New Moon 1/8/34/120

Dear Friends,

This is the New Moon of the Eighth Month and we are all back in our home locations from the activities over the Seventh Month.

We had a successful trip to East Africa and held seminars with the Central Africans also. Kenya was reorganised. We are hoping that the church can now make further progress in East Africa.  We have appointed Mr. George Onyango of Nairobi as the National Coordinator of CCG Kenya. We also went to and reorganised Mombasa under Mark Okoth who was also appointed to the board. I was amazed to see the good road to Mombasa end with total chaos and a traffic jam that took us over two hours to get into the city. I am told that is usual. We came out on a Sunday and the traffic was much less.

Whilst in Kenya we had meetings with the elders and councillors of the Turkana people in the North based in Isiola and with the clan chiefs and elders of the Kisii from the Trans Mara. Both tribes have agreed to provide land to the church for development purposes and we will now explore the development projects there once the tenure is organised. We have also had approaches from the Samburu at Maralal and we have appointed a local minister there and now also we are in the process of interviewing the Turkana at Lokichoggio towards the Sudan border for induction to CCG.

Between Trumpets and Atonement we went to the Turkana at Isiola. I was reminded of the fact that in 2009 I had intervened to protect the Turkana in Isiola at Attir after they had been attacked by the Borana tribesmen who have connections with the Muslim raiders and Al Shebaab from Somalia. They had made off with the Attir stock and shot the sister of Moses Lomongo Eregae, our coordinator there. They also blinded his father in the right eye with a knife and told them to leave the lands which the Turkana have occupied for decades before the Borana arrived in the district.  We arranged for the School of Artillery there to afford them some protection by camping outside the school guardhouse at night.

After I had left the area this time the Borana moved from “grazing” in the Samburu lands through the Turkana at Isiola. They were approximately 200 in number armed with AK47s and other weapons and they took a large number of stock from the villages at Arimet near Attir. They shot seven Turkana tribesmen and I was informed of the details by Mr. Paul Mero, the local councillor of the Turkana there. None of the seven were CCG people, fortunately.  I had attempted to take the matter up with the local MP Mr. M. A. Kuti who is also the Minister for Livestock Development.  We were prevented from keeping our appointment due to a family crisis of the minister. However, I had reduced the details in writing and shortly thereafter, and after the Feast of Tabernacles before we returned home, the 200 Borana again attacked the Turkana and shot a further 15 tribesmen and burned the houses of a large number and scattered the Turkana, including those of CCG, burning and looting their houses.

The minister has given his assurance that the Borana who burned the houses will be prosecuted. I have informed him in writing that it is my opinion that this action constitutes genocide by ethnic cleansing on religious and tribal grounds. This constitutes a crime against humanity and is actionable under international law.  The Kenya media is idle in their reporting of the issue and they misreport.

We have been assured that a police post will be established at Isiola in the Attir and Arimet area. We are asking that it be manned soonest. Mr. Paul Mero is seeking to achieve that end as soon as possible.

The degeneration of the Islamic/Christian relations in the area and into the Somalia region is a serious cause for concern.

The Kenyan government was forced to invade Somalia while we were there over the repeated incursions by terrorists like Al Shebaab into Kenya from Somalia; and the Somali government has joined forces with Kenya to limit and defeat Al Shebaab there on the Somali Coast. The Kenyan army intends occupying the port for some time to come.  It is worthwhile noting that the repeated incursions by the Muslims from Somalia over the border into Kenya occur as Borana tribal incursions inside Kenya when in fact we are informed they are trans-border activities into Kenya directed at the Turkana and Samburu in intimidation. It is attempted genocide through ethnic cleansing. Kenyan sovereignty is directly threatened by this Islamic terrorist activity. The Kenyan military action appears completely justified. Also the Ugandan and Burundian military force in Somalia under UN direction has seen 700 soldiers killed in its operations there.

Overall these insane terrorists have seen 1.5 million killed, and a cost of over $US55 billion over the last twenty years or so. Now they spread their hate and insanity to the Kenyan tribal areas. This conflict will escalate until Kenya and Kenyans stop it by force. If they do not do so, the alternative is a failed state, as Somalia now is.

The Bible is quite clear on what is to happen in North Africa and the Middle East over the last days (Dan. 11:40-45). The time frame is detailed in the papers: The Fall of Egypt (No. 36) and the Fall of Egypt Part II (No. 36B) and also in the paper The Advent of the Messiah: Part I (No. 210A). Islam will continue to push at the Northern Power until they are invaded and subjugated. The small glimmer of hope in the Tunisian elections this week will not be spread to the rest of the Islamic system until it is all too late.

So we are not under any illusions as to the nature of the struggle now underway, we were faced with the problem that no Master Card was able to be processed in any bank in East Africa through any ATM. Only Visa Cards were acceptable.  Master Cards no matter what their issuing bank had to be processed at the special Visa/Master Card counter within the bank and only specific limited amounts could be accessed. In 2005 this phenomenon was seen in Tanzania only but in 2011 it was endemic to all banks in East Africa. The fact is that the Western Master Card system has been overthrown by the Asian dominated Visa Card and probably throughout Africa. Even Barclays is involved. Some Barclays’ staff were explaining that Western banks had been destabilised but that was not the real reason. They have just removed them from ATM access. They can still be used in some supermarkets and other stores but not from ATMs. This is an economic battle that the West appears to have already lost.

What is also a problem is the actual ownership of the global financial and corporate structure.  The entire world capitalist and economic system is controlled by 147 companies. 1% of the financial system controls most or almost all of it.

This is what the Bible says and what the world is now just coming to grips with. The Vatican is trying to use this vast network to attempt to influence the structure but the Bible is clear that the Beast turns on it and destroys it. The system is examined in the papers WWIII Part I: The Empire of the Beast (No. 299A) and WWIII: Part II The Whore and the Beast (299B).

The system is equitably unworkable and will enslave the world. From small scale conflicts such as we see above to the large scale world conflicts is simply a matter of time and escalation. Sharia law is contrary to the law of God in the same way most of the Western system proposed and controlled by the Vatican and Trinitarian Christianity is contrary to God’s law. It all has to be destroyed and will destroy itself from its own evil structure which is run according to the God of this world.

It has until 2027. Then it is all over. Before then the Witnesses will get here and pave the way for the Messiah. Messiah will bring the world into captivity before then. 2027 will see the restoration of the world from Atonement.

While in Uganda we were informed by a young SDA student that the SDAs were asserting that they were taking the jubilee of 2027 and asserting that the world’s system would be run from then as a national Sunday system. That is simply to cover the fact that the world will continue on for a thousand years under Messiah on this earth before the Second Resurrection of the Dead and the Great White Throne Judgment from 3028. They cannot admit their false prophetess Ellen G. White got it all wrong.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General  Hear O Israel Yahovah our God, Yahovah is one. Eloah is Allah', Allah' is Eloah. We will all be Elohim.
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