New Moon 1/8/33/120

Dear Friends,

The Feast is over and we are now looking forward to the Passover. There is a lot to be accomplished between now and then.

It is a very strange and fulfilling situation to watch the work develop as the Bible says it would be done. However, one has to understand Scripture and the place of the nations in prophecy to understand how it was to all be accomplished. It is all working according to Scripture. God has chosen to develop the work in Africa and then develop into Asia as it is now proceeding. The work of the previous eras of the Churches of God in Latin America is now breaking up and being prepared to be re-established in various countries.

All these things are as they should be. We noticed how another Church of God has lost its entire Latin American system and is now writing against them reminding them of the fact that they were providing their funds and now they want independence they will have to do without the money. It all reminds me of the film The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: “We don’t want your filthy gringo money.” (see clip for music .wmv video file 5.0Mb)

They wanted the US churches because they wanted their money. Now it is all falling to pieces there and they think they will ride a gravy train in Latin America without them.  They are all in for a rude shock in both North and South America.

The church should be organised into national conferences and paid at local wages by themselves. It will all sort itself out in the very near future and the collapse of the financial systems is inevitable. The ministry should make tents for a living and save for their own old age. They can preach without fear or for hire.

I have watched with fascination how many people in the West are in serious pressure and are now seeking to accuse God of being at fault for their problems. Many come to CCG with serious misconceptions and then seek to use us as a whipping post for their own inadequacies. We recently watched the US national conference report on a series of tirades from individuals that are under pressure and not keeping God’s laws correctly and blaming us for problems of their own making. 

One person had never attended a feast as commanded by God. He had never, therefore, provided one of the commanded three feast offerings, was not baptised and had never paid tithes and was somehow self righteous and it was all the church’s fault that he was not blessed and his house was falling down. Oh No! It is not anyone’s fault but that chap’s and his twisted idea of the laws of God.

One of the fascinating aspects of the US idea of freedom of speech is the fact that they think they can say anything they like about anybody and those people have to put up with whatever is dished out. That fascinating false idea has spread throughout the Churches of God into other nations and people have developed the idea that anyone who defends himself against this character assassination is somehow unchristian. The French have a saying for it. Cet animal est très méchant, quand en l’attaque il se défend. (This is a very wicked animal; When attacked it defends itself.) The hypocrites in the Churches of God don’t understand that what they do is against God’s law and they are being punished for it.  

One dolt in LCG claimed a couple of years ago that CCG is litigious because we had some attorneys write to some people about their disgraceful unlawful behaviour and yet the same man ignored the fact that Armstrong had a literal retinue of lawyers on retainer continually for decades and took court action to remove old ladies from their homes on legal technicalities and fraud.  What hypocrites. They would all do well to look up the nine words (and definitions) translated as  ‘fool’ in the Book of Proverbs. (Raca in Aramaic is wrongly translated as fool; per Lamsa.)

Where in the Bible does it say that people can say what they like about anyone and damage them and they have to tolerate it and if they complain to the authorities and seek redress they are ungodly? It not only does not say it but the fact is that it expressly forbids it.

When you start insulting officers of the Church of God just think about the louts who abused Elisha and were killed for it by a bear that came out of the woods. God did not play around. He had them killed. The soldiers who insulted Elijah were killed for it until the last unit begged him not to kill them and showed him due respect.

We are an organisation of some thirty-five-odd nations and our cohesion rests on the laws of God and mutual respect. You cannot go around abusing your fellow people with impunity. Many US people abandon mutual respect and defame each other, claiming freedom of speech, and wonder why they kill more of their own people than many other nations. We are a company of nations in the Church of God and we will not tolerate these forms of abuse and we will deal with those that abuse others. The US CCG is a reasonably  powerful organisation that is part of the engine room of the CCG World Conference and many people have tried to destroy it and all have failed. It is doing its job, and now Africa is becoming a machine that is becoming self-funding and will become more and more powerful.

We will move into Latin America and also Asia and do the same there and finally we will reorganise Europe and North America and all of Islam.

We are going to reorganise the world and govern it under the just laws of God. It will take a while and many heartaches but it will be done.

Just remember that our aim is to be in the First Resurrection and to be of use to God and Christ. The Second Resurrection is a lesser Resurrection even if only in the fact that you are subject to the Second Death among other things. However, the Second Death is the final sanction.

Remember last year on the New Moon of the Eighth Month we began to grow even more and continued on escalating. This New Moon of the Eighth Month will take us on again to new heights.

We must work while there is still time for the time will come that will force the work of God underground and we will find it difficult in many countries. The US will be just another corrupt state without the power of the Holy Spirit assisting them as they become more and more corrupt. Each nation must be able to stand alone in the power of the Holy Spirit. It has always been that way in the Church of God. Satan is not yet in the Bottomless Pit and the Messiah is not yet here. Satan is now desperate to convince his minions that they can win and they will survive. They believe that because they want to believe it.

We are now on the way to that millennial goal. See the paper Advent of the Messiah (No. 210A).

Pray for us and work together to help one another.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General