Sabbath 24/6/29/120
Dear Friends,
This week a Marine Corps Intelligence report to the Pentagon was openly discussed in the Pentagon and among journalists in the US and around the world. The report concerns the Sunni dominant western Iraqi Anbar Province. The report allegedly makes some very serious revelations concerning the situation in Iraq.
Readers will recall that before the invasion of Iraq occurred we made a series of statements concerning the Vietnam-like situation that would ensue from the invasion.
The US Marine Corps have now revealed that the situation in Western Iraq is out of control and the government there has effectively collapsed. To all intents and purposes control is in the hands of the insurgents.
In effect, what has developed is a situation with three ethnic groups in a state of perpetual hostility. These are the Sunni in the West and Centre, Kurds in the North and Shia in the South and East. The capacity to control the conflict and the insurgents from both Sunni and Shia forces is degenerating daily and no effective control exists outside of Baghdad to the West in Anbar Province.
A similar situation exists in Afghanistan where the recent assassination was followed up by a suicide bomber at the funeral, hoping to kill more government officials who attended. The Taliban are re-emerging. The situation is such that both areas are in a state of classic counter-insurgency war and neither is able to control the insurgents. The people of Pakistan are assisting the Taliban who move into Afghanistan from Pakistan at will.
The problem stemmed from the failure of the coalition to understand the mindset of the people they wished to control. People who are prepared to die for an idea cannot be defeated without addressing the ideas for which they fight. Such people can be killed but not controlled until their indoctrination is examined and they are re-educated. Only the truth can set them free. The NATO forces in Afghanistan lack the political will to fight. The force there desperately needs more troops to deal with the insurgents. UK says it is doing its share with 5000 troops. France, Germany and Spain don’t want to supply more troops and nor does anyone else, and they want to be peace-keepers. They don’t want to commit to operations in the South and fight the Taliban. The US and UK are as committed as they can be on less than total mobilisation. With these attitudes they will suffer defeat. There are a number of critical aspects to fighting a counter-revolutionary war and those lessons have not been learned.
The hostility in Iraq between Sunni and Shia is over a thousand years old. The Kurds have an even older problem than that. Their core was originally the ancient Medes, who were allies of the Persians who defeated the Babylonians. This war is ancient. It is not simply a Western/Islamic problem. What we are seeing is a re-emergence of the Medes and Persians about to take the Babylonian structure.
Much of the problem is in the erroneous and delusional mindset of the Western advisors to the leaders of government in the coalition also. Some of these “bitter-enders” as we have heard them described seem to still argue that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq under Saddam Hussein. They argued that position to justify the war on grounds that appear to be esoteric. The Secretary General of the UN said this week that the US had put itself in the position where it cannot stay in Iraq, and it cannot pull out of Iraq. With insufficient troops to control the matter properly they will die the death of a thousand cuts. The Middle East is being destabilised.
Secretary General, Kofi Annan, said this week that the Middle East leaders were becoming seriously worried at the destabilisation caused there by the US. Conditions are being prepared for the emergence of a dictator there.
World War III was started when they invaded Afghanistan and then Iraq. The destabilisation will make way for the consolidation of a military system in the Middle East that will strike against Europe and force the extension of the conflict. This is the development of the Beast Power. The nations of the Shanghai Resources Committee, which we shall term the “Kings of the East,” will not allow the control of resources to move entirely to the West. The war will escalate because of these problems.
Part of the problem stems from the occult mindset of the secret societies in the US that are moving towards the establishment of a New World Order based on their view of democracy as an International World “Democratic“ Order. That structure is the exact opposite of the US ideal as vested in the Republican Model on which the US was founded. This order will destroy the Republican nation state and place world power in the hands of Asia.
The language of the Beast Power is English. That should be obvious now to a child. It was reorganised under Sir Francis Bacon and the Helmet Club he created. They followed on from the works of John Dee. Vast amounts of intellectual works were translated into English using the scribes he employed from the power of his position. The English language was restructured using the Club for which William Shakespeare, the actor, was the front in releasing their works. Bacon and a team of eleven or twelve, of which the actor William Shakespeare was the mouthpiece, appear to have restructured English to allow it to take on its role as the language of the New World Order. The argument was not whether Shakespeare or Bacon wrote the work attributed to Shakespeare. The answer to the question was that they all wrote them and then played them to the English public using the Globe Theatre in London as the front.
America was then used as the vehicle to establish the power base. It was founded by people like Benjamin Franklin using revolution as the base or vehicle of change. The French assisted it and then fell prey to its aims.
China and the kings of the east will now move to use English as the common language to unify their structure and ultimately enable the Beast Power. Satan will give all his power to it and ultimately force the destruction of the nations. Chinese is a monosyllabic language that is linked by ideograms. The characters represent ideas and are only commonly understood from the writing and not in speech. The spoken languages are entirely different. For example, the symbols are the same but the spoken words, even for example for the numerals 1 to 10, are vastly different in the Chinese dialects and the Wu dialect is extremely difficult to master even for Chinese let alone for those of an Indo-Aryan background. A common language was essential to the Tower of Babel but the effort was dispersed and the languages confused to delay the destruction. English is the language now being used to unify the world under the demonic Beast system. The drive to control resources and power will, however, move inexorably towards all-out war.
War will move to total and absolute destruction. Unless Christ intervenes no flesh will be left alive. The elimination of the human species is the aim and only Christ will stop it at the direction of God. Scripture cannot be broken.
The same delusion exists regarding the facts of Global Warming, which at first glance appears to have little to do with the situation. The former Vice President and the Democratic Candidate, Al Gore, is in Australia campaigning for Global Warming issues, the Kyoto Protocol and to introduce the film on the matter. In the interview he gave with the Radio National Morning News Program on the Australian Broadcasting Commission he made some valid points. He also neglected to make some very important factual disclosures that had a bearing on what he was trying to advocate. Perhaps he does not understand their importance, or perhaps they are inconvenient.
He failed to mention the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the Little Ice Age (LIA) nor did he mention the Roman Warm Period (RWP) and its significance to Global Warming. What most people fail to realise is that we were going to have a mean sea level rise of seven feet in this next Warm Period no matter what we did. It occurs every thousand years whether we like it or not (see the paper Global Warming and Bible Prophecy (No. 218), 2006 update).
The effect of the warming also releases methane gas in the permafrost in Russia and the greenhouse effect then becomes exponential as is now occurring. This Russian effect was noted a couple of years ago as we reported but like everything else it was underestimated. This time it is more severe. Mammoth fossils are being exposed now in large quantities as the permafrost melts. We don’t know how this stacks up for the Siberian climate. All we know is that the MWP was significantly hotter than it is at present. We will get hotter no matter what we do. That is not caused by human activity. Human activity just seems to be helping it along more quickly.
There will be millions of refugees created over the next decade no matter what we do. Many of our cities are going under water anyway, just as they did a thousand years ago and a thousand years before that. It appears that it might be more severe than it was in the last MWP or the Roman Warm Period before it.
An important point Al Gore made was that the arguments against tighter controls in the US were advanced by the US motor and oil industries, arguing that they should be left alone otherwise jobs would suffer. They were left alone and the result was that they were inefficient and people purchased European and Japanese cars instead, whose nations did adapt and tighten their efficiency; and the US car firms are now going bankrupt.
That was something we knew fifty years ago. US cars were big tanks that guzzled enormous quantities of petrol/gas and were inefficient. Australia partnered with General Motors and designed a car for Australian conditions, which was the Holden; Ford followed suit and survived. The others simply failed and withdrew. The Japanese needed to trade with Australia and Asia and the US. They came to us and designed vehicles for tough conditions that were relatively efficient. They survived. Europe had been devastated by WWII and so it could not afford to waste money. Its cars of necessity had to be cheaper and more fuel-efficient.
The US and Australia have massive coal reserves and could supply a clean-emission power industry for decades to come. The problem may well be that they failed to develop the technology and alternate technology will see the industry become redundant. The Oil Age will give way to the age of alternate power just as the Stone Age gave way to the Bronze Age and the Bronze to the Iron Age.
The levels of sea rise will depend on what we do with our technology. However, be wary that these politicians do not turn Global Warming into the excuse they need for the introduction of the total controls on human movement and social order we understand as the Beast Power. The government in Australia is at present trying to deregulate the media in Australia so that a few people can control the media resources of radio, TV and newspapers. The result is dictatorial control of a society enabling it to be “dumbed down” and manipulated. The questions are being asked: “Why would a country do that to itself?” The answer is that it is part of the development of the New World Order and the people are being manipulated for control.
The problems we see in the Middle East are because the region is oil dominant and we have allowed that fact and the companies who developed it to dictate our research policy and resource usage for a century. The coalition is in the Middle East to control resources for the economic development of the planet for the next century. There are four power blocs now prepared to fight to control those resources. These are The US and British Commonwealth, Europe, East Asia, and South and Southeast Asia. Religion is merely the tool used for the conflict to play out. The deliberate errors introduced into Judaism, Christianity and Islam were developed precisely for this moment in human history. That is why the demons fight against the exposure of the problem. It was done deliberately to create the war we are about to have.
The problem is that the nations in the Middle East see themselves as doing the work of God in the role of religious martyrs. Oil money buys weapons and weapons dictate power among people not used to the peaceful resolution of dispute or debate. Remember, both Presidents Kennedy and Reagan were embarrassed by the dealings of the CIA. Reagan had to admit that he was wrong and the CIA had been selling arms to Iran for funds to enable the wars in South America. Nothing much has changed. President Kennedy was killed because he was going to curtail the power of the intelligence community.
Remember also that the Roman Catholic Church has prompted massive military intervention in the Middle East whenever it could do so since the Byzantine Empire. The fact that Pope Benedict had this week raised the issue once again of the statements of Byzantine emperors regarding the evils of Islam is further polarising the position. Their own prophecies say that, a pope – and seemingly this one – and his entourage, are shot by soldiers as a result of conflict that he seemingly precipitates. This appears to be self-fulfilling prophecy (see The Last Pope (No. 288)). This week, Britain is stunned by the fact that one of the recent terrorists is the son of a pillar of the conservative establishment, and not a radical Muslim. These irrational statements and actions are infecting the entire society both in the East and West.
Manipulation is the aim of the secret societies and the control of information
they represent. Religious conflict is precipitated by false doctrine and ignorance
promoted by both Trinitarianism and Hadithic Islam, and by racist bigots everywhere.
They are an anathema in a free and just society. Only the truth can set us free.
There will be a number of new papers released for this Feast of Tabernacles
so that we might understand what is before us.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General
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