Special Message as Addendum to Sabbath 4/5/32/120


Dear Friends,

As you were told, there were many new churches that joined us from a number of nations last week.

On last Sabbath evening after dark we had reports from Uganda and Tanzania. Bizimana went to Sembabule District to induct the churches there, as we reported and stated in the addendum to the message. He expected to find the 14 churches with 80 officers. What he was confronted with was 28 churches and 167 officers, which he inducted and credentialed. He said he was tired and said he would report more later.

He has now reported in and a number of surprising things have emerged. The new groups have been assessed and he reports that there are more than nine thousand new members that have joined there. All up well over 12000 people have joined us from multiple countries in this last week alone. In three weeks we have grown by well over 18000 people. We inducted over 9000 people in one district in two days. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the largest ever induction to the Churches of God. The Book of Acts talks of the three thousand in one day. This is at least equal to those events.

Three female pastors were involved and these women stood down as pastors so that their people could become part of CCG. Their humility and dedication was rewarded. We issued instructions for them to be appointed to the newly formed Committee for Women’s Affairs and Child Education in Uganda. They are to report directly to the national committee and have been given instructions to commence planning for the education programs immediately.

The consolidation of Tanzania is to take place this week.

As was said in the addendum to the Sabbath Message, there are now more churches coming in from Dar Es Salaam, Dodoma (Capital of TZ), Arusha, Morogoro, Moshi, Tanga,(NE Sea Port of TZ) Mwanza, Urugi, Mchoma, and Serengeti. These are in addition to the churches at Ngorongoro and Bunda inducted this week also. We have multiple churches now in many locations such as Mwanza, Arusha, Moshi, the Serengeti area and the Northwest districts. We expect another hundred churches and perhaps up to 180 in the next few weeks.

We now have more officers in some districts of some countries that most of the other Churches of God have in the entire world. In fact, we have as many members in one district as almost all the Churches of God have in the world. We are now the most significant Church of God by far and well on the way to equaling the former WCG system at its height under Tkach, before its demise. We should reach that goal at least by Passover on current growth.

We have received a report from Burkina Faso that shows they have doubled in size in a few weeks and established in three nations now including Togo and Benin. They are well received by the Muslims who see the early doctrines reflected in the Koran. There are churches in the capital and at a northern city. The headman who is a Muslim with three wives has given the church an allocation of land free for five years and a bull and a cow. He attends services with them. I will issue a report about them later.

When the early church doctrines are reviewed the Muslims can see the basis of the Koran in them and have no difficulty in accepting them. The decisions of Constantinople (381) and Chalcedon (451) hopelessly divided the church and forced the rise of Islam. The only way back is to restore the First Century Doctrines, as CCG has done, and get rid of the pagan doctrines of the god Attis in its Binitarian and Trinitarian forms. That was why God could not use the COGs from the US because their doctrines were corrupt and the work of the Last Days could not be achieved using them and their ministry.

We are able to do this work because the nations outside of the US and Britain have not been corrupted by this insidious heresy and the simplicity of the Bible text is readily accepted and understood by all people. Africa is the prime example.

Please continue to pray for us and the work in all nations. You are all part of a miracle of God performed in the power of the Holy Spirit. Trust in God and stand in awe and cease to sin.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General