Sabbath 19/1/33/120

We are at the Passover and now in the last three days ending on the Holy Day on Monday 21 Abib. 33/120.

As we said in the paper The False Messiah (No. 67B) the Hurva was to be completed on the Last day of Adar and the New Moon would see the agitation to build the Temple.

As predicted the New Moon of Abib 33/120 saw the agitation for the construction of the Temple. To do that the Al Aqsa has to be destroyed and the Zionist agitation began on the New Year to march on and destroy the Al Aqsa. The Western Wall became an intensive centre of activity over Passover.

These events will now begin to increase with increasing tension between Islam and Israel and the West. As we have stated previously Iran needs a war for its own internal stability.

ON 23 February it was announced that the original Solomon’s gate of the Old city has been found. It appears that the structures were proof of a significant governmental structure with massive fortifications located just outside of the Old City. The pottery found there dates it conclusively. The fortifications were massive indicating an extended governmental structure ruling from Jerusalem as the Bible states happened under David and Solomon.

Archaeology is our best friend. Science is our best friend when used responsibly by honest academics.

Over this period our officers are working hard to establish the church. Over fifty churches are being inducted over the Passover period.  Over 100 churches will be inducted in the 21 days on what has entered us to 19 Abib and we expect more to come and we will probably reach 200 churches for the month of Abib.

Our senior officers report that we have almost inducted and taken over 80% of the Sabbath-keeping churches of the Western Province of Kenya and it is escalating everywhere. There were almost 5000 people inducted over Passover.

Our site access set new records almost every day over the Feast. Each day exceeding the next until it settled to a new level we have never before seen over Passover.

Much of the new levels of access are coming in from the USA and the West.

God is about to tear the sheep out of the hands of the wolves of the west masquerading as shepherds. We have seen some of the disgusting pleas for funds emanating from the Armstrong offshoots and it is enough to make you sick. It is hard to believe that the brethren in the US could be that simple minded and fund these charlatans.

Pray for the protection of the brethren and the expansion of the Christian Churches of God over this end time. Have a safe return home and a happy end of feast.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General