Sabbath Message by Wade Cox

Sabbath 25/12/27/120

Dear Friends,

A year ago we saw the projections of the U.S. military in Iraq and the problems associated with them. These views were part of a think tank projection that saw a very gloomy future indeed.

This year we have gone a long way to living though some of those problems.

Let us review what was said then a year ago, and review our position on what the major problems are that we face in the coming period from this Sabbath Year to the Next Sabbath year in 2012.

The headlines in the observer read:

Key findings of the Pentagon

Sunday February 22, 2004
The Observer

Well, much of these problems have occurred in part and will continue to occur from year to year.

The major problem we face however is not coping with the weather which is steadily deteriorating on an annual basis but rather, how to cope with the deterioration in ethics and values such that our national systems no longer know or understand truth and the basics of the religious systems that we had given to us by the servants of God, the prophets, over the last few thousand years.

Many of us have commonalities in our systems that we do not understand. Those systems are often mere shells or relics of a bygone past. In this week we are to celebrate the New Year of 1 Abib. Whilst the Chinese celebrate Choy Yat, or New Moon, they celebrate the New Year one month before the true Bible New Year. That fact is because of an error that occurred in China many centuries ago. One day they will correct the error and we will all celebrate the New Year on the same day. Until then, they are like all other pagans. One day we will all be corrected and keep the correct Calendar. They always celebrate according to the conjunction and not as the followers of Baal and Astarte, or Ashirat or Easter, do celebrating the crescent moon. Easter or Istar is the Goddess and consort of Baal. Do not be deceived. They appear in various couples and guises. They are Baal-Ashtoreth, Attis Cybele/Rhea, Adonis and the Mysteries of Demeter and Artemis, Dionysus and on they go. “Mary” of “Christianity” is but another guise of this mother goddess.

What is happening is that a moral relativity is being introduced into our legal system that has no basis in the Laws of God. The U.S. system is now an empire in moral crisis. We have all had to face the facts of a dreadful moral quagmire of torture and human degradation to the extent that we should seriously question the aims and objectives of our political leaders. The media is a farce. Month by month and week by week our standards of law and ethics are deteriorating. We have politicians arguing that it is OK to torture people and use information gained by torture as evidence in trials. Detention without trial seems to be now defended by the judiciary at all levels in the U.S. and the British Commonwealth. It is the few that speak out against it while the majority are silent.

One example that should make you all sit up and take notice of just what is happening in our legal and judicial systems happened here in Australia this past year. Last year an airline flight attendant (Ms. Rau) went missing. She was posted as missing by her family. The news reports now show that she was found over ten months later in an immigration detention centre. She had been held unlawfully for all that time. She was an Australian citizen lawfully on her business. The authorities reportedly simply arrested her as a suspect illegal alien and detained her without trial for almost a year. Her employers and her family were not contacted despite having posted a missing person’s report on her. No attempt was made to locate her and obtain the normal Habeas Corpus that would have released her immediately. They simply locked her up for a year of her life and the system forgot about her because the normal checks and balances are no longer in place to prevent such unlawful activity. The authorities will not apologise now because no doubt she and her family and representatives will and should sue them. Those responsible up to and including the minister should all be held to account and resign from office.

We had better realise that the basic freedoms we take for granted are being eroded by a bureaucracy that sees their own interests being advanced by a European legal system based on that introduced by Napoleon Bonaparte. The British Commonwealth went to war to stop him and the system he introduced, and now our own administration is betraying us by stealth and in stages.

One of the few brighter spots is that the scientists are at last speaking out over Global Warming. At least they are saying it is happening but it is not a current man made problem. It is part of changing world climate; and our actions in part. However, there is now a tension in the U.S. over science and creationism. The scientists backed the Theory of Evolution as fact when it was at odds with the Bible account and the result was that, with the religious revivalism in the U.S., the more uneducated of the Creationists are now enforcing a 6000-year creationism in the schools. The scientists sowed the wind of falsehood and will now reap the whirlwind. Instead of using the observation of science to explain the Bible texts, they have backed the Evolutionary Model and it is now being rejected in large areas of the U.S. Science is under great attack now in the U.S. and will suffer because of their stupidity.

The harmony of the creation story is explained in the work Creation from Anthropomorphic Theology to Theomorphic Anthropology (B5). The basic model of the world structure can be explained in less than the thousands of millions of years explained by the steady state theorists of the Evolutionary Model. Part of the problem is also that the natural scientists, that might be able to more easily explain the matter, are either too frightened or to ill-disciplined to properly document the alternative explanations. They bother themselves with trivialities instead of getting on with tasks they are able to do.

Lies have become so much a part of the system that it has become a major task just to sort fact from fiction in almost everything we do.

Crime is not punished. Corporate criminals get off with minor fines and blue-collar crime is punished significantly more severely given the funds and losses involved. Corruption is endemic to all nations and honest people pay with their lives over it.

There is a backlash coming and it will be worse than the system it replaces. There will be a new false religious movement emerge over the next few years that will see firstly a pagan structure and then a religious emotionalism emerges. That system will not rely on facts and ethics. It will be based on emotion and moral relativism.

In spite of that now emerging horror system, there will be a developing movement to study the word of God and the Laws of God. Small at first, it will grow under persecution and a new system will slowly emerge that replicates the original first century Church of God.

It will keep the restored Calendar and the understanding of the Jubilee system and the Laws of God. The tension between these competing systems will not be played out in a vacuum. The social system, as it is emerging under the UN and the EEC, will change forever the way we view things. They will succeed in virtually crushing our way of life and our current values.

The advocates of a totally capitalist system are deliberately undermining part of our social welfare systems now. That system will be as evil and as useless as the socialist or communist system that it seeks to subvert. It is an amoral, if not totally immoral, system. Like all false systems it is also based on a lie. The U.S. social security system is now being argued to be based on a large percentage on the stock market which is understood to be over valued and subject to manipulation and crash. No moral and ethical decisions will be able to be made because the entire superannuation system will be tied up in companies that fund the system and thus cannot be brought under control, as we saw with the tobacco giants.

It is only when we reorganise our land systems on Bible Law and the Jubilee will we be able to guarantee freedom of the individual. Only by the Laws of God will we be able to make our systems of justice both just and righteous. The word for justice is the same word for righteous in Hebrew. In the end, we will be forced to keep the food laws. Our destruction of the environment will see the end of seafood. We will depend on Christ for the restoration. No one is going to heaven. No one is getting raptured (see the paper The Millennium and the Rapture (No. 95)). No one is escaping the cesspit they created here on earth. They will clean it up or die.

Those that are left will clean it up anyway. God’s system of Law and ethics will be instituted by force and climate. This false system that is now emerging will be replaced. In the meantime, there will be a very serious conflict of interests and values ensue. Our freedoms will be eroded. We will have to regain them through the direct intervention of Jesus Christ.

This next week is the last four days of Adar and the fifth day of the week, called Thursday by the pagans, will be the New Year of the Twenty-Eighth Year of the 120th Jubilee since the cursing of the earth and the closure of Eden. It is a Sabbath Year and under the Law given to us by God, we are to study the Laws of God this year and to read the Law of God at the Feast of Tabernacles.

We will explain much of what is ahead of us over the Sabbath cycle during these next twelve months. Each of us has a part to play in this sequence.

God gives our beliefs to us. They are clear and simple and are not be altered or given up lightly. We band together as a Church and we defend our beliefs and our position and are ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within us. Be content that we are able to meet when we can and do not allow misguided people to disrupt your faith. Love one another and work together for the faith this year helping one another.


Wade Cox

Coordinator General


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