Sabbath Update No 2    19/6/33/120

Dear Friends
This report came in form Mudhimba Muhindo in East Congo DR

Dear Brother Wade Cox and Bizimana Bosco

Garçonma Mambakele is inducting 14 churches in Kisangani-Oriantale province and he will send a report tomorrow. Adele reported also. We have distributed the materials to Glory Temple Christian Center people in North and Eastern Congo I have tried to meet with some Pastors of GTCC here in North Kivu and Adele met with those pastors in North Congo at Bunia. Also Niyonzima Jean was sent to South Kivu to meet with senior Pastor of Glory Temple Christian Center and Niyonzima Jean gave materials to them and they are studying CCG doctrines. We have distributed more than 900 copies (of the Statement of Beliefs ) but there are many more till needed. We need at least 2000 copies of A1 now. So please do what you can to assist us with more copies. At present here there are a lot of works I have not seen before in my life the evangelism we have been doing over the last two years. Travelling here in DRC is very expensive to reach our people as required and the needs are great.

We need thousands of Bibles and Office materials. We need at least 46 computers to be distributed in different places to CCG Officers as people in large numbers are joining CCG. The reason is that the CCG free education in literacy is attracting many people. Here in DRC the Seventh Day Adventist Church is  selling  their  teachings but CCG is giving the teachings for free, so this CCG system of free education encouraged many churches to join CCG here in DRC. People are in poverty and unable to get funds for bible study and formerly it was very expensive for many people. However, now they are joining because the true doctrines are free.

We are preparing the feasts but we have some sites which are not yet finished preparing all that well because of poverty. We have people in North DRC and others here in North Kivu that need help for the materials that will be used during the feasts. So we need your help for more materials. Also you promised us to do what you can to get some bibles for Officers who are in great need. So we are now waiting and we hope to hear from you soon. 

Yours in Christ Mudimba Muhindo

Coordinator CCG Beni/North Kivu

Please do what you can to assist us to get some Bibles and basic computers and other materials. CCG Congo DR is growing at a massive rate as you can see. The speed of growth is amazing the coordinators themselves. Mudhimba says they have never seen anything like it.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General  Hear O Israel Yahovah our God, Yahovah is one. Eloah is Allah', Allah' is Eloah. We will all be Elohim.
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