Sabbath 6/8/31/120 A

Message to the Church in Africa

Dear Friends,

As most of you know we have had to remove a coordinator due to problems in the church. I have appointed Mr. Walter Okello Odhiambo as Coordinator for East Africa with Mr. Ezekiel Kagera assisting him.

A number of the Churches of God are cooperating in an endeavour to clean up a deal of perverse behaviour in the Churches of God. The WCG system in East Africa collapsed due to gross dishonesty and hypocrisy. As you know in Africa the corruption and behaviour in the church was extraordinary. Some of you are aware that the LCG groups broke away under Ernest Owino and formed the RCG in Kenya. One after another he had four wives. Ernest Owino was poisoned by his own church members and many of you left and later came to CCG over that issue. The immorality of the ministry of RCG there was quite extraordinary. RCG now claims it has no ministry in Kenya and that the Owinos were not acting as their ministers, which you all know to be fabrication. Their reply to me over some difficulties a young lady was in was simply scandalous and they attacked me rather than help.

Last month the LCG ministry at Nairobi turned up at Kisumu and tried to force our coordinator and brethren to join LCG and to attend the feast under bribe. They overheard a discussion between the coordinator and the landlord and then went behind our back and paid for the hall for seven months in advance and demanded the people join LCG or lose the hall. I made a complaint to LCG but they denied it even happened and claimed that another disreputable man that I had warned them about some time ago was merely fabricating the stories. Friends, our coordinator knows the LCG people and we either have a building in which to meet or we do not. The fact is our people will now rent elsewhere. You all know the behaviour of these people and why you left them. It is written a liar will not inherit the kingdom of God. Further we will not be blackmailed by anyone and certainly not to support the fiction of LCG membership in Kenya. This is rent a crowd in the extreme.

We also had severed contact with a pastor of the Church of God (7th Day) in Tanzania. He “left” the COG (7D) and joined us but when he left he registered the COG (7D) in Tanzania without their knowledge and then operated as them whilst claiming to be part of CCG. As usual we contacted the previous church and the whole nasty business unfolded.

Now this man is operating reportedly in concert with the WCG offshoot for Kenya using CCG equipment that he refuses to return. I suppose we will have to deal with it at law. Some of these people do not understand that a thief will not inherit the Kingdom of God either. These serious matters arise because the LCG and the RCG condone this sort of unethical behaviour and try to capitalise on it. CCG does not condone it as you are aware and that is the reason most of you are here.

Most of you are aware that there are very few Sabbath-keepers left in the WCG offshoots and you all know that the situation is not improving. However, the Muzungus do not seem to grasp the seriousness of the matter and appoint sycophants who oppress you and turn their back on the laws of God.

God is dealing with it and it will end soon.

Some of you have been waiting for a few months for the coordinators to get to you and organise the churches. Please be patient. We will sort out each church group in time. We have solved the problem causing the delay, as many of you know.

We are also being approached by others and former members of the WCG offshoots for money without commitment. Those who simply want funds please do not approach us as we have so much to do with the little we do have that we can only afford to assist the people who are actually part of CCG. Whilst we wish you well we will not assist those who are not part of us.


You should all be aware of your responsibilities to help the widows and orphans and the less fortunate brethren in your church. You are all to make sure that your people have correct medical attention. Your local and national coordinators should be made aware of it if anyone is sick.

Do not rely entirely on local remedies. Please get proper medical attention if at all possible. There is a hospital in the districts in which most of you live. Coordinators are to ensure that people are not left suffering.

The Work.

Once you are all organised into groups we will sort the systems out and arrange for programs for you. Many of you have been arranged into translation groups. Work diligently and be patient. Through each of you the whole system will be built up. Serve one another and the work will be strong and free from corruption. We are attempting to deal with the children’s work in all local languages. You can help.

Some of you have been in the Church of God for over 25 years. You have my word that you will not again suffer injustice with knowledge or condonation of the ministry. Last week I was asked to approve the dismissal and disfellowship two members in their fifties. When it was investigated we dismissed the coordinator and reinstated the members.

Some of the groups operating the scams against the churches of God maintain interaction in a number of bogus names. Some use four or five names and interact with five or more churches and some of the Sunday worshipping churches also. Some of the supposed members and ministers of the Churches of God in East Africa run businesses on Sabbath and worship on Sundays when the Muzungus are not there. If anyone sees that behaviour they are to report it immediately to me, and the offenders will be brought to account and repentance or dismissal. You must learn to discipline yourselves and be accountable. Do not tolerate this behaviour. You are not temple prostitutes paid for acquiescence and silence. The coming New World Order will make it impossible for you to be bought for money. You will have to survive or lose your place in the kingdom of God on your own merits.

I will be with you before Passover, God willing, and we will organise the ministry by seminar and they will return for Passover and Unleavened Bread in the various locations. I will go to South Africa for New Year and the beginning of the Sanctification Process (see the paper Sanctification of the Temple of God (No. 241)). I am anxious to see our old friends there and some new ones.

I will be in Kenya on 6 Abib for the Fast and the Sanctification of the Simple and the Erroneous (No. 291).

Pray we are able to get things sorted out in West Africa and also please pray for the health of Joy in the translation team in Nigeria, as she has been very ill.

There is much to do and few of us to do it all. Be steadfast in the faith and stay close with God. Do not let a lie contaminate your lips nor your garment be stained by theft or fornication.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General