Sabbath Message by Wade Cox

Sabbath 06/04/26/120

Dear Friends,

This Sabbath we are faced with yet another step forward in the relentless march to confusion and the destruction of the human species. It was reported this week on 2 July 2003 that Dr. Norbert Gleicher, of the Foundation for Reproductive Medicine in Chicago, and a colleague injected male cells into female embryos in research they believe could lead to better treatments or cures for single gene disorders.

Their work provoked revulsion when they presented it to the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
"There are very good reasons why this type of research is generally rejected by the international research community," Dr. Francoise Shenfield of ESHRE said on Wednesday.
"I cannot conceive of any situation in which this particular technique would be acceptable, and if it cannot be applied there is not much use in experimenting with it," she added.

Gleicher and his colleague used male cells because they were easier to track as they studied the development of the embryos for up to six days.

So where do we go from there? If we can combine the human gene pool to form the androgynous structure of myths, do you think it won’t happen? What will happen in the long run? Why are people so indifferent to the ethics of this form of science?

This week also I listened to the radio which said that a film, which had denied categorisation by the Australian censors, was going to be shown publicly by a group of people who simply could not understand that the authorities had denied it permission to be shown because it contained sexual content of a type that was perverted and involved the use of a young man with fetishism. I listened to the comments of the people involved in defying the police and was struck by their petulant rebelliousness.

What is going wrong? US scientists are genuinely puzzled when an international community condemns their lack of ethics. Australians don’t want to be told what to do even when the bizarre sexuality that is being portrayed should be obviously banned from public distribution. Australia has been going down hill for years in its morality and its sexual deviation. When the English-speaking people go bad, they go rotten indeed.

These privileged people are now destroying themselves. They are not breeding to replace themselves much less increase their nations as commanded by God to Adam and Noah.

Prophecy is being unfolded as we watch. The nation is being destroyed through its own iniquity. When God would have healed us, our iniquity was discovered. We commit falsehood and thieves come in and robbers are without. We undermine the monarchy with our wickedness and lies. The nation is immoral and like a baker’s oven. We have no respect for the crown and our people are scorners. They are hot as ovens and devour their judges. The kings have fallen and the crown is to be removed. Ephraim is mixing himself among the people and is a cake unturned. Grey hairs are on us and we know it not. Strangers devour our strength and we know it not (Hos. 7:1-12).

If this does not describe the British Commonwealth and the United States of America today, what does?

When I was young, it was normal for the nation to have families that had two children to replace themselves and others to replenish the nation and support it as God commanded.

The nation was respected and leaders were treated with respect. Parents were loved and respected. Children were raised with hope and vision. The nation was blind to some of the laws of God and did not follow them, but had a morality of sorts that did not usually steal. Doors were seldom locked. Families stayed together.

The illegality was with SP bookmakers who paid the police, which was the beginning of corruption. How did it go downhill so fast? What is God allowing to happen to our people?

Much went wrong with the deliberate destruction of the people by gambling and drugs. Self-righteous humbugs in the USA introduced organised crime through Prohibition, which remained after the Prohibition was ended. A grateful nation in Australia allowed the Returned Soldiers Movement to open their clubs to the public and travellers and imported poker machines. They used the funds of the machines to destroy the competing restaurants and hotels. They expanded on the unjust profits of the machines like a carnivorous beast. The nation they fought to protect was undermined by their own greed and stupidity.

The post war baby boom somehow became self-centred and they did not breed. The generations of the sixties that had been brought up without fathers due to the war became an undisciplined rabble of spoilt brats. They were called the flower children or the hippie generation. They smoked dope and undermined the national psyche. They split the nation as did the power grabbers in the US departments, and that spread to the British Commonwealth. After helping establish freedom for the world for two hundred years we began to destroy our good will.

Our nation began to become perverted and same sex couples took their eunuch states as a positive outcome instead of the insipient decay of a dying people.

The birth rate fell through the selfishness of the baby boomers and the shortened breeding span of veterans.

The nation of Israel, which we are, was sent into decline. Drugs created a black market and began to destroy the minds of people. Like the Romans before us who were sent mad by lead, we created an aluminium and drug society, which is destroying the minds of our people. For simple unjust gain, the USA departments created a market for soy products based on misinformation and using the vegetarian lobby to assist them suppressed information regarding the adverse effects as they had done with the tobacco lobby. The US and BC administration is a whore that wipes its mouth and says, “I have done no wrong!”

Good is being called bad and bad is called good. Truth is cast to the ground. The opposition to the rot is a religious system based on lies. They have trivialised and corrupted the Bible and the Laws of God with lies and hypocrisy. Compare the actual Laws of God (L1) with what the nations say is religion.

We have created a prison culture that destroys the people sent into it, contrary to what God says is to be done. We create disturbed minds by abuse, and usually by priests with young men, who then go on to crime and prison and corrupt first offenders by perversion and rape. Lawyers now admit that prison is often a death sentence for many through AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases. Who told us to create prisons? It was certainly not God.

Our administration is corrupt and provides drugs for profit to its young. Our police are actually part of the system.

Environmentalists are ratbags who adopt an impossible system and have no workable solution.

How do we stop all this rot?

The answer is that we repent first and then give our ways to the Lord. We need to get rid of the rot. Our leaders have to become accountable. We have to elect leaders of tens, and hundreds, and thousands, and ten thousands as we were told to do. They are accountable under the law. Politicians, for that is what these elected officials under the law are, who are corrupt simply should be removed and made to repay their thefts.

We have to make police accountable and, if they are corrupt or not performing, they need to be sent into other posts in the army and others would replace them. Theoretically, we do not need a police force as such if the structure of the society is correct and functioning.

Our young people should not have to work most of their lives simply to buy a house. The assets of the nations should not be forced into superannuation funds that destroy the economy, and invested in corrupt and destructive industries like tobacco and asbestos.

The system of land ownership must be based on the Jubilee system. Our young people should be given free grants on marriage and build a house with help. Women should be assisted to stay at home as mothers, and fathers assisted to remain as role models for a family. Men should not be allowed to grow up without a male role model.

Land ownership by companies and non-resident aliens should not be permitted.

Damage to a nation should not be permitted and should be punished by damages. This is a product of an accountable administration.

Judges should be respected, but not the introducers of new law by novel or inventive judgments, as is now the case.

We will take freedom from our people if this keeps going. The total destruction of the free social interaction of our people can now be achieved by bureaucracy gone mad. It is not likely to stop either as we see the system crumble through perversion and greed.

In the end, the nation will be held up by families and without them it will crumble. In the short term, the creation of bizarre life forms will be used to prop up a perverted society, but that will fail. It does not matter how one dresses it up. The criminal and perverted state has always been overthrown by a stable family state. Even Sparta, which refined the state to a science through self-denial and national interest, fell because it undermined the family unit. The Spartans were the only group of the descendents of Abraham, through the sons of Keturah, to do this.

God has always raised up a nation to deal with us when we sin, and God gives them a heart of stone to deal with us. Why do we have to let ourselves be destroyed through stupidity and sin? Why do we have to let children become rebellious and undisciplined?

In the end, these same rebellious people will rule over us. The ones that won’t are the ones who take drugs, and deny themselves wine and red meat products, and deny their children dairy products and destroy their brains through vegetarianism. As the scientists are now pointing out, these people will all have Alzheimer’s disease in their fifties and will need to be looked after by their parents. They are destroying their minds through fads and designer drugs. One third of the people of Sydney are estimated to be taking these drugs now weekly. Is that smart? I don’t think so. Our decisions are increasingly aberrant. People drive for miles the wrong way on dual carriageways because they are suffering from mental problems induced through disease. Am I making too much of all this? Look about you and see if it is not true.

We need to take stock of our situation and do something about it. You are the cause and the solution. We can fix it tomorrow by acting to change.

We need to be acting to create meaningful work for our people and meaningful lives. We need to act positively to remove theft and sin from our lives. We need to create hope and vision for our children.

Love one another and work to ensure the well being of the people you live among and then the nations you live with.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General


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