Sabbath Message by Wade Cox

Sabbath 13/4/26/120

Dear Friends,

This Sabbath we will look at the changes coming along and the way in which it is being brought about.

People are looking at the amazing success of the Harry Potter stories and this latest record breaking achievement. Why is it that now at the end of the age we are faced with stories about witchcraft? We have allegedly left all that behind us. We are now at the end of almost two thousand years of Christianity. Should this evil superstition not be gone from us? How is it that people are influenced by its lies and superstitions?

The answer is in two sections. First is the mainstream Christian system that claims Jesus Christ is based on the same religious lies and system of the Mother goddess cult, as is the Pagan system that underpins witchcraft.

It does not take a genius to work out that the Pagans and the Trinitarians both worship on the solstice at 25 December. They all have the same holidays on specific days that are allegedly public holidays, celebrating people of import, but are generally (and especially in the USA) days of human sacrifice on the ancient pre-Christian Calendar. The day of the sun or Sunday has always been the world’s system of worship. Trinitarianism took it over. The system had to espouse the Christian story line, but change it all in order to stop the advance of the Christian faith under the Apostles.

The Roman system was based on the worship of the Triune God and its system of worship under the god Attis. The priests of Attis were complaining about the Christians stealing all their doctrines. The cunning among them saw the rise of the Christian system and infiltrated and corrupted the Christian structure, long before it actually became a threat to the Roman system. Religion in Rome simply changed the names of its gods, not the fact of their worship. The peasants kept the Bible alive. They circulated it underground. The religion of the Triune god had to espouse it simply to stay alive with some air authenticity. They confiscated it wherever they could. You could not buy a Bible in Rome and when the printing press began in Geneva, the Bishop of London began buying the imported Bibles to prevent them from falling into the hands of the people. He might better have bought the plates.

The governing system has as a rule controlled the minds of the people by controlling the information available to it. The great revolutions among the English-speaking people have come from educated lower and middle classes, who knew what the Bible said and obeyed it. The excesses of the Stewart kings that simply did not understand the people they ruled caused the English civil war. Two classes of people fought the American war of Independence. The loyalists on the one side moved north and formed the Dominion of Canada. The settlers that formed the US fought against a system that was weakened by a sick monarch who used German mercenaries.

The program for the formation of the US was assisted by the secret societies that purported to be pro-nation. These societies were in fact aimed at destroying the power of the covenant promises, that were being then brought to play by being conferred on a people that did not fully understand why they were being blessed.

The US became the refuge of the witchcraft systems and they introduced the holidays and festivals of that system, as part of their national system of holidays. No other nation in the world celebrates so many ancient days of human sacrifice as does the USA and yet claims to be Christian. Not even the non-Christian nations come anywhere near them for corruption of days of worship. Yet God is on their lips always. The British on the other hand have 2% attendance at church and follow novelties as the whim takes them. The Commonwealth is a bored and vacillating mass in between the two extremes.

How is it that the English-speaking people are so deceived? How does a nation like the USA that purports to be Christian, stand for such pagan systems in its system of worship? The answer is that the majority don’t understand the significance of their systems and the ones that do are in the secret societies they use to control their structure. The pagans that were forced underground advance their cause at every opportunity. The religious system is corrupted by a complete lack of education. It has a very poor awareness of history and religious doctrines of the past.

In spite of these terrible influences and paucity of teaching, the people themselves still constitute a formidable source of potential power in opposition to the system being established.

However, they themselves do not as yet realise that they have been betrayed. The English-speaking people do not realise that the system in Europe has worked for over a hundred and fifty years to eliminate all vestiges of opposition to the Triune system. The African nations do not realise that their slender grasp on civilisation is due to the work of the Commonwealth over the period. The nations of the Commonwealth are part of a family that has its own future in its hands. It was formed as part of system that held the values of the Bible and an underlying awareness that God was achieving something through them.

The vast majority in Europe does not comprehend what is being done through this new emerging union. On the surface it looks as though a disparate people can achieve the same thing that the USA achieved on its federation. The hub of Europe is shifting east and Middle Europe is developing now as a reality. The problem is that the people have a history that has been wracked with war and oppression. It has a national psyche that sits ill at ease with cooperation. This is the final union of iron and clay spoken of by the prophet Daniel. It is this system that will rise up and rule the world for one hour.

The great angel Satan will give his power to this beast in order for it to achieve its aims, which is in accordance with his will.

Up until now it has been the British Commonwealth that has prevented this monster from arising in Europe and kept a relative peace in the earth. The Commonwealth was destroyed by its own stupidity and corrupted leadership. The USA through poor short-term goals helped that destruction by bleeding Britain dry and seeking its own dominion. When the power of the tribes and nation of Israel is broken then the world will seek its total annihilation. Most do not realise that is the first major objective of the demons. With the elimination of the nation, and the Church, the plan of God is frustrated and the world can be destroyed entirely.

It should be obvious. Why is it that the people cannot see it and assist their enemies? Why do the nations that have an ethnic affinity with the Commonwealth hate it and seek its destruction? The North-western Europeans of the Benelux countries, Friesland and the older areas of Saxony, Coburg and Gothe and Jutland or Northern Germany and Denmark, are composed of many genetic Anglo-Saxons, yet they are working to their own destruction and do not see it. It is not as though there has not been enough blood to fertilise Flanders fields. Likewise the Northern Italians and associated French and others are unaware of their roots. All this disparity will be fused into one mighty group and will emerge from this fiasco hand in hand with Germany and occupy the Middle East as foretold by God though His servants the prophets.

In order to implement this end game of the demons the people have to have their minds destroyed. A new system has to be introduced that undermines their basic values, which were formerly based on the Laws of God. The Trinitarian system has served its purpose and can now be destroyed. This system is a whore and is hated by Satan and the demons. They are allowed to destroy it because it has corrupted the teachings of Christianity entirely and has served its purpose. This activity is described in Revelation Chapters 18 and 19. God judges the great whore that corrupted the earth and He will avenge the blood of his servants at her hand for true and righteous are his judgments (Rev. 19:2).

So we arrive at the point where a crafted work, based on a fictional child character becomes a major best seller in the last days. The aim is to influence the minds of the people. They seek diversion and to most of the readers this ceases to become fiction and is real. They escape from the reality over which they have no control into the world of witchcraft. The minds of the people are being destroyed and influenced by the media and particularly Hollywood, to the point that the youth are now violent. The designer drugs are making people unable to control violence and normal stresses that previously were directed in other ways. Road rage is not the result of increased traffic stress. It is the result of the mental degeneration and psychological conditioning of a people.

People are being conditioned to disassociate cause and effect. Control and discipline are being misdirected to the breakdown of human freedom in society. In the end it will be too late.

Britain is ceding its freedoms to Europe, which it would have gone to war to prevent fifty years ago. In fact it did exactly that. That is necessary to enable this beast to arise. When Britain realises what it has done, it will be too late and it will have to fight its way out. Unfortunately, there will be other adversaries that will keep it all too occupied.

Our people do not realise that what is happening now, is that their values are being systematically destroyed by a system that is now slowly revealing itself. If it had done so four decades ago it would have been destroyed. Now it is powerful enough to survive and turn the tide on what it perceives as the enemy.

The world can only be destroyed by the demons if the power of the holy people is broken. That is the real aim of the demons using witchcraft as their medium. They did it in Israel three thousand years ago after King David and they have not changed their mode of operation. The teaching of Balaam in opposing Israel after the Exodus is that if the nations opposed to Israel can get Israel to sin, they will have broken their connection with God in the Holy Spirit. That is the aim of the demons and it is working now faster than ever (see the paper The Doctrine of Balaam and Balaam’s Prophecy (No. 204)).

So we are being undermined at home and face war abroad. We saw Iraq go into what is now an occupied state that is developing its resistance. North Korea is threatening nuclear retaliation and there is precious little discussion concerning what will happen there. Will China use it for its own ends? The outcome is bleak indeed.

What can we do? How can we affect what is happening? The answer is that we can continue to pray and fast for our people and for the safety and peace of the world.

We can make known to our children that witchcraft is not a harmless child’s story, but a dangerous weapon of the demons and has to be shunned. We can teach them the Bible food laws and that by using them we can save the environment (see the paper The Food Laws (No. 15)). We can teach them proper nutrition and that vegetarianism destroys their minds and makes them tools for the demons and the social engineers (see the paper Vegetarianism and the Bible (No. 183)).

We can help them make right choices in health and medicine and the ordering of their society. We can teach them to choose wisely and to take a part in the ordering and selection of their social system. We can expose the mindless fools that misrepresent the teachings of the Bible to harness the masses to control and exploit them.

We can teach our people to give an account of the hope that lies within them. Our people can politely explain why perversion is wrong and the system is being destroyed through lack of knowledge. You can make a difference. You can explain to others what we believe and hope for. They in turn might be able to explain to others and we might survive through a healthy fear and trust in the Living God.

We can live by faith. Do not cease to pray for our people. Israel has been saved countless times through the intervention of the prophets. It is through the saints that these simple and erroneous people are protected and offered salvation by the grace of God. We are all sinners and all of us were called from a system of death, to the life given to us in Christ through the power of God. No one can take that way from us. The demons work to that end and we often allow them success where they should be powerless.

Sin holds no power over us except we allow ourselves to be tempted. Do not allow the minds of our young to be corrupted with the teachings of witchcraft and the demons that would seek to destroy us.

Love our enemies as we love each other and pray for their forgiveness. Pray for the forgiveness of the false teachers that corrupted the Churches of God over the last four decades. Pray for their conversion so that the truth may be taught and the errors of Ditheism and Binitarianism and the exploitation of the elect are removed from among the Churches of God. Pray that we are made a mighty weapon in the armour of the One True God for the work of the last days under His son Jesus Christ.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General


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