Dear Friends,
It is a requirement that the Church of God fast on the Day of Atonement by God’s Law. The fast goes from evening to evening or EENT to EENT at end 9 Tishri to end 10 Tishri each year.
It is also obvious to most people that the law requires it of the general populace and that there are categories of people that are unable for one reason or another to fast.
The categories of people that might be unable to fast and are thus excused all or part of the fast are listed below.
1. People with illnesses that are unable to cope with the rigours of fasting
and that by fasting will induce a relapse of the disease. Diseases that fall
into this category are those such as Diabetes where the fast will reduce the
blood sugar levels or whatever else might be the case with other diseases to
such a degree that they will relapse and destabilise their condition. The decision
as to the seriousness of the condition and the likelihood of destabilisation
is the responsibility of the individual and under no circumstances is any member
to place pressure on an afflicted person to fast where it might prejudice their
2. Nursing or expectant mothers where the health and well being of the mother
or infant is unable to cope with the full fast. The mother will be the best
judge of the ability but obvious distress and illness is grounds for cessation.
3. Children who are unable to cope with a full fast. The young are to be introduced
to a fast gradually and are to be the initiator of the request to fast. The
very young are not to be encouraged to fast for any length of time. Teens are
expected to fast unless ill.
4. The elderly may be increasingly unable to sustain a full fast and as such
are the best judges usually of what they can cope with unless their judgment
is impaired.
Anyone in any doubt is to consult a doctor for advice on the best course of action to take.
The decision is a matter for the individual concerned and is between them and God.
May God help you all in your devotions and protect us as we progress in following
Wade Cox
Coordinator General
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