Sabbath 16/3/33/120

Dear Friends,

This week after Pentecost we have had marked success in the development of the Church as we foreshadowed in the Pentecost message.  The elections in Ethiopia hampered our preparation somewhat and we were unable to gather as we had wished. Ten churches were inducted over Pentecost and their ministers ordained. Moses is now going from church area to church area inducting the others. There will be some twenty-three by Sabbath and another twenty by the New Moon, making forty-three churches in total so far. We have done another five church groups in Kenya and four in Tanzania and six in Mozambique. The Congo is going on at a great pace and we will learn more from them soon.

The sheer pace of the inductions is significant. We seem to be developing the churches from various levels and the learning pace is also varied. There are many Sabbath-keeping churches now coming in from nations particularly in East and Central and Southern Africa.

There are many streams of churches coming into CCG. Some of the WCG groups seemed to be surprised that we have people who were from Sunday systems and other Sabbath groups.

Some seemed to think that we were just another offshoot of the WCG system and had no real comprehension of our sheer size and various stages of development.   We are not an offshoot of the WCG system. We are a conglomerate of all the Sardis and Laodicean era Churches of God since the Reformation and we are growing rapidly. That includes the SDA system as well. We will have over 60 churches from the SDA system or affiliates join us this month by the New Moon. That rate is more than a church a day. It has been like that now for a while. In addition to that many other systems are joining us also.

We are a new system and the Churches of God are now becoming all too aware of it.   

This Pentecost we issued a paper/tape titled Ezekiel 34 and the Shepherds of Israel (No. 108b). That paper is part A and part B will follow soon.

It should be read in conjunction with the paper Pillars of Philadelphia (No. 283).

The access to the web site is still very impressive and we are maintaining a level much higher than last year. More are going on to ftp instead of html but the html levels are still way over last year by over 50%.

This month we opened a Christian Churches of God Facebook forum linked to our CCG Forum. It is open to all those interested in or studying CCG materials (provided they behave themselves on the forum). 

We had also contributed to and linked with the Worldwide Church of God and other COG Groups Forum which was a good effort by a couple of people to clean up the WCG offshoots from destroying one another in abusive posts on other forums. We should all be aware that the WCG was rotten with Trinitarian quislings and those who understood nothing because of the wrong doctrines and indoctrination; and the offshoots, especially the minor ones, are not much better.  These people go onto the Facebook system to proselytise. Be wary of them. We are in control of our Facebook forum in our own right and we can ensure it is not undermined by those who would see us destroyed and the truth hidden.  Our usual CCG forum is in our total control and has a good listing of topics of importance to the faith.

We are trying to develop many areas of the faith. The translation teams are now under way in the Reang-Bru and Bengali languages. One of the important Cameroon dialects is now about to proceed also.  We hope to have Amharic proceed in Ethiopia also.

It really is encouraging to see the officers so busy and dedicated in inducting many groups in many nations. In addition to baptising people every week we are inducting churches on upwards of one or two dozen nations.

Jean–Alphonse has returned to France from Madagascar and Justome has been formally ordained to continue the work. He will continue with the baptisms and the evangelisation there.

We noticed that as the US and Europe go into their summer phase the access stats drop and they do less Bible study. However, the world is increasing in studies and more are doing more study and that is an encouraging sign.

Last week we had over 59,000 hits from Russia which was second to the US. The US is the largest access country with over 200,000 hits and over 25,000-26,000 people each week. China and France are increasing each week. Africa is not large in access because of the lack of computers there and we rely on hand distribution in sermons but they would quadruple the internet access in sermons and service attendance. Counting the under 20s it is massive. It appears we may have had more churches join us in the last eight weeks that we had in the whole of last year and that was spectacular enough.

The Churches of God seem oblivious to what is happening before their eyes. Perhaps that is because God has chosen to do it with the Developing nations first. Now isn’t that an important message for the US religion business? Just sit back and watch the Salvation of Almighty God. The rest of us will get on with the work He sends us to do. There is so much to do. We plant the word; God tends the crop and brings it to the harvest. God then sends us to reap the harvest. God calls, gives them to Christ and we baptise the sheep and give them places to attend and keep the laws of God.

God is calling many branches of the administrations together and making them into one large cohesive group with sound doctrine and sound administration. We are that group. The fruits speak for themselves.

Each of our national bodies should plan for the conversion of their people. The church will continue to grow until the system of the Antichrist is in power and then the Witnesses will be sent and then Christ will come to save those that eagerly await him. When Christ is here the church will continue to grow until it is the only group left in the world and all nations will develop their administrations under direction from Jerusalem under Christ.

People in the WCG and offshoots seem to get very agitated when we point out to them that there is no negotiation. You will keep the Sabbaths, New Moons and Feasts of God or you will die. It is not our position to question it. Scripture states those facts in Isaiah 66:23ff. and Zechariah 14:16-19 and Christ said Scripture cannot be broken (Jn. 10:34-35). I noted recently that some of these WCG apostates get agitated and accuse us of threatening them. We did not write the Bible. God wrote it through His servants the prophets.  When the nexus of the law is restored it is game over. We will be persecuted in the short term but we will win in the long term and these false religions will be swept away.

There will be NO Trinitarianism in the Millennium, nor will there be Ditheism and Binitarianism. There will be NO Sunday worship or Christmas and Easter and there will be NO people not keeping the Sabbath, New Moons and Feasts nor will they be staying at home allegedly worshipping God “24/7”.  They will worship the One True God Eloah in unity and fellowship.

Look at the papers: Origins of Radical Unitarianism and Binitarianism (No. 076C); Binitarian and Trinitarian Misrepresentation of the Early Theology of the Godhead (No. 127B); Binitarianism and Trinitarianism (No. 076); Ditheism (No. 076B); and Antinomian Destruction of Christianity by Misuse of Scripture (No. 164C).

This is a great achievement for us all. Keep up the good work.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General  Hear O Israel Yahovah our God, Yahovah is one. Eloah is Allah', Allah' is Eloah. We will all be Elohim.
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