sixth week of the Omer Count to Pentecost as determined by the Temple Calendar according to the conjunction. The Samaritan and the Temple Calendar are in accord this year. The sequence of the Sixth week begins on the second last day of the Second Passover period. It is termed the “Week of the Wars of Ameleck.” This week represents the attempts by Satan to stop us entering the Kingdom of God symbolised by Pentecost.

Satan has used this week to attack the church and attempt to destroy it wherever it is vulnerable. Many of you will know exactly of what I am speaking and just how serious some of the attacks on the churches have been.

Many of our people are under stress and many are challenged. Some of our leaders have disappointed their people. Do not allow yourselves to be shaken in the faith. Remain steadfast and loyal to our national churches and to our World Conference activities.

It was no accident this year that false prophets had developed a scenario of a supposed return of the Messiah and a “Rapture” to heaven on the 35th day of the Omer count on May 21 2011. As we told everyone, it would not and could not occur for the massive amount of false premises on which the timing was based, but more importantly the Bible is quite clear that no Rapture to heaven is going to occur at any time in the history of this planet.       

We have addressed this false doctrine in the paper The Millennium and the Rapture (No. 095). Another false doctrine is akin to it and that is the Place of Safety false doctrine advanced by the WCG and offshoots under Herbert Armstrong. That is exposed in the paper The Place of Safety (No. 194).

The man Harold Camping is a proven false prophet. He started this false doctrine in 1994 and then again in 2011 for 21 March and then changed it to 21 May 2011 and people were stupid enough to devote massive amounts of money to advertising and also to give up employment and to travel thousands of miles to California to take part in the non-existent “rapture”. What was worse his web site was reported as declaring when none of it happened that it was still 21 May in parts of the world and it still might happen.

What is even worse is that the US groups were still making claims that, even though Camping got it wrong, the rapture is still going to happen sometime soon. NO! It is NEVER going to happen and NO ONE is going to heaven; Not now, not ever. The First Resurrection of the Dead is to occur at the return of the Messiah and we will ALL, of the Churches of God, be resurrected and translated with those who are left alive and taken to Jerusalem. There they will reign with Christ for a thousand years as clearly stated in Revelation chapter 20. Remember this fact. When you come across people who say that they are Christians and that when they die they go to heaven do not believe them. They are not Christians (cf. Justin Martyr, Dial. LXXX).

Some people ruined their family finances supporting this man. He managed to bring Christianity once again into disrepute. The aim of the Antinomian Gnostic scoundrels is to destroy Christianity, the Laws of God, and the faith once delivered; and these so-called Christians operating from the US make money out of it.

Stand fast to the faith. Do not be deceived and do not let any man make merchandise of you or anyone.

Wade Cox                                                        

Coordinator General  Hear O Israel Yahovah our God, Yahovah is one. Eloah is Allah', Allah' is Eloah. We will all be Elohim.
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