Sabbath Message by Wade Cox

Sabbath 5/2/30/120

Dear Friends,

This coming week we will see a new look to our web operations as our technicians load our new look sites to the web.

The sites will have a simpler look and hopefully we will have streamlined them somewhat making them easier to handle and interlink and navigate.

There will be a complete new set of works following with the History of Nations site and the works interlinked with Abraham’s Legacy site.

The works of the Sons of Shem have been done from the Passover and we will now proceed with the Sons of Ham and the Sons of Japheth. We will add to all of the series as new information comes to light.

Many people express their gratitude for the selfless dedication of the people who work on all these aspects so that the world may have an in-depth study guide on all aspects of the Bible and the development and history of the nations.

The quiet achievers get on with what they are called to do without worry or fuss or being concerned with the affairs of others.

We thank you all for the parts you have all played in the varying tasks the church has undertaken over the past few years.

We often get messages of thanks and encouragement over the things we do and the effort we place in getting the message to the nations.

The work is growing and making an impact, not only in the previously inaccessible areas of Asia and Africa, but also at home in the West, in the US and elsewhere. The access in China is growing exponentially and it is now our second national access, with Indonesia and Malaysia and France following close behind. These changes in thrust reflect a new awareness in other nations and as technology reaches them and brings them into the modern world. Increasing access is everywhere and the West is no longer in control of it or even knows the full extent of it. Some attempts at measurement are completely skewed.

The world is changing every day and at an ever-increasing rate.

Many people are not handling the changes well and many people are dying for lack of knowledge of simple things. The recent tragic events in the US sparked a new controversy over gun controls. We listened as the media rolled out the statistics of 31,000 gun deaths in the US every year. No other developed nation at peace kills its own people at such a rate. However, in the same week we read that the same number in UK are killed each year from Cardio-Pulmonary disease, and Emphysema, caused by eating bacon and eggs for breakfast. That result was due to the structure and preservation of bacon and some other smoked products involving nitrites. No one really worries that on a per capita basis five times as many people die from bacon consumption as do from shooting deaths each year. These factors are all known and published. Many of the details are in the paper The Food Laws (No. 15). Some are on our Health Bulletins. We listened as the gun lobby argued that students should carry guns into classes so they can shoot others in self-defence. Good people need defend themselves from the criminals who are not allowed to carry guns. This mindset is seen in the Middle East and the result is all too predictable.

These attitudes also led to the riots recently in Cronulla, in Sydney. That attitude had not previously been seen in Australia on such a scale.

This week the attacks on Shi’a in Iraq were horrendous and the military officer in charge of security was charged over the matter.

One would have thought that it was a simple concept to ban all traffic into the commercial zones and supervise access. Not a difficult problem one would have thought. The problems like all others stem from the mindsets of the people involved. The problem takes organisation and discipline and an organised transport system and a way of thinking that understands those problems and alternatives.

Self-righteousness and accusation seem to permeate the actions of many people. Once again the media pointed out that Canada has many more weapons per capita than the US, but has less than one thousandth of the death rate. The problem stems from the mindset of the people involved. Freedom of speech must be tempered with reason and respect and care for the rights and privileges of others. Freedom of speech is not freedom to abuse and incite hate. In the end it leads to acts of violence against other people. People abused become resentful. Persecuted minorities react to persecution. Hatred incites violence. The end result is the mass-shooting phenomenon we see in many nations now, especially in Iraq.

Not so long ago the British policeman was unarmed except for a baton. The criminals started carrying weapons and shooting where they did not do so as readily before. The police argued for weapons and the escalation started.

There are now 1.2 million Iraqis in Syria as refugees, and over 700,000 in Jordan, and an untold number in Iraq itself. The Coalition is in an enclave and that is penetrated now with the help of the Iraqi forces themselves.

The refugee crisis is escalating everywhere. The US and Australia have just entered an agreement to trans-ship their refugees so that the refugees going to the US will be handled at Nauru, by Australian arrangement, and the people coming in by boat from Asia will go to Guantanamo Bay. That should work, shouldn’t it? We are saying to the Asian refugees, if you try and come to Australia we will send you to the US and they will deal with you. The Cubans will be sent here. They don’t even have to pay for the ticket. It is bizarre. It is against international charters and we would imagine most Asian and Central Americans will lie awake at night working out how to get in and the drug lords will help them. Australia is considering banning cold and flu medication that can make amphetamine drugs such as Ice. Yet most of the Ice is imported from overseas. Drugs are big business in the developed world and our own security systems run on its profits at the expense of the young. We are killing our young for money and we will pay the price in captivity. We are being deliberately destabilised and our own people are helping the process. Look also at the Sons of Shem series and especially at the paper Descendants of Abraham: Part VIII: Thirteen Famines of Rebellion (No. 212H).

The UN Security Council raised the issue of Global Warming this week and Russia and China said it was not a security issue. They don’t want controls on their energy systems and controls on the exponential growth rates. They are aiming at changing the balance of power in the world.

Within a few short years there will be a few hundred million refugees armed with an assortment of weapons trying to move into every country with a social security program and no slave labour. China and Russia appear unconcerned because very few want to go there. The North Koreans that do are hunted down and turned back.

We were fascinated that trained propagandists are now spreading the Global Warming farce produced by the Globalisation politicians. They are being trained on the documentary An Inconvenient Truth and how to present it, and are delivering addresses in towns and cities.

There is a deliberate concealment of the Medieval and Roman Warm Periods. Such information does not suit the agenda of world control using panic.

We are watching the world change before our very eyes and our leaders either assist it or are incapable of handling the problem.

What can we do? How can we help?

The first step is to turn to God and keep the Two Great Commandments on which hang all the Law and the prophets. Love one another. Help each person we are involved with and make his or her life better. Be quick to hear and slow to accuse. Esteem others better than yourself. In this count to Pentecost, try to make yourself a better person. Try to make a difference in the lives of others that benefits them. Pray for the welfare of others.

Pray for peace in the world. Pray for the healing of those affected by hate. Sometimes it is only when people are faced with what they are doing that they actually see that they have a problem. Sometimes you may win your brother. Self–righteousness has no place among us.

Pray for the welfare of the Church and all the people associated with it.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General


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