Sabbath 02/11/32/120B

Dear Friends,

This New Moon we received the reports from Uganda on the onion projects there. They reported as follows:

There were CCG Uganda Onion Projects in Lira, Guru, Arua Northern Uganda and Masaka South Uganda

Investment capital used there was 2,250,000 Uganda shillings for cultivating onions in our CCG Cooperatives.

Profit from the onion projects is 3,870,000 Uganda shillings. These funds are going to be used to extend further onions projects.

However, we have decided that 1,200,000 Uganda shillings (AU$692) is to be used for inducting the new people in Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). [It is encouraging to see one African country paying for the induction of another African country (ed)].

The 2,670,000 of remaining funds are to be used in developing onion projects in Lira Northern Uganda, and Ssembabure and Luwero Districts to extend existing onion projects.

Last season we had four (4) onion project cooperatives in northern Uganda and one (1) onion project Cooperative locally.

This season our projects Officers opened:

Also we will have five projects for Maize in the following areas:
Kasese, Fort Portal, Mubende, Kiboga, and Kakiri.

In our Three Year Plan we plan to be have extensive Maize Projects.

Current Maize Projects are still being harvested and we will report profits soon.

We also plan to use it in education development and extend maize projects into more areas. 

Tomorrow [from New Moon weekend] I am going to induct and train new groups in Ituri/DRC.

We give thanks to all CCG members who prayed for us this season as we had good harvesting in our onion projects.

Bizimana Bosco
Coordinator Uganda and Projects Officer East and Central Africa.

CCG Uganda also has other projects underway such as Cassava milling and Fish Farming etc. (ed.)