Sabbath Message by Wade Cox

Sabbath 21/02/28/120

This year is the Sabbath Year of the cycle. It is the 28th year of the 120th Jubilee since the closure of Eden and the cursing of the Earth.

Each year we are commanded to labour and to tithe on our labours. This year is the exception. In this year we are permitted to cease from normal labours and to study the works of the Lord. In that sense, we do not have to tithe on our labour but we are required to give offerings on what we receive in this year as it grows of itself.

Those of us who do labour in our usual occupations and earn income are expected to support the work on the basis of the same system as we find in the firstlings and the first fruits under the normal tithe system.

Thus, the Sabbath year is a trifle confusing to many people. Whilst the command to labour for six days and on the Seventh Day to rest and keep it holy as a Sabbath to the Lord is relaxed on this year so that we are to let our fields rest, we may also earn income and do normal things if we so choose. The Sabbatical Year is a year of study and we may have that year off and pursue our studies as we so choose.

Thus, there is a great freedom in the Sabbath Year and also great responsibility. The command is that we are to let our fields rest in this year and God regulates the seasons so that the land has its Sabbaths and recovers. In that way no commercial crops are sown and harvested and the land has its rest in harmony with the seasons and the cycles of God. This is in effect a period of long fallow in the cycle of the harvests and is compulsory for all people. Failure to adhere to the Sabbath laws will result in punishment and also may well result in captivity for the nation not keeping the Law.

This is a serious problem for the Church. If a person is labouring, they are placed in the usual obligations to tithe on their income and give as offerings. If they choose not to labour and to study the works of God, they cannot be held to account under the Fourth Commandment, which requires labour and rest within the usual cycle.

Thus, the person is free to decide how and on what he tithes and provides in offerings to the Lord. The whole aspect of tithing is discussed in the paper Tithing (No. 161). Each of us is to make ourselves familiar with that work and the entire structure of the Law in regard to tithing.

The Holy Spirit deals with each of us and provides guidance on all aspects of the Law of God. Every one of us must act in good faith and what is not of faith is sin.

This is one of the few times that we are given discretion as to what we are able to do and what constitutes our obligation to God. This year is one in which we are able to decide our actions and our workloads, and indeed decide as to whether we will be a Mary or a Martha and work in the service of the household or in the service of the Lord.

This is indeed a perplexing time for the self-righteous of the Churches of God because they must concentrate on themselves and not worry about the others around them and how righteous they are or are not. This year they have something less to judge people by and no doubt that will give them some cause for concern. It is very unsettling for the self-righteous having to feel as though others might be as righteous or more so than one’s self.

One of the reasons God scattered the Churches of God in the late twentieth century was because the people were self-righteous. Many hung on every word that proceeded from the mouths of the brethren seeking to condemn their brethren. We have been fascinated by the behaviour. Fortunately there is a streak of naivety that runs in the children of light. Often they are not aware of these forms of condemnatory behaviour. Often it only dawns on the brethren what people are actually doing, and asking questions for, long after the person has gone. How often have you thought: “Oh that’s why they said that. I should have said X” No, you should have said what you did and they are left to die in their self-righteousness.

In this year God can get a good idea of what is in our hearts. The dedicated will be dedicated still and the slothful will be even more slothful still.

What you do with your time and effort this year is your business. However, the work has to be done and there is much to do. Let your “yes” be “yes” and your “no” be “no”. Do what you have pledged to do. Some have pledged to work for the administration and some have undertaken missionary activities.

Make sure that the work of God goes forward. Do not neglect your offerings.

None of you have ever received a begging letter from CCG. Nor will you receive one. That however does not absolve you from your responsibility to support the work. How many of you have received urgent letters telling you that this is the most urgent or greatest crisis the work has seen? Send money. That was standard practice in the Armstrong organisations. Some of you from other organisations have even been told to go and borrow money against your cars, or mortgages or the like. God knows of what we have need. He could raise an army if he so chose. We would be fed by ravens if it were necessary. He does not work that way but rather leaves it to the brethren to perform their duties faithfully and the work is done, not by strength and by power, but by God’s Spirit.

In this year we walk by faith. We have even seen people abuse us and accuse us of lying to the brethren, telling them that this year is by offerings and not by tithes even though some of the brethren have tithe obligations.

What the Church binds on earth is bound in heaven and if it is left to the discretion of the individual to make offerings, taking into account what they earn and what is given them, that is their responsibility. God honours that diligence and decision making because we have asked God to do that within the power vested in us by Jesus Christ.

The Law is set up so that we are all able to enjoy the benefits of God’s system and to be educated within God’s Law and way of life. This year is designed to do just that. This year is for education in the work of the Lord. Use it wisely. Do not waste the time but dedicate it to God’s purposes and to the furtherance of the Church and its work.

In this year we will also get the opportunity to determine our actions and most of us have done that within the national conferences already. The World Conference will push onward now at Tabernacles and determine our work program, aims and objectives for the next seven years. Do not forget the Church this year while we dwell on the tasks ahead.

Many of you are working on programs now. Do not neglect what you are doing and have undertaken to do. We have done much but there is still a great deal to do.

Set your mind on the work of God and be diligent in the faith.

God loves a cheerful giver and one that seeks to please Him with all diligence and faith.

Strive to advance the Church and the work of God this year. All this is in the process of showing God that you love Him by your love for one another.


Wade Cox

Coordinator General


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