Sabbath 7/12/32/120

Dear Friends,

This month we have started the major education projects from Uganda.  The teachers are providing morning and evening education classes for both adults and children to improve the literacy rate in CCG.
It is a massive undertaking but it will make a major difference to the standard of living and the Bible literacy of the brethren in Africa. It will be commenced in country after country and then we will commence the CCG College Education program for local schools and also for distance education. We will provide education for all levels from Primary education upwards.

This month we have provided assistance to get development projects underway everywhere.  There are maize assistance projects in Zambia. Uganda has formed food production cooperatives in onions and in maize and cassava and in other vegetables. So also is Kenya and Tanzania organising projects and they are all also setting up domestic animal projects such as chickens, goats and cows. The fish projects are being developed and extended around the lakes districts. We are establishing egg retailing projects also. The first is in Rwanda.

Our clothing programs and sewing facilities are being extended. We are micro-financing individuals and groups into various types of production. We are extending maize milling and also rice processing plants, and also brick kilns.

This month we have commenced the cyber cafes in the Congo DR and we will be using them for evangelism there as well. We are sending computers to Ghana also.

We have established a net program over this last year. At the Kisumu Conference the ministry were informed of the importance of keeping the children alive with mosquito nets and malaria prevention and treatment. They have tried to implement that faithfully.

So far this year we have distributed thousands of nets and as we grow the need grows with it.  This month we have approached Rotary International for assistance with the program and we hope to extend the program with their assistance. It may have to be done through local clubs. Please pray for the success of that program. I have no doubt that your efforts to date have saved the lives of many children. If we achieved nothing else this year that of itself was a great effort and a worthy cause.

God gave us a work to do and from 7 Abib last year we ordained and credentialed and sent out 70 ministers. By 7 Abib this year God will have sent them over 700 churches and they have already inducted over 1400 officers.  The churches were of all sizes and denominations with groups of from twenty baptised persons to over a thousand per group. Churches of over 500 are not uncommon. We have extended into the Central African Republic and the Sudan. We extend from Morocco to South Africa and East to the Yemen. We have now gone to Madagascar in the Indian Ocean and we are spreading everywhere.

Over this year we were able to consolidate the church of God in Africa and put together a composite that united all the Sabbath-keeping churches of God including the Seventh Day Baptist Unions and set up a nucleus of former Seventh Day Adventist and many other churches. We are conducting consolidation now over many countries and picking up isolated groups here and there. There are CCG and the SDAs and no other Sabbatarians of any significance in Africa and the Middle East. We have no real idea of the sheer numbers involved and we won’t go there anyway for biblical reasons.

At the current rate of movement away from the SDAs it appears that this coming year will be a great battle for control of the Sabbath-keeping system in Africa and elsewhere. It appears that the Jesuit penetration and control of the SDAs over the last 170 years is about to come to nothing, at least there. Their corruption of the Adventist church and its doctrines is now about to backfire on them. Their collapse there is highly significant, as is that of the Roman Catholic Church itself. It would not surprise us if by the end of the next year or so we were in the millions there and spreading all over the world in great numbers. Our own internal growth will be very significant in that regard also.

This year we will concentrate on the errors in doctrines that were introduced in the various churches. We are hoping to take the mainstream on over the Trinitarian heresy and force the re-examination of the doctrines.
In the end there will be the whore and us. The vegetarians have in effect already been swallowed by the whore. The new false system will take them over, due to the stance of the vegans.

Why have we been so successful in Africa and why did Scripture indicate that it would happen that way? Look at the paper Fire From Heaven (No. 028).

The conversion of the Africans to Sabbatarianism was by those of the original Biblical Unitarian doctrines. They were not vegetarians either (see the paper Vegetarianism and the Bible (No. 183)). Vegetarianism in Africa is a death sentence and everyone knows it. The issue is also covered in the Foodlaws (No. 15). The SDA ministers in the USA and Australia and the West have lost so much vitamin B12 that they cannot understand what they have done to the faith. We simply made available the Biblical doctrines free of the Ellen G. White false teachings and the Trinitarian heresy and they embraced us with open arms. That will continue now until the Adventists are decimated. They will be left with the Vegetarians in the West and the false doctrines among those that are silly enough to follow them.

The reaction this year when they finally realise that they have been losing people in droves for decades, since the declaration of 1978, will be typical of the Western mindset. They will throw money at the problem but will not change their doctrines. It won’t fix it and then they will defame us and our officers in particular. That is the “attack the man” syndrome of the US political and religious mindset.  That will not solve the problem. Even if they kill us they will not destroy the faith. The Trinitarians have also destroyed the Armstrong system because it was based on false doctrine and had to be removed anyway.

I have had extensive discussion with the Kenyans over the issue. The real problem started after 1978 when the US and Western Adventists adopted Trinitarianism.  The Africans were neither vegetarians nor were they Trinitarians, nor were they Binitarians/Ditheists. They were Biblical Unitarians and they understood what they were (see the papers Ditheism (No. 76b), Binitarian and Trinitarian Misrepresentation of the Early Theology of the Godhead (No. 127b). Also study the paper The Names of God (No. 116) and especially listen to the tape.  That will explain more fully what the biblical position is.

The WCG and its offshoots could make no inroads there because they were both racist and Ditheist. Very few were fooled and most people just remained in local groups keeping the faith as best they could. When CCG commenced its program they recognised the doctrines immediately and they are now joining us in droves. It is not just confined to the SDA groups. It is everywhere among all the Churches of God as well as other Sabbatarian groups. It extends now to former Sunday groups as well.

Discussions are underway now with senior Adventist ministers that have asked to speak with our leaders. They have studied our doctrines and they agree with our stand regarding vegetarianism and the nature of God. They never accepted these false doctrines coming from the western groups at all. They ignored WCG because it was heretical also. There is now a great unification underway and it is gathering momentum.

Please pray that we are given the capacity to deal with these matters and consolidate the faith once delivered.

The success of the African system is due to the capacity to tithe no matter how little and then work together in cooperatives using the small fund base that they have. It stands out in contrast to the disaster that are the churches of God in the US and the West generally. It is not just the fact that the Tkach crew failed so spectacularly theologically and produced the nightmare scenario of the Honey I Shrunk the Church variety that occurred with the WCG debacle. It also extended to the Church of God (Seventh Day) and the failure of these opportunists to understand the conviction of the people within the churches. They don’t understand themselves that their people knew more than they did and they are more dedicated. When the ministry of the COG (SD) declared their Binitarianism from 1995 they lost people in droves. By 1999 they were self-professed Protestants that worshipped on Saturdays like the Adventists had become in 1978. The churches their predecessors had built in Africa and overseas generally were simply not prepared to tolerate their heresy and left. They came to us because they recognise the true doctrines of the faith. It was not just the SDAs, but it included all the churches affected by heretical leadership. The Church of God (SD) and the Seventh Day Baptist Unions joined us. So also did the shattered remnants of the Worldwide Church of God and its offshoots. It was not just the theology of the Nature of God but also the false calendar of the Hillel system of the Jews and even to the polygamous hypocrisy of the offshoots. The offshoots had struggles for control of the funds and dishonesty everywhere. The LCG/RCG dispute even saw the minister poisoned on a trip to Uganda from Kenya. The people are not fooled by this behaviour and Western stupidity. They simply walked away from it.

We receive letters/emails all the time expressing dismay with the errors and stupidity of the Armstrong system.  It is also noted that some of the ministers of that system are trying to cover their backs over the exposure of the fiction of the so-called 18 Restored Truths of Herbert W. Armstrong (No. 233b).

I was fascinated to watch a video by Albrecht of the former WCG system who was instrumental with Tkach Jnr. in tearing the system to pieces with Trinitarian and Gnostic theology. He was making complete antinomian statements and condemning those who protected their churches with an organisational structure. He referred to them as “clubs.” His “all you need is Jesus” approach has never been accepted by the Churches of God over two millennia and they now stand exposed for what they are. They were never of us yet they were allowed to destroy the Armstrong system. That was because none of the ministry was prepared to expose the dishonesty and corruption of the system by Armstrong that would have allowed them to seize legal control of the church. Truth is of no consequence to these people. They have penetrated the churches of God from the US and they have corrupted the system and they are unopposed.

The people of the churches of God in the US and white British Commonwealth have been crippled and are worse than useless. They sit at home in the thousands and talk about religion and practice none of it. They claim the faith and declare works of no effect (cf. Rom. 3:28). The work is done by the body in CCG. The Africans show them their faith by their works and Faith without works is dead (Jas. 2:18-26).  You unprofitable servants: Why do you bury your talents and not give it to those who can put it to good use so that Christ can profit from it on his return. Do you not understand the penalty of this indolence and failure?  Christ gave us the parable of the wise and foolish virgins to explain the Kingdom of heaven and told us we do not know the day or hour that the son of man comes (Mat. 25:1-13). Christ also told us that the Kingdom of heaven is like a man travelling to a far country. To his servants he gave talents according to the ability of each person.

To those who had greater ability he gave more talents and to those with less ability he gave less down to one talent. There were those who had less ability but it is obvious from Christ’s comments that he expects us all to combine our efforts and talents to the greater good of the faith according to the talents we have been given (Mat. 25:14). That was why Herbert Armstrong had to deny the doctrine of the Kingdom of heaven being now with us in order to protect his system. The punishment for burying your talent is the Second Resurrection (Mat. 25:30).

The West has been undermined and deceived by false doctrine and the churches of God are powerless to combat it through its own corruption by the penetration of their leadership. The problem with them is the Binitarian/Trinitarian quislings among their own leadership and they are too spineless to remove and correct them. Be aware, whenever a professed member of the church of God declares himself a Binitarian you know thereby he is headed to the destruction of that church of God through the progressive implementation of Trinitarianism and the pagan sun cults. Do not believe they are Christians. They are not. Some may be genuine but they are genuinely deceived.
Come out of your holes and do the work God called you to do. Currently many have faith without works and faith without works is dead.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General