Sabbath 23/3/33/120

Dear Friends,

For some time now we have been alerting everyone to the Global Financial Crisis and the fact that it is a deliberately engineered political operation to collapse the economies of the world and usher in the supra national New World Order and a world currency based on the IMF and Special Drawing Rights (SDRs).

To do that the entire world economic system has to be deliberately destroyed and then a world-wide currency under a non-elected government structure that overrides the nations of the world has to be introduced.

Most people did not understand the last sequence of the empire of the Babylonian system. The two feet of iron and miry clay was the Holy Roman Empire ruling from two structures mixed of the iron of the old Roman systems but mixed with clay which rendered it less cohesive that the Roman system before it.

The Holy Roman Empire effectively ceased operations in 1850 and formally disbanded its token forces in 1872.

In 1871 the blueprint for the future World Wars and the destruction of the alternate systems to the rule and worship of Lucifer was outlined by Albert Pike, Imperial Grand Master of the Masonic system in the US. His plan was adopted and the HRE was completely abandoned to implement the last Empire of the Beast. That plan and sequence have been explained in the paper 2012 and the Antichrist (No. 299D).

The plan for the system of the New World Order was explained in the paper World War III: Part I The Empire of the Beast (No. 299A). The religious transition was explained in the paper WWIII Part II: The Whore and the Beast (No. 299B)  as well as No. 299D above.

The system of the Last Days was represented as the union of the ten toes. The Churches of God thought that the ten toes were a system of ten nations which of itself was the EU which would take over the world. The fact is that the ten toes did not represent ten nations at all. They represented two sets of five toes which logically grew from each of the two feet and were thus two systems. The system was on either side of the world and the two sets of toes represented what was called in Ancient times “The Thing” which was a parliament of the Aryans under five sets of Alcvin twins who made the decisions.

Thus the last system was to consist of a multi-national government that was made of iron and clay and the Beast was to stand on the sands of the sea. In other words it would span the oceans. 

The whole world will give its power to the Beast and the attempt in December 2 at Copenhagen failed and the treaty was not adopted but that was only step one. The US system has to be collapsed and so does the EU and the Euro.

All currencies have to be collapsed as a necessary step to the SDRs and a one world currency. The garbled talk of the Amero is but a step to the total collapse of regional currencies and the emergence of the one world IMF system controlled by the UN based on SDRs. You will recall we discussed the sequence and the coming Global Financial Crisis (GFC) long before it happened. It all worked out as we said it would.

The US banks set the world up for collapse and the UK system is bankrupt. So also are many of the European nations. The collapse of the Euro is part of the next phase.

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel is now announcing that the Greek Crisis is no longer about the survival of the European currency; it is about the survival of the European Union itself. She is asserting that the key challenge facing them is the primacy of politics over economics.

She is wrong in that aspect. The EU is unpopular and it was forced on the European states to further this political agenda in spite of the fact that the nations did not want it and it was inflicted on them by stealth and against their own due process. It was formed with one major intent, being to curb the increasing power of Germany. The Germans don’t trust the Southern Europeans and even France is criticising German thrift and industry. For the occult societies to take over Europe they have to destroy its nations. They are the miry clay in this empire and have been since 590 with the religious empire before them.  It is not that the European elites chose to ignore the fact that the nations are separate entities. They realise that they will have to destroy them.

The economists think that it is just a confusion of thinking about the priority of politics or economics and that there is a choice in the matter. The EU was a necessary first step to the establishment of the New World Order and was supported by the US that saw itself as another European nation as its presidents have stated. The NWO is a trans-oceanic empire that uses the US and BC as its military arms until they are exhausted.

The US dollar is attracting world capital as it flows out of Europe due to the manufactured crisis in Europe. The Greek crisis is not about the lazy stupid administration of Greece and their own self-indulgence and internal dishonesty in tax declarations and their socialist milking of the system. They do that overseas also as do most of the Southern European nations wherever they go. The soft underbelly of Europe is the basis of the crisis. It is called the "pigs" crisis covering Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain. However, it is nowhere near confined to those countries. Eastern Europe is also a basket case and the core countries of UK, France and Germany are in trouble and will not make the sacrifices to hold it up.

The plan is that they are not supposed to make it work. The International banking system wants it to collapse while they plunder the collapse.

European politicians are calling now for more European solidarity and they are trying to engineer a European welfare state that is unsustainable. The collapse of the Eurozone is the harbinger of the collapse of the European social model.

The paternalistic social model which could not work in Greece and is everywhere in Europe is even less able to be financed on the European scale. The Germans have to accept a debt equivalent to a family car for every man, woman and child ,and the Slovakians whose pay is half that in Greece and the pensions only a quarter are expected to bail the Greeks out of their own mess and profligacy.

The Greek rescue was accomplished by a series of violations of the EU rules and a total breach of the Maastricht treaty. EU regulation forbade the bailout of member nations under its financial system. The European Central Bank was also involved in the political process in the bailout. Observers think this was simply an error. It is part of the plan. Observers think that it will dismantle the EU. It will have such an effect in the short term and force it into a restructure under the NWO. The talk of increasing the powers of the EU Commission are criticised on the basis that it was the commission that allowed Greece to falsify its figures for years. They did that precisely to engineer the crisis that would hand them increased powers and the nations are too stupid to see it.  This empire is of Satan and he has handed his power to this Beast in order to take over and destroy the world.

Do not assume that because the US dollar is strengthening that it will last or hold. It is not supposed to hold. The collapse of BP over the gulf spill is supposed to happen. Drilling in the Gulf is suspended. The suspension is necessary to weaken the US economy further.  It is all done from within and all planned by the US secret societies, foreign affairs councils and commissions, and led by the banks. The Nuclear replacements are destined to be used to ensure control over energy. The structure wants total control over agriculture and energy and all human operations and social structure. That is the aim of the Empire of the Beast.

The will of the EU to survive is limited because the Protestant north sees the south as idle and spendthrift and corrupt and so they are.

Where do we go from here?

This year we will see the financial bailout and eventual collapse of Greece and repudiation of debt and the subsequent internal disorder in Europe so that the Euro collapses; and the US dollar not far behind it. The solution will be seen as the UN taking over in a non-elected charter administration that takes over the world financial system with the implementation of SDRs.

The crisis will see the implementation of an international treaty and UN charter that takes over world government and finance. The developing countries will agree because their leaders are corrupt and they are unable to see the end result and the planned destruction of their people.   Genetically modified plants will be spread as will be the planned destructive viruses to destroy subsistence agriculture and enslave the developing nations. Monsanto gave the Haitian quake victims GM plants etc. and they had the sense to vow to destroy them.

The next phase will be to remove all currency and replace it with chip implants but the problem with that is that the virus systems are already invented to compromise their security.

That will justify more oppressive counter measures.

From 2010 to 2012 the system will be set up to allow the NWO to expand and allow the system of the Antichrist to develop.

As part of the planned destruction from the Pike memorandum of 1871 pressure has to be stepped up on Israel from the Muslim system and WWIII has to be incited. The current crisis with Turkey is part of that incitement.

The NATO system acting as a (de facto UN sanctioned) force will occupy Gaza and Jerusalem after the disasters in the Middle East and the Republics in the steppes to the North and East of Israel. This will in effect be the king of the North in the Last Days. WWIII will expand and develop from the end 2010 onwards.
We will explain the sequence of activities in the paper WWIII Part 3: The Sequence of Events (No. 299C).

Russia and China see themselves as occupying the sphere of the Globe from Russia into the Pacific and from pole to pole by 2025.  They announced their intention under Yeltsin but not the time frame. 

The problem is that by 2025 they will face the Messiah as will the whole world and the demons know it.

Pray for our salvation and protection.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General