Sabbath 02/11/32/120


Dear Friends,

Last week we came out of the Paganised Holiday period and commenced our long climb to a new level of access at the Passover period. It is the same each year and each Passover sets a new level above the previous year which remains the high point for the year, which we equal in the period after the eighth month and begin a new climb again. 

Our Internet access details are now back up to the reasonable levels we would expect at this time.


Total Hits


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Cached Requests


Failed Requests


Page Views

Total Page Views


Average Page Views per Day


Average Page Views per Visitor



Total Visitors


Average Visitors per Day


Total Unique IPs



One of the most interesting things is that the people in Russia are accessing the site and downloading papers on a large scale. This week there were over 60,000 hits from Russia up on 47,000 the week before and at some 40,000 previous to that. That is second to the US access followed by France, Australia, Canada, UK and China.

Previously we were dependent on the Internet as our most efficient means of distribution which it indeed still is. We are however now equalling and surpassing those levels with the people in sermons and themselves distributing the works. It is not all that surprising that the most accessed work in the various languages is the Statement of Beliefs of the Christian Faith A1. That work has never been refuted by any authorities. It is exactly what the Bible says and is a comprehensive statement of our faith. It is now being copied and distributed from group to group all over Africa and the Middle East. It is so persuasive that people are joining us in droves. We currently have 150 to 160 churches awaiting induction throughout the world.

We are at present so far flung or widespread that we are now in countries that we have not been in since the fourth century or indeed ever.

Last week one of the Seventh Day Baptist leaders that joined CCG a little while ago spoke with a friend of his who was head of another Sabbatarian church. They discussed the CCG doctrines and the long and the short of it was that the entire ministry agreed and they united as the CCG body in that portion of their country.

Another minister who was assisting our coordinator in Dar went home to Mozambique. In the 18 months that he was there he raised 11 churches. When the coordinator in Dar went to induct them another church was added while he was there and so many minsters of other denominations approached him for membership that they will have inducted over 40 new churches by the end of the fortnight period. There are now over 40 churches awaiting induction also in Ghana and 49 in the Congo DR, 21 in CAR, another 15 in Zambia, 15 in Malawi, many in Angola and in other countries everywhere. We are about to form churches in Russia and Mainland China and many other places. There are new churches to be inducted and many new baptisms to be conducted throughout North Africa and the Middle East. The Churches of God have not been in these countries for one and a half millennia.

How refreshing it is when people are guided by truth and can unite for a common goal in a recognised true cause. The cult of the personality is put behind them. The religion business is cast aside. The common good in the faith once delivered to the saints is the agreed goal for the Church of God relying on Jesus Christ.

This past year we saw God act on a scale never before seen. In one year we will have baptised over 120,000 people. We will have commenced the education process for over 250,000. Each month now we baptise some 1000 from our own internal growth at adulthood on the youth reaching age 20. That does not take into account new churches and families inducted. In one year we will have baptised more people than the Churches of God systems managed to consolidate at their peak by the end of the twentieth century.

From this New Year we will see much verbal exchange and competition in the Churches of God in the US and British Commonwealth for control of the direction of the body of Christ. God will complete the process of Ezekiel 34. It will however not happen easily. Whoever God wants out of the Sardis and Laodicean systems He will take and nothing will stop Him. We will be consolidated to complete the work of the Last Days and nothing will stop us under Christ. However, a significant effort will be made to stop us and discredit us. By next December the demons will have set the false system up and the New World Order will be in place. We have to be prepared to meet that head on.  At present the Churches of God in the US and BC are incapable of meeting that challenge. We have to consolidate what is left to withstand the adversary.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General