Christian Churches of God

Sabbath Message by Wade Cox


Dear Friends,

Well it is Sabbath and shortly thereafter the New Moon on the third day of the week. Next week on the second day it is the traditional day for the Queen's Annual Celebrations in the British Commonwealth and here in Australia. This year she will have reigned for fifty years and it is her Golden Jubilee. Last century Queen Victoria did the same thing. These two periods were ones of great peace and prosperity for the British Commonwealth of Nations. The world has seen remarkable progress in the areas of science and knowledge generally. Men have gone to and fro and knowledge has increased as foretold by Daniel. It has been three thousand and fifty-three and two thirds years since the ordination of Saul by Samuel in the twenty-first year of the fifty-ninth jubilee of this age, in the congregation of Israel or 1052 BCE. We sinned against God by asking for a king to rule over us and God gave us a king and then ordained David in place of Saul. However, he said that he would not listen when we complained about the injustice of the activities of the monarch. David's line was to produce Messiah and indeed produced a great many monarchs both good and bad. God said through Samuel what would happen to us and that He would not listen when we complained about the king.

Elizabeth II of England has been exemplary in her conduct often at the expense of her own family, although she is blind to the truth of the faith. Our fathers swore an oath to the sovereign and most have kept their word. The Messiah was sent in that line and soon he will return to take up his throne. The change of shifts is about to occur between Christ and the present god of this world, the Lucifer.

Jesus Christ is of the line of David and is the rightful and true King of Israel. All those who sit on the throne do so as representatives of Christ and are judged accordingly but are not under judgment to the first resurrection. Soon, following on from the end of the reign of this sovereign, the diadem will be removed. We will go into the time of Jacob's trouble and much will happen to us. However, we will all be tested and we are all expected to perform according to the words spoken by our ancestors. All of the nations are to come into the faith and to the rulership of Christ over the next half jubilee period of twenty-five years. There will be no nation that is not a tribe of Israel under Jesus Christ ruled from Jerusalem.

We are all waiting now expectantly for the nations of this world, who are armed to the teeth, to agree not to blow each other into small radioactive pieces which will serve to contaminate the atmosphere of the planet. We have only just discovered that our clouds are actually formed from biological material and fungi that grow in the atmosphere and cause clouds to form. These micro-organisms will be contaminated in the warfare we are about to experience and drought will occur in addition to Global Warming induced shortages. We are at present fitting planes with giant vacuum cleaners in them in order to harvest and study these micro-organisms. During the fifties decade of the Twentieth century many nuclear weapons were tested. Over that period bones were collected from those who died all over the world and were sent to Scotland for testing. The result was that there was an alarming increase of radioactive materials and bi-products such as Strontium 90 in the bones of the young and old. It was for this reason that above ground testing was abandoned by all nations at the request of their scientists.

We will see these problems now develop as the nations of this world grapple for control and influence in this new world order. Remember that the whole world gives their power to this beast. Satan gives it his power and authority. It comes together and rules for one hour. This is a maximum of one month in prophetic terms. Thus its power is short-lived. However, it does massive damage in its short life and the whole world is brought to the brink of destruction from that point onwards.

From the end of the Fifth Seal to the Heavenly Signs and the wars of the trumpets we will see massive damage to the planet. We will cover more of this over the Feast Period at Tabernacles. I hope to be able to deal with the Movement of the Nations and the Eras of the Church at that time also.

I would like to remind you all that you are to have your Fellowship Forms signed and up to date and I will address this issue at the feast also. Do not take this matter lightly.

This last week a Seventh Day Adventist couple were tried and convicted of manslaughter in regard to the death of their child at some six month due to their aberrant veganism. The child died in March last year due to the failure to be fed adequate nutriments in the form of milk and other dairy type products resulting in fatal deficiencies in vitamin B12 and related vitamins and minerals and massive reduction in the brain size and operation due to the absence of adequate fats and nutriments. Such deficiencies also damage myelin and the nervous structure.

The Seventh Day Adventist Church allegedly distanced themselves from this activity. However, we must face the fact that this aberrant doctrine is taught by them and they encourage vegetarianism and veganism by their false teachings regarding the Bible diets and the doctrines of demons that these practices are. We will place this detail on the web site for all to study. Please make sure that you all study the papers Vegetarianism and the Bible (No. 183) and The Doctrines of Demons of the Last Days (No 48).

Vegetarianism and Veganism are false doctrines of demons and will not be tolerated in the churches of God. Such activity is to be removed and any children being damaged by this practice are to be protected. This bizarre teaching is on a level with the Jehovah's Witness doctrines of blood transfusions. They are serious theological errors.

Love one another and help all the brethren and the little ones. Keep them all in good health and work towards getting ready for the Messiah and the wonderful world ahead of us in the Millennial system. Pray for those in authority over you and please pray also for each of us in protection from the adversary.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General


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