Sabbath Message by Wade Cox

Sabbath 25/05/28/120 B

Dear Friends,

On Monday 18 July 2005, 512 Muslim Clerics in the UK issued a Fatwa against anyone who engaged in suicide bombing and terrorist activity involving the taking of lives. They stated that it was in effect anti-Islamic and that no person who engaged in such activity was a true Muslim. They stated that people who died in such activity were definitely not martyrs and were not engaging in a Holy War or Jihad. They were simply murderers and terrorists.

The majority of these Muslims were predominantly of the great Sufi tradition Mosques of the UK and, up until now, had comprised the silent majority of Islam in the UK.

It is about time one would have thought. Why did it take so long for Muslim clerics to stand up and say what anyone who had bothered to read the Koran and the Bible knew to be a fact staring us all in the face?

At last it is done, and the clerics have drawn the significant distinction that this Fatwa is one that is designed to save and protect life and not to destroy it or to kill.

It was also announced that the UK Bombers, who were native born English of Pakistani extractions, had spent up to three months in Pakistan recently, but it was not known exactly where they had spent their time. It is a fact that many families with Pakistani connections in the UK go to Pakistan and so nothing unusual was thought of these visits.

It was also stated in an interview with a Pakistani Muslim cleric, aired on ABC Radio National morning news on 19 July 2005 and conducted on the same day, that teachers in approximately eight to ten percent of Madrasas or religious schools in Pakistan were preaching violent extremism.

This hate propaganda is a very serious form of incitement to violence; and when it is directed at another nation by a significant section of a nation or people, then that incitement and inherent violence is an act of war and has been regarded as an act of war for centuries. The Internet is now going to be regulated and people, organisations and churches engaging in this form of hate propaganda will be excluded.

The fine line in this control is how much freedom of expression is swept away. At present it is fairly easy to distinguish the radical incitement to violence, but it rarely stops there and we must be vigilant as to the preservation of freedom as well as the suppression of violence.

Coupled with this issue was the raising of a very serious red herring with the violence argument. The British government raised the issue of the National Identity card again. Most observers of that issue are clearly against such a card. They have rightly pointed out over the same time, because it has been linked to the aftermath of the bombings in London, that such a card would have done little to identify these bombers, as they were normal UK citizens with no unusual activity. This issue is being used to promote a means of control that will, in the end, remove the freedoms of our people. The National identity card proposed will be a haven for fraudulent activity and identity theft and will be so misused that it will lead to forced implantations and the erosion of human freedom described in the Last Days by the Bible.

We should all be concerned at sending a clear message to all sectors of the political spectrum over the unacceptability of this system before it is too late.

Much is now being made of the situation in Iraq. Our readers will recall from the Sabbath Messages before Iraq was invaded, that we said that the situation there would be like Vietnam, and that many more would die in the aftermath than ever possible during the war itself.

To summarise the situation, there have been some 24,800 civilians die since the war started. Almost one third of all civilians were killed by occupying military forces, either the US or their allies. And 69% of all deaths have occurred since the cessation of hostilities. Only 9% of all killings were committed by terrorist activity.

The country of Iraq is degenerating now into three ethnic and religiously competing areas. Kurd in the north, Sunni in the central area, and Shi’ite in the south. The terrorists are now stepping up the pace of activity. The aim is to put as much pressure on the educated core in Iraq as possible. The theory is that the more educated will choose to flee, and leave the extremist elements in charge with no effective political system operating under any democratic type structure. This view is understood by many elements. The new constitution is now under way and activity is working towards getting that implemented. Time is seen as being of the essence.

There is much activity aimed at forcing the degeneration into a civil war in a fragmented state. The King of Jordan effectively stated on 19 July that this fragmentation in three areas was happening right now. Arab countries obviously regard this aspect as serious.

Only in this strife-torn disintegration can the voice of reason be destroyed.

However, we must all realise that it has been as a result of the poorly organised post war infrastructure that these casualties and disasters have been made possible, and much propaganda is being made from those facts.

Much of the problem lies in the absence of any real long-term plan and effective or acceptable ethical system.

Whilst democracy has at its roots the notion that all men are created equal and that they will all come together for the pursuit of their own equity and happiness, the reality is somewhat different. What has been shown to the populace is a society that is increasingly secular and anti-God. That view is a goldmine for religious extremists who promote violence. The US society recently mobilised around a religious agenda with bizarre and contradictory messages being sent to the populace. It is being engineered by the spin-doctors to enable this continued conflict. The US administration is all things to all men and bashes the intelligentsia, which is taken up with relish by bigots. The media is a dumb dog that only finds its voice and barks on specific commands.

Iraq and its oil fields will be a source of trouble for some time to come. There are bigger problems emerging. Even so, the oil cartels are manipulating the prices upwards and are conditioning the populace to higher and higher prices.

What is now emerging on the political scene is the power of the biblical Kings of the East. Mainland China is about to expand into the Pacific, and the US is aware or fears that with that expansion will come a very anti-democratic series of puppet states in place of what are now fairly healthy democracies. Australia is being pressured to support the US in containing this newly emerging giant. China is now preparing to absorb Taiwan and destroy its democracy with an intensive short-term war in order to absorb it.

A Chinese General said recently, that China really could only respond to the US with nuclear weapons and they had no means of delivering them into the continental US, or words to that effect. His comments were dismissed, by China, as the opinions of an individual, but that is unlikely. This cat and mouse game is growing and the small nations of Asia and the Pacific are likely to find themselves the casualties in the not too distant future.

What we do know is that Islam will be a casualty in this growing global power game, and one that they themselves helped to cause by their uninformed radical extremism among the Hadithic scholars who have distorted the Koran and its biblical basis.

Only the truth will set us free. The Koran must be understood in relation to the Bible or there will never be peace.

Christ will come in the not too distant future. When he does, the whole world will tremble. The European superpower will be drawn down and occupy the Middle East. Christ will subjugate them and then bring the kings of the East and the other nations down to have their armies and their power bases destroyed. Asia will be systematically destroyed as a military power. At the end, there will be no military power left on earth and that includes the US and the British Commonwealth.

The military activity of the world between now and 2025 will see the virtual extinction of life as we know it.

Will they repent? The Bible says they will not repent, but that they will continue on until life is almost ended.

The way to peace is to love one another and to dedicate oneself to the truth and follow God and His truth through His servants the prophets. Until Islam, Christianity and religion generally understand that fact, there will be no real peace and mankind will have no salvation.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General


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