Sabbath Message by Wade Cox

Passover 14-21 Abib 27/120

Dear Friends,

I will be in the UK for the Passover this year with some of our European brethren. I hope you all have an enjoyable and rewarding Passover.

Remember to keep the Feast in diligence and concentrate on removing the old leaven of malice and wickedness and to replace it with the new leaven of sincerity and truth.

Remember this fact. Leaven is removed and it is replaced with the loaves of Pentecost, which are leavened with the Holy Spirit, which is the spirit of truth.

Do not be in haste to return to the leaven of day-to-day life. We were once invited to the evening meal at the end of the last Holy Day of Unleavened Bread with some people who were in the Church of God. They stopped at a shop on the way home and purchased a loaf of bread and made sandwiches for the meal. I did not mind eating sandwiches, although I had not had them for an evening meal before, but what struck me was that they did not see the significance of what they were doing. The first part of the problem was that they purchased an item that had been made of leaven during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which would have been impossible if everyone had been keeping the Laws of God. More importantly for them, it showed that they were too ready to, and desired to, get back to the life they thought was enjoyable. They saw the requirements of the Laws of God as an imposition. They did not understand the spiritual significance of what they were doing.

The end result was that, when the Church of God that they were part of was tested and became apostate, they thought that their parents had taught them incorrectly. Some half-baked person in the Church of God told them it was acceptable to go into Trinitarianism and Sunday worship, and they believed him. They blamed their parents for making them keep all these laws like keeping the Sabbath etc. They considered that, given that information, they had been deprived in their childhood. They simply did not know enough to withstand the assault on their faith. They were brought up in the Church of God and did not know enough about the triune system to recognise the false doctrine presented to them for what it was. They were taken from the faith by old lies dressed up as truth.

Another congregation when allowed to deny the laws of God could not wait to do so and, during the Feast of Unleavened Bread on the Holy Day, served crocodile and prawns for the Holy Day banquet. I never cease to be amazed at the gullibility of those who suspend their judgment and follow men in idolatry, and into idolatry. In 1989 I wrote a paper that refuted the propositions by Mary Douglas the anthropologist (The Abominations of Leviticus) and showed the absolute scientific basis for the Food Laws in the Torah as stated in Leviticus, chapter 11 and Deuteronomy, chapter 14. That work (The Foodlaws (No. 15)) shows the relationship between mercury contamination and poisoning in fish and seafood species. In addition, it also shows the heavy metal contamination and the various diseases inherent in unclean meats. Despite that work being available to the entire world for years now and on every search engine worth the name, it has taken the Australian Government until now to realise that mercurial poisoning in fish results in the destruction of the nervous system in unborn children and infants, and causes the slow cumulative poisoning of older adolescents and adults. Despite their own evidence, which I used in the paper which was drawn from the research library of the Australian National University and which I drew attention to showing that the incidence of selenium on some fish species were in fact all identifiable as clean species as nominated in the Bible, they did not announce that fact and instead only provided half the information.

We need to be very careful about anything that challenges the laws of God, as inevitably we find these things are wrong and those who follow them pay for the folly.

All of us need to be keeping the feast and making sure we are not easily led to go back into the world and to error.

This feast is a process of getting rid of the error and the problems and sins of our lives and refreshing ourselves in the blood of the Lamb and the water of the Word.

We are part of the Body of Christ and we need to be aware of that fact.

We need to deleaven ourselves and keep the feast with due diligence.

We have issued a program that will help in the study of the matter over the Passover. Please use those papers as a basis or guide for sermons over the feast.

The Passover Program is attached so that those confined to quarters in sickness or other problems can study, and the ministry may be given a guide for the feast.

We all need to be on the same tram as they say when we are working towards salvation and attending the Passover.

We need to sound a sure and certain note.

I hope everyone is able to attend without stress and trial.

Remember that the adversary attacks us over the build-up. The Lord God lifts His hand and we are tried in this period in order to correct us.

None of this is accidental. God’s people are tried sorely. Many are allowed sickness or problems. Why does God do this or allow it? Why are those in the world allowed to remain without as many trials as we seem to have over this period? The answer is that we are called to confound the mighty. God is not dealing with the world as yet. However, it will be soon that we will see the matter change and more will come under judgment.

Why do you think there are so many records being set every season of the year these days? They say it is: the hottest day for 100 years; the hottest week; the hottest month; the hottest year; the coldest, or the driest, or the most floods and storms and whatever. We are destroying the world and we will not change. We are killing each other and ourselves and we will not repent.

We do not understand the way of peace. We are losing our set of values rapidly now. The degeneration is more and more rapid.

Do not be discouraged but grow in understanding and the love of God and the Church in this period.

I have sent out messages for the sanctification process.

Study those messages and apply them in our lives.

Keep the Passover with joy and gladness and the zeal of the elect.

Do not water your faith down and make the Passover less of a feast than it is meant to be. Keep yourselves unstained from the world for the entire period of Unleavened Bread. Return to the world refreshed and ready to do what God expects of you after the last Holy Day has ended.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General


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